Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Halloween Party at the Black Hole 2016

Anna Wright hands Olivia a ten and a toonie "I got it all...Char did you say..." She smiles as Ziven walks in "Oh never mind there he is...Hi Ziven."
Charlotte Gibbs turns "No costume?"

Ziven Ayala walks in with swagger.  A smidge more than his usual.  As he pays he turns to Charlotte.  "I'm a Native American.  See?  Denim and long black hair."

Oshi Shikigami: SO, the real question is will buckyballs be stable enough at zero to Mach 5 and 20 c to near plazmat temperatures, and not become de-magnized? And, does pre chilling with liquid helium have any additional stabilization, or just cause more thermal stress on the R.G. launcher?

Ryuko Shujinko: Well we are building up N to 'enth number of variables. I suppose Tatsu could knock one of formulas to cover this so it is not necessary to Throw a lot of costs and delays  for the answer?

Anna Wright smiles at Ziven "Uh huh. Nice to see you regardless." She looks at Char "K we're covered." Olivia takes the cash but then beckons Charlotte "Can I see some ID please?"

Charlotte Gibbs blushes crimson and laughs "Yeah here..." She hands over her license quietly.

Ziven Ayala grins.  "Hey,  I've been one of the Canadian Originals for a year.  Now I gotta be me." e looks at Charlotte.  "Seriously?  Carded?  Man oh man, I mist be old."

Oshi Shikigami: Well, I still think what she has done is very impressing, *TWO* medals for her work so far. Gee, talk about an 'over achiever'!'

Ryuko Shujinko: Yeah, it is hard to keep something like that quiet. She deserves recognition, for two successes already! But, I will be quiet about it. Sigh...

Anna Wright laughs at Charlotte and heads in "It's a compliment....and hilarious." She heads for the bar to order.

Charlotte Gibbs follows, rolling her eyes and walks up to the bar too giving Ziven a look "Shush, both of you. Now I really need a beer."

 Ziven Ayala smiles and moves after them, leaning against the counter.  "One of those Rockets, please." he orders looking between the two ladies.  "Maybe I really AM just old.  I thought I still looked good."  he mock pouts.  "Great costumes, by the way."

Oshi Shikigami: Ry, you do recall that some people here are very unhappy she went at all? It is not good to stir the pot!

 Ryuko Shujinko: Yeah, I guess. besides, I don't think the military wants this out just yet?

Anna Wright takes her beer and looks down the counter at Batman "Hey nice one man." Batman just looks at her and broods, saying nothing. she laughs and steps away so the other two can grab drinks muttering "He's perfect." As she turns, she sees the back of Oshi and her friend Ryuko and waves in their direction.

Charlotte Gibbs watches the Batman exchange and then pokes Ziven as she takes her drink "Thanks, and you are old." she teases and then quints to see who Anna is waving at.

Ziven Ayala eyes Batman and then reaches for his beer.  "He's a rich kid with issues.  No thanks."  he pouts and then he snorts.  "I should have put on my nudist costume.  I know that's your favorite, Charlotte." he teases in his own turn. and he glances over seeing Oshi.

Oshi Shikigami: Yes, exactly. Now, tell me how do I introduce my relitive from Japan coming? I want her to feel welcomed, and not over burdened by all this that is so new to her. And especially as she speaks so little English. Oshi sees her friends for the first time and smiles and waves back.

Ryuko Shujinko: Ryuko, sees Anna, and says, well there is Anna, Maybe you could ask her, what to do? Ryuko waves back and smiles to Anna and does a little involuntary bow.

Anna Wright walks over towards Oshi and Ryuko, calling back "Hey you guys remember Oshi right?"

Charlotte Gibbs nods "Yeah from the island." She walks up behind Anna "Hello again." She says to Oshi "And hi there." she says to the man she has not met "I'm Charlotte."

Ziven Ayala eyes the lovely French maid, but follows Anna.  "Of course."  he raises his right hand, palm out.  "How!"  he intones.

Oshi Shikigami: Oshi blushes a little and smiles. She says to Anna and the other common over pull up some chairs and join us? She asked with a smile.

Ryuko Shujinko: Yes, please, we have been doing some consulting work, and need a break anyway! Ryuko give a slight smiles, and waves them over.

Anna Wright eyes the laptops "So you're dressed up as an IT Department?" She teases and then sits. She gives Ziven a strange look about his greeting and then introduces him "And this is Ziven. Ziven, Ryuko...and Charlotte."

Charlotte Gibbs glances back at Ziven and chuckles and then puts her beer down "Since your not a nudist and it won't be quite so awkward, do you want to dance?" She's asking Ziven with a slightly sarcastic smile.

Oshi Shikigami: Both Oshi and Ryuko stow their laptops.

Ziven Ayala looks at Anna.  "It's .. a Native American thing .. total stereotype.  Never tell my mother I did it or you can see how we used to scalp people."  he looks at Charlotte, then looks over his shoulder, then at Charlotte again.  "I'd LOVE to dance with you."  he sounds surprised and flattered.

Oshi Shikigami: Anna Love the costume. But, for the love of god, do not ask Tatsu to make you a "Proton Pack!!?!?!?

Ryuko Shujinko: Ryuko snickers at Oshi's odd request. and blushes slightly.

Anna Wright grins at Charlotte asking Ziven to dance and then looks back at Oshi and Ryuko "Why, would it actually work?"

Charlotte Gibbs snorts "Oh don't get all.....whatever...come on ...." She heads for the dance floor.

Ryuko Shujinko: You never know, when she puts her mind to something. Probably the military would swoop it up before you had a chance to see it it worked? Ryuko forces a smiles.. And then she would make one for Hani too!

Ziven chuckles and follows her out. "I won't call my mother or send out invitations. You're just .. so ... relaxed and .. laid back." he looks happy for her. "Why?" he suspects he knows but isn't positive.

Oshi Shikigami: Let's just say, you would not want to find out? Oshi say with a quick laugh. Best not to know...

 Anna Wright smiles "Yeah maybe. So was there an early crowd in here? Have you folks been here long?"

Charlotte Gibbs smiles "Well Dad's been a bit better, which means I'm not so "on" you know....and I do love Halloween. It's Anna's birthday, so I'm sticking around until Monday." The DJ turns on the fog machine and the room gets a little hazy.

 Ziven Ayala begins dancing to the energetic beat.  He nods grinning.  "Yea, he Is doing a bit better."  he admits.  "I think he just needed someone to believe him ... not just SAY he believed him.  Michael is doing that.  Wierd for such a level headed guy, but ...."  he looks at her.  "I can't get over you."  he admits.  "I decided against the loincloth and headdress.  But I saw a couple people dressed like that.  I'm not mad .. but I'm glad my mother isnt around to see the stereotypes."  he laughs as he is enveloped in fog.

 Oshi Shikigami: Well, we came here to 'work' a couple hours ago, figuring we could get more don earlier than later. So Anna, I have a relative from Japan that can stop by just for Halloween and a bit. And she is a bit shy about it all. She has a costume I heard to do some trick or treats. And, I wanted to have fun, but of course be safe. So she is about Tatsu's age, and this is all kinda new to me. Oshi smiles weakly at Anna.

Ryuko Shujinko: Yes, got some thing work out, fortunately. Ryuko smiles hopefully.

Oshi Shikigami: Oh, and she does not speak a lot of English either.

Anna Wright looks at Oshi wide eyed "Are the shipping you another cousin to live with you or just legitimately a visitor? I mean don't get me wrong, we're a great place to trick or treat." She smiles at her friends out on the dance floor.

Charlotte Gibbs cringes "There are WAY too many inappropriate Halloween costumes around. I'm so glad this was the year of the new ghostbusters though...this works for me." She loses herself in the dance for a moment "You know I haven't done this in way too long....I know it seems odd to you because I'm such a control freak at work...but I wasn't always..."

 Ziven Ayala grins.  "You saw the French Maid too?"  he asks.  "Beautiful areolas and everything but TOO obvious, you know."  he watches her dance, matching her moves.  "I heard a little something about that.  Not a lot but ... I'm glad to see you relaxing.  it really is.  I know living with me isn't the easiest thing for you.  But I'm glad you never tried to accuse me of sexual harassment or anything."

Oshi Shikigami: Oh! Anna, I hope I will not be a 'dumping ground' for all of my relatives! Oh, my, no! But I think this is just a coincidence. I pray, i should say. Oshi looks a bit concerned.

Ryuko Shujinko: WE are either going to have to form a refuge camp, or Oh! I know, all we have to do is ask government assistance. The flow will stop!

Anna Wright smiles and folds her arms "At least it's a town with some people who speak Japanese." She grins "So she's arriving FOR Halloween? That's a fun way to start a holiday."

Charlotte Gibbs gives Ziven a steely look "Are you planning on harassing me? I mean aside from your nudist tendencies..." she jokes and then looks over at the French Maid "Yeah she's really out if it makes her happy who am I to judge."

Ziven Ayala chuckles.  "If you haven't jumped me yet, there's nothing happening."  he replies.  "You've seen all I have to offer the world, alas.  On a daily basis so .. no ... My daily dips are all you have to put up with."  he glances at the maid.  "When they're THAT obvious I tend to back way ... worse than a panther in heat.  Some guys might like that ... me?  No.  And I am still trying to decide if I am still friends to this guy I like. HE hasn't seen ANYTHING I have ot offer but personality."  he snorts as if that will get him NOWHERE.

Oshi Shikigami: Yeah, So I don't have any time before, it would seem. But What I know of her, she will do fine, if she doesnt get realy freaked out. And she is a sweet girl. So not to worry. Her name is "Ai Daibouken". And I think you would like her. Just be understanding, I think
 Ryuko Shujinko: Yeah, from what I have heard, the most problem you will have is language. So not to worry.

Anna Wright nods and asks "So Ai is her first name?" She points up, referring to the music "Weird science...they're playing your song."

Charlotte Gibbs smiles and then looks curious "K it's not Michael because he seems to have ...hooked up with Stephanie in a bigger way than we might have who do you like that's confusing you?"

Ziven Ayala smiles as he dances.  "Nooo .. turns out Michael and I are destined to be 'just friends' ... and doctor/patient .. as far as his cat goes.  But he's happy with Stephanie, and she seemed pretty cool.  No ... this is a guy I met ... actually.  Um .. its."  he blushes .. a rare thing.  "Stephanie's brother ... OLDER brother."  he admits.  "I think he may be bi-curious .. which is fine. I'm not in love, but if he would lek to experiment .. anything for science, right?"

Oshi Shikigami: Weird Science, Loved the flick, even though it was stupid, it was funny. A comment on society for sure. But yeah, I seem to be involved and immersed. And no end in sight. Should I be afraid? Possibly! She chuckles.

 Ryuko Shujinko: All science is weird. and yeah it gets more so. So you either shay What the ... Or take the challenge to make it make sense. I think.

Anna Wright laughs "Weird is the new cool. OK what about you Ryuko, Halloween plans? Unexpected relatives? I'm looking forward to trick or treaters. It's always fun."

Charlotte Gibbs smirks "Another Yamada? What is it with that family? There's another brother...younger...cute...straight though and taken I think...." She thinks and then blinks and says "You know he ...dated Anna right?" She looks over catching her smile at them and smiles back awkwardly.

Ziven Ayala laughs.  "They're sexy .. all of em."  he announces.  "Yea ...  I think that may be part of my problem .. well not mine, but HIS.  We text mostly.  Between his restaurant and my patients .. we saw one movie together, have gone shopping once, couple dinners and that's it.  He had it bad for her .. that's for sure.  But he's healing ... and I am being the dutiful friend.  Really.  I DO like the guy.  But I'm glad I never had it so bad for ANYONE as he did."

Oshi Shikigami: I am working on have a few friends over for Halloween, and taking Ai out of course. Nothing serious, just some good times, and stupid horror flicks, I suppose, all happening at home. Oh, and with all your intertwining with the local Japanese, well, if I can ever help or advise, I am here for you. Not that I think you would need much. Oshi smiles.

Ryuko Shujinko: Oh, Anna, Thankfully, no. No friends or relatives this year, I leave that all up to Oshi, she is the queen for that,  And I am but a simple geek...

Anna Wright nods "Well Steph is my connection to all that too but thanks. She bucks tradition a bit but tows the line when she has to too. I'm such a wimp for horror movies."

Charlotte Gibbs nods but then can't help but REALLY get into dancing to Thriller and singing along.

Ziven Ayala's eyes get wide as Charlotte lets her hair down.. so to speak, his own flying all over hell.

Oshi Shikigami: Anna, I want to some decorating for my place. But I am having problems finding Green, and purple, bunting? DO you know where I could find some? I think Ai would love to have those colors for Halloween, along with some of the more conventional colors?

Ryuko Shujinko: Ryuko seems to choke on his 'Rocket' Beer, seems to choke for a moment, and then, after thinking a moment, Says, Yes, I see what you are saying, good idea! He smiles shakily.

Anna Wright thinks "you could make it from construction paper maybe. It might be easier to find specific Halloween bunting this time of year. Do you have a pumpkin?" She gives Ryuko a curious look "Are you OK man?" and then takes a big sip of her beer.

Charlotte Gibbs grins after the song and points at Anna "Her fault. She was my babysitter, got me into all her music when I was a kid. You're closer to Anna's age aren't you Ziven? I'm only 34...but apparently that's young enough to still get carded here."

Ziven Ayala smiles and looks at Anna for a second.  "I'm only 38!"  he protests.  "And no gray hair.  Maybe the job is finally aging me."  he muses.  "I'm jealous.  My MOTHER looks 34.  That can get ... weird when people think we're brother and sister."

Oshi Shikigami: Yeah, I could do it with construction paper. I just don't think I can get anything shipped in at this late date. Maybe I will bake her some cookies? Most of recipes are with hard to get ingredients here. Anna, do you have any cookie recipes that can be food colored, and get stuff for them locally?

Ryuko Shujinko: Yeah, I bet she would like that. true enough. I will work on some color projectors, or something? Oh yeah, I am fine now Anna. he blushes a little.

Anna Wright glances at Ryuko and back at Oshi with a little "Hmmm" and then says "All They should have stuff at Chen's, unless she has some weird allergies or something? I had to really badger Ushi to order in gluten free flour once. She's a bit stubborn....well that's an understatement...but she's had a bad year so I'll be nice."

Charlotte Gibbs smiles "Anna's about to be I guess you will be too...and then 40...sitting out there like a big dead hand..." she swipes a hand towards Ziven like a menacing zombie.

Ziven Ayala moans, then groans.  "Well ... maybe if I ate brains I would get smart?"  he winks.  He's far from stupid.  "You just want to live the fantasy of chopping my head off."  he jokingly accuses
Oshi Shikigami: Of course. that would work. If there is no "special" family recipe that would have local significance. So no problem. And I even thing Chen's has food coloring.

Ryuko Shujinko: Yeah, I think my mother has something too. I shall e-mail her and see.
 I liked them anyway!

Anna Wright nods "The world is full of good food. We should do a cookbook for the town...."

Charlotte Gibbs eyes Ziven's head "Well, it's very symmetrical. It would boil quite evenly I think. I could sell the hair to wig makers." Now she starts jumping up and down as Ghostbusters comes on after her horrible musings.

Ziven Ayala gathers his hair protectively in both hands and watches Charlotte .. once again being .. not very Charlotte-like.

Oshi Shikigami: Bunting! yeah, bunting. Got to find some bunting. But where?

 Ryuko Shujinko: Oshi, I am sure she is going to be thrilled regardless. Don't you think? Really. no reason to 'over do' this? I man, well, really. You think?

Anna Wright had to get up and dance but still listens and then shrugs "I dunno Walmart in Vancouver? Dollar Store.....she could help you make it...maybe she'd like to help decorate Oshi."

Charlotte Gibbs smirks "Relax, I was kidding. Halloween you know...gotta tap into the gory bits of the mind."

 Ziven Ayala grins.  "You know something."  he laughs.  "We live together.  Work together.  How long has it been now?  I have NEVER seen you like this."  he releases his his and throws it over his shoulder.  "I like it."  he admits.

 Oshi Shikigami: Good idea Anna, I should see what all she wants to do. But I should have at least a few 'small' surprises too? Don't you think?

Ryuko Shujinko: Yes, I am with Anna on this, do not overdo, yourself. She will freak out, if you do too much. It will be all she can handle just to be here, don't you think?

 Anna Wright nods "Keep it chill. See what she's like first Oshi."

Charlotte Gibbs shrugs "I know. I've been a little harsh with you Ziven. I'm sorry. I was in a bad head space with all the stuff with Dad. I AM a control freak though. I love cataloging stuff in the marsh because of it...the order to it."

 Ziven Ayala grins.  "I noticed.  Seem to remember you freaking out when I climbed out of the lake buck naked and introduced myself to you as Dr Ayala."  he laughs.

 Oshi Shikigami: Yes, Yes, I guess you are right. DO not want to freak her out with too much? Yeah. OK. But DAMN I want her to feel really 'at home', though.

 Ryuko Shujinko: Well yeah, I think so too. You do know you can do this not all at once too? Not fry her brain in one setting? Yeah, I think I may be able to help with that.

Mitch Newmore: Hey everybody! Happy Halloween. For tonight, just call me Brother Mitch, kind of a hip monk. He smiled.

Anna Wright looks at Mitch's costume "Should we start confessing things? Could be a rough night for you if we start. Happy Halloween." She says with a grin."

 Charlotte Gibbs looks over and sees a guy in a robe talking to Anna and smiles casually at him before turning back to Ziven "That was a pretty unexpected introduction." she blushes just a bit "No shame."

Ziven Ayala chuckles.  Well, you were early.  I was headed in to dress .. if you'd come twenty minutes later..."  he grins and sees the monk.  "And no .. I have no shame.  What fun would it be if I did, really?  But we still live and work together in harmony ... and I love your Dad too."

Oshi Shikigami: Oh! hat Mitch! pull up a chair and chat, too long, no see. Oshi says with a smile. Joined an order?

Ryuko Shujinko: Er, Mitch. Good to see you again. Please, join us? Ryuko smiles genuinely.

Mitch Newmore: Well, thanks everyone. Great to see you too Oshi. Looking good Anna!. and it's already been a rough night! Mitch laughs and pulls up a chair, nodding a hello to each one at the table.

Anna Wright takes a sip of her beer and then uses it to gesture at Mitch "Did you have a gig? Was it like Gregorian chanting?" teasing him about the costume a bit "I have two friends here but they're dancing their faces off. she points at Charlotte and Ziven and waves at them "Charlotte and Ziven."

Charlotte Gibbs smiles "I can tell and it helps him." She sees Anna pointing at them "I think she's turning you into the church Ziven...for your nude lewd ways. Just smile and nod." she waves to the monk dude.

Ziven Ayala spots the wave and returns it.  "He deserves some peace."  he looks at the monk.  "Oh, I thik I could stand to confess to him ...."

Oshi Shikigami: It just occurred to me, in the old TV series, "Babylon 5" They had an interesting show, that covered the conflict between the "Green" and the "Purple" of the Draze race. Man how did I miss that allegory?

Ryuko Shujinko: You're right! man, what a cosmic coincidence? I have to think on that...

Mitch answers Anna as it nods and waves at her friends and smiles at Mr Spock,...and nods as he listens to the others. "Had a late night recording session - last night. started at 2 am...only ended four hours ago. the overtime pay will be great but I'm dead."

 Anna Wright grins as char and Ziven wave back and follows Mitch's gaze to Spock "Great likeness. Batman's perfect too by the bar...brooding even. Well I suppose you can give yourself last rights and all." She glances at Oshi and Ryuko "Never watched Babylon 5 but I remember the controversy over green smarties."

Charlotte Gibbs teases Ziven "Forgive me Father I have sinned, and I plan to do it again, and again!" she dances away now and hops around in a circle.

 Ziven Ayala laughs.  "And again." he proclaims.  "You know how many people cant believe I even went to medical school?"  he teases.

Oshi Shikigami: Well, in any case, I think she will be plenty surprised, if I can do half of this, which makes it all good. But I really don not to make a habit of this.

Ryuko Shujinko: Oh, I bet we won't have many more times for anything like this at all.

 Mitch laughs at Anna's joke...turns to Charlotte, raises his right hand, making the sign of the cross, "You are absolved of all past and future sins which you find to be pleasant." and turns back to the table and smiles. Looking to see Oshi's reaction. Mitch loves to make her laugh. he misses that.

Anna Wright snorts "Now who has Vulcan hearing? This song is something else....."

 Charlotte Gibbs giggles and pokes Ziven "There all set now. I think this DJ is seriously eclectic."

Ziven Ayala chuckles.  "I admit I love the music.  Kinda needed this .. getting out and having fun."  he begins to act out Brads part.

 Oshi Shikigami: Mitch, have you got the whole, roommate thing all worked out yet? I worry, that can be a problem. Oshi seems to be concerned by her look.

Ryuko Shujinko: Yeah, Mitch, I had not heard how that all went. If you need another roommate, let me know? I might be able to work something out?

 Mitch looks at Anna and nods toward the stage, "I didn't know The Dead were playing here this week." he smiles "I guess that's why my gig was cancelled. He turns to Oshi and Ryuko, oh I found roommates after a few weeks. it's worked out nicely. Martelle and Gabe. Gabe's's a musician too, well, he's a fisherman but he plays a helluva banjo. I jam with him on acoustic. and Martelle doesn't mind. so we fit good." he smiles at everyone

Anna Wright looks at the coffin "And they're not even Grateful. You see what I did there?" She doesn't even look like she cares if anyone else laughs but bursts into her own hysterics.

 Charlotte Gibbs nods at Ziven "Me too. Why don't people believe you went to med school?" she leans in and gets a little louder to be heard over the music.

Ziven Ayala grins and winks.  "It's my relaxed demeanor and unprofessional hair, mostly."  he replies leaning into her so they can her each other.  "And I've never been one of those smart people that has to know everything about every subject.  Too laid back.  I don't think I would have made it as a human doctor.  No one would hire me.  My ego isn't large enough."

 Oshi Shikigami: I am so glad you got that worked out. I wanted you to be happy there. Seems you are? Life has so many wrinkles and changes, like time moves in a corkscrew and we never know where we reside on the spiral. Oshi looks pensive.

 Ryuko Shujinko: Yes, good news. I am OK where I am at, even though I have an 'eclectic' landlord. It all works good.

 Mitch smiles at Oshi and and Ryuko and laughs at Anna laughing at herself, almost spitting out his beer. to Oshi "Yeah, they're great. we all have nutty schedules but everybody is aware of the other's space and nobody is a slob. that's really all you need." he laughs

 Anna Wright recovers and takes a big sip of beer after snickering at Mitch's reaction "Yeah roommates can be a tricky thing. I 've had my fair share over the years too. Makes for some good stories later. Oh I like this folks want to go join the dancers? Can't let Ziven and char have ALL the fun?" She jumps up and hits the dance floor, looking back at the table.

Charlotte Gibbs sees Anna join them and smiles, giving her a hip bump and werewolf howl now.

Ziven Ayala watches as he gets into the dance

Oshi Shikigami: Ry, It seems that the more we do the closer we come to the spiral of time? Where it happens, and happens again. Sigh

Ryuko Shujinko: Yes it does, we are in the center of the eye of the storm that twines all around us. But this is just for now. its unstable.

  Mitch Newmore:"Things"...enjoying dancing, wishing Patty was here but she's got a gig...turns to Anna, his good friend, and dances toward her for a moment now and then...and twirls around and takes in everybody's outfits..."Hey this place looks pretty good. They did a nice job. Didn't think it was possible" he snickers, glances at Anna

Anna Wright nods "Yeah it rocks. Aww, tell Patty we miss her." She now shouts over the music at Ziven and Char "Hey, this is Mitch by the way. He lives on Galley at the end, just down from me."

Charlotte Gibbs shouts back "Hi Mitch!" with a big grin.

Ziven Ayala waves. "Hey, Mitch!How goes it?"

Oshi Shikigami: I could, I have painted it. But you always loose a bit of your soul, whenever you pear into the Abyss!

 Ryuko Shujinko: There is a formula for it, and it is tantalizingly complex. But I think it is also the most basic of all. More basic than the Time Space theory at the heart of ot. We, we will weep with its simplicity.

Mitch Newmore: "Hi" Mitch waves to Anna's friends, then smiles at Anna, dancing away, enjoying the moment to cut lose, even though he's tired from a long day of work. "Man am I glad I don't have a gig tonight," he says to no one in particular

Anna Wright overhears some of Oshi and Ryuko behind her but can't quite figure it all out so she just smiles at them for a second and then nods at Mitch "Good to have a night just for fun now and then."

Charlotte Gibbs smiles at Ziven and then Anna and Mitch "We were just talking about that. Ziven's never seen me let much work Char and grump Char."

Ziven Ayala laughs and spins.  "Especially grump Char ...  CHAR?  Man ... let me guess, if I call you that you'll stock my lake with snapping turtles?"

Oshi Shikigami: Quite likely. We make it all so complex. But it will be some day, like Tesla said, pervasive and free in the universe, when we can relay see it.

Ryuko Shujinko: True, nuf. And we will wonder at the wisdom of THE child. Yes.

Mitch Newmore: "I got home in time to see the Cubs lose" Mitch said to Anna. "I don't know why I'm rooting so hard for them. I guess 'cause my brothers so into it. I mean...I rooted for the Jays in the other rounds...'cause ya gotta root for the Jays, hell....but now i'm into the Cubs big time"...he shrugs at Anna as he dances

Anna Wright squints at Mitch "Baseball....that's the one with the rackets and the scores having something to do with love right?" She feigns complete ignorance and aversion ot all sports.

Charlotte Gibbs frowns for Mitch and then laughs at Anna "You dork."

 Ziven Ayala looks over.  "I'm half American Indian and half Canadian Indian .. I have no CHOICE but to root for the Indians.  It would help if I gave a shit about baseball but ... its a racial thing."

Oshi Shikigami: She, she said to me, the other day, it was so simple. So very simple. It was all 'Vectors', she said. ALL vetorys, and when we figure that, We will begin to accept wisdom. My God Ry, did she actually figure that out? Is it true?

Ryuko Shujinko: I have a vague inkling, that it may just be that simple. But  uh but what? I don't know, it is so far out there, for me...

Mitch Newmore: "I don't know if I can forgive Cleveland if they beat the Cubs. Brother Mitch must pray over this." he goes into a prayer position...while continuing to dance.

Anna Wright snorts "that's like the Monty Python of baseball prayers. Jezus, please don't let the rice be sticky...and don't let the Cubs lose."

Charlotte Gibbs just laughs and dances.

 Ziven Ayala laughs.  "They're in Chicago right?  If they take it in Chicago .. there may not be a team TO never forgive." he offers.  "Cubs fans will slaughter them .. it'll be Little Big Horn all over again!"

Oshi Shikigami: Damn, the world, is it ready for this? have reached a level of maturity for accepting this truth? Man I don't know.

Ryuko Shujinko: Yes, I suppose so. But what options do we really have. Will we stagnate in another "Dark Time of melinia? I truely hope not. People are so fragile.

 Mitch dances along, riding a high he put on, with a Magic Muffin given him by a friend, just before walking over here. He smiles at Anna's baseball talk. "Well, the Cubs will be good for a few years. If it isn't this year, it won't be long."

Anna Wright dances a bit more and then stops to catch her breath, giving Char a little tap "I'm petering out a bit. I worked the early shift for the breakfast today. Do you want my key if you want to stay later than me?"

Charlotte Gibbs leans in "No I'm good to go when you do. We've had a good night. One more song and then we split?" She looks at Ziven, including him if he wishes to be included.

 Ziven Ayala shakes his head.  "It'll be the end of the world as we know it."  he teases, having no intention of jumping on any bandwagons, heritage or no heritage.  When Anna speaks he looks at his watch.  "Holy shit it's late!  I have surgery in the morning!"  he shrugs.  "One more and I can see you ladies home?  I am a perfect gentleman."  he looks to Charlotte to back him up.

 Oshi Shikigami: Well, let us see how the cards are played? the hand is shuffled, and now comes the proof. We will leve or die by its play, I think. Toss a 100 yen coin in the box, ring the bell, and wait. But not too long, I think.

 Ryuko Shujinko: Yes, and be sure to ring the bell. and maybe write out an Emma. One for all of mankind...

Mitch Newmore: Hey Anna, I'm going to head out too, i'm exhausted from that session. going to sleep for twelve hours at least. Cool tunes."

Anna Wright nods "Want to walk with us Mitch?"  She looks at Oshi and Ryuko "Hey we're taking off after this song. You have a happy Halloween if I don't see you before it."

Charlotte Gibbs stops dancing as the song ends and gives Oshi and Ryuko a little wave "Night!'

Ziven Ayala stops and heads out with the group leaving.

Mitch Newmore: Yeah Anna, great. A good night for a walk." Mitch waves and nods at the others who are starting to leave. "Good night, take care," he says to each. "You be good Oshi," he says to his old roommate, smiling at her friend. "Say when Anna" "Happy Halloween everyone"

 Oshi Shikigami: Great to see you again Mitch! Sleep well. We should get sleep as well. cool, see you soon, I hope. Goodnight all,Oshi smiles and does a little bow to all.

 Ryuko Shujinko: So, yeah, time to turn in I think, Good night all! Ryuko remembers to retrieve his and her laptops.

The bar slowly empties out, ghouls and goblins alike drifting into the night. The DJ turns off the fog machine and goes to talk with Molly the bartender. She's starting at Batman passed out on her bar. Unable to help himself the DJ gets right beside him, leaning into his ear "WHY SO SERIOUS?"

The Dark Night rises, and leaves without a word.

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