Thursday, November 24, 2016

Preparing for Holidays - Anna, Sasha and Hani

Sasha Williams runs to catch up with Hani.  "Come on lets look!" she calls, passing him and heading inside

Haninozuka Wang looks around jumps a bit.. 'wicked .. yea i was just passing by but i guess we could go in he say softly

Anna Wright is digging through a basket of mitts when she feels the breeze of the door opening and closing behind her. She hears some teens talking and turns, seeing them with a smile. She's met the boy and forgotten his name but the girl is new to her "Hi."

Sasha Williams huffs and heads in, looking around eagerly.  She peeks in at their Santa and comes back, looking a little disappointed and then begins looking at the tables.  She looks at the woman  "Hi!" she speaks boldly with a sort of Midwestern accent.  She looks back at the curtain obscuring Santa and sighs, scanning the room again

Haninozuka Wang watches Sasha 'whats back their zombie Santa kiss.. he laugh softly cuz you saw mamma biting Santa Claus .. he scans around observing the craft fair

Anna Wright chuckles at the kids and picks up a stocking and turns it over looking at it. She remembers the age where Santa was more of a humour than a magic of Christmas. These two look about there if not a little older.

Sasha Williams looks at him and cuts her eyes at the lady a second. "I looked up Canadian Santa Claus."  she says boldly, not known for her shyness  That one must be runnin from Trump too."  she huffs and puffs out her cheeks.  She looks on the table at the goods, carefully.

Haninozuka Wang looks around 'yeah cause next your Santa trump is going have us sending him gifts .. 'he laughs as he looks at the crafts on the table.. well at least Trump is safe in case of a zombie outbreak cuz he don have brains .. he looks at the toys 'cool , he pull some toys out of his cargo shorts and kiss them . he looks down at his old wolfman doll 'you serve me well but home says i have to make room for toys "

Anna Wright laughs at the assessment of Santa and then puts down the stocking and curiously peeks, giving Santa a little wave. She watches the boy part with old toys and sighs to the girl "Good for him."

Sasha Williams looks at the baked goods, considering, then moves on to the table with the stockings and quilts. She snorts at Hani's comment. "I was kinda hoping to see Prime Minister Trudeau, myself." she nods. "My mama said it was so close I should donate back in Minnesota. I don't have so many toys now." she sighs and folds her arms. "But this all says 'winter' ..... What about Canadian Christmas traditions? SO I can tell my Mom and Gran?" she looks at the earmuffs like .. maybe ...

Haninozuka Wang smiles as he leaves the table with weird toys that he cherish as little tike and looks back around..looking at the different sweaters

Anna Wright picks up a Christmas tin and thinks about it's size "Canadian traditions?'re from the States? We're pretty similar in terms of Christmas. I mean unless you're in Quebec...they do a few things differently like Tourtiere...which is a meat pie on Christmas eve."

Sasha Williams looks at the green and red sweater.  "Ohhhhh  a Fred Kruger sweater."  she beams and folds it over her arm.  getting the matching gloves she turns back.  "For real?  Well .... I'll suggest it.  ANYTHING better than chit'lin's"  she looks at the ins.  "But is it REALLY the same up here as down there?  Fruitcake, fat Santa, green and red and stuff?"  she picks up a pair of ear muffs, too. "It's all nice but .... I guess I thought it's be different from the trim Santa on down."  she was hoping for the PM, which would mean cute, trim and sexy Santa, but .... no luck.

Haninozuka Wang was about to reach for that sweater but laughs .. 'wonder if i could get some granny to knit me one with a Jason mask on it 'he say .'that be wicked 'he .say withdrawing his hand and holds out the bird sweater'look Sasha I'm giving you the bird'he laughs hard

Anna Wright laughs "I think you might be hoping for an extended Halloween. And you said the Prime Minister?" She looks at a loss, not able to address them by name "I'm Anna. " She says to the girl, and then turns to the boy "And I've forgotten your name, I'm sorry.”

Sasha Williams peruses the food again and turns back to look at Hani.  "Oh that would be SWEET!"  she proclaims.  She looks at the sweater.  "I look forward to unwrapping it, unless this is just a for now present.  I can get you one, too.  I only have your Christmas present so far."  no pressure, boy.  She then turns to he woman while Hani considers what he's literally just bought into. "Yes!  He is SO CUTE!  We got fat, old, orange out of shape politicians in America.  Well ... Arnold wasn't bad."  she offers her hand to Anna.  "I'm Sasha Williams.  Just moved here from Minneapolis.  A pleasure to meet you, Anna."

Haninozuka Wang turns it around 'if i had my way .. it be Halloween town year round "he laughs abit menacingly and creepy but smiles 'Haninozuka.. Wang.. " he say softly .he blinks at her did you want a bird for now 'he says softly scratching his head . he bites his lip 'umm ill have to look for yours maybe some MRE or something off of the survived recommend list 'he say out loud 'he puts the sweater in her hand 'take it .. " he say softly

Anna Wright shakes Sasha's hand "Nice to meet you Sasha...and Hani, again. I think Trump's looks are the least of his problems...but what can you do..." She laughs, lets go of the hand and takes a cookie sample.

Sasha Williams turns back to Hani after her handshake with Anna and takes the sweater.  "You're so sweet.  A nice sweater. AND MRE." she leans over and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek.  "I'm not telling you what I got you."  she tells him, hugging her choices to her ... the bird sweater included.  She looks again at Anna. "Immigrate."  she puts it bluntly.  "My mama been planin this move a year and a half now."  she leans over the cookies.  "Gingersnaps? Ohhh yes."

Haninozuka Wang nods at Anna smiling .. then is surprise when she kisses his cheek. blushing a bit . but shrugs after digging thru the basket of gloves looking at them like its a life or death situation on his choice .. '

Anna Wright looks between the teens as if they're simply adorable after the kiss on the cheek and Hani's blush. She resists the urge to just utter Aww and put them on the spot and just yes "Yes good gingersnaps...nice and fresh." She nods at the sweater "That's a nice pattern."

Sasha Williams looks at the cookies.  "May I have one?"  she wonders aloud and then smiles and smooths the sweater.  "Yes.  That was very sweet of him.  Considering he's a boy ... and still has his halloween contacts in."  she laughs lightly but shows no signs of giving up the sweater.

Haninozuka Wang looks up at her 'well its a dull color good for blending in and its warm .. 'he lift up a pair of glove i was looking for a pucid green pair of gloves . he winks 'well i like my bloody eyes.. 'he groans softly making monster noises but looks at the food table .. though fruitcake is well preserved that be your best bet

Anna Wright nods "Yep the packed ones are for sale but what's out is always samples."

Sasha Williams giggles.  "Uh huh.  Well, if I'm eating fruitcake then you KNOW it's the Apocalypse."  she takes a cookie and samples it.  "Well ... baked goods never keep till Christmas but ...." she smiles and takes a box.

Haninozuka Wang looks at you 'well you haven't had Miss Leowen bake you a fruitcake made by an old Jewish grandma 'he laughs hard ..

Anna Wright moves to look at the quilt but comments about fruitcake "Oh wait there's a Canadian tradition....bad fruitcake, not made by beloved Grandmas, gets used for hockey pucks."

Sasha Williams laughs.  "Some foods are best saved for disasters. Fruitcake and Spam are the first two I can think of." she looks at the quilt.  "I want to make me one of them."  she says a little dreamily.  "Maybe by next winter.  Like a quilt of y first year in Canada."  she ponders.  "I wonder if I can get Officer Reinhardt to cut up his shirt..."

Haninozuka Wang brushes past Sasha .. looks around to sample it a slice of fruitcake and talks open mouth . 'not Mrs. Leown's but its not too bad..'he chew 'why you want his shirt 'he says clueless

Anna Wright looks curious for the answer too, wondering if Michael has a young admirer "Friend of yours Sasha, Officer Reinhardt that is."

Sasha Williams looks at Hani.  "Because he is the first cop I ever talked to that didn't treat me like a complete idiot.  And offered me self defense classes, so I'm learning more fighting techniques." she beams.  "UNARMED combat .. can you BELIEVE it?  I knew some knife techniques but they told me at the CPPD I couldn't do that here."  she looks at Anna and shrugs.  "Sort of. But he's got a girlfriend." she rolls her eyes, then lowers them a bit.

Haninozuka Wang is too busy stuff his fact but sorta is red from brushing past Sasha .. he goes on to sample everything on the table he looks for something to do to not have to turns to face them .. he exhales softly and picks up two loafs of fruitcake holding both as he looks around at the over stuff using them as weights absentmindedly

Anna Wright has a look on her face like she finds Sasha's reaction as adorable as the moment between her and Hani but only the quilt sees it. Clearing her throat she looks up and around "Yes, they're very helpful here, our police in this town anyway." She watches Hani lift fruitcake like weights and has to chuckle a bit.

Sasha Williams nods.  "They actually seem to CARE of kids use weapons."  she snorted.  "The lady ... Lieutenant?  The black lady? I think she wound up meeting my mom ..."  she winces a little bit. "But I am glad to know other ways to fight.  And what do do if an emergency crops up.  I sort of left the whole zombie thing aside watching the protests after that election.  That ... is worse .. and more likely to happen ... obviously."

Haninozuka Wang looks over at them after he feels the flush left his cheek 'nah he dating Stephanie.. right .. i think i babysit her kid .. 'he shrugs and continues to sample a bit more and peeks at the Santa 'sup fat man 'he waves and goes over to the fire warming his hands 'yeah .. zombies .. they are only happening in the movie and TV show 'he say softly ah fuck its fake " he swears ..

Anna Wright grins "This town is very connected. Lieutenant Johnson had been there forever. Awesome lady. One of my best friends works there with her, Officer Douglas, my other best Stephanie. And yes, we prefer children unarmed, and bears!" She jokes. She nods at Hani now "You babysat Tristan? Cool." and then she chuckles about the fire.

Sasha Williams pffts.  "He prolly think I'm too young anyway.  But she has a cute baby.  I live in the building next to them."  she giggles.  "Fake or not, he still fat."  she huffs.  "Bring back healthy skinny Santa!"  she lifts up her fist.  "YEA!  Lieutenant Johnson.  And I met the Douglas lady too."  she sighs.  "I didn't know that.  Where I am from you have to know how to fight.  I stayed out of the gangs and away from the drugs but it was still dangerous.  I guess its not like that here."

Haninozuka Wang shrugs as the Santa looks at him and he shakes his head at him "i think still do .. 'he say softly and shrugs and turns around to go 'nah its quiet here.. not like hell's kitchen .. 'he say softly ..

Anna Wright sighs and looks worriedly at Sasha "Hopefully this place is more peaceful for you, both of you." She smiles at Hani and Sasha both.

Sasha Williams looks at Hani.  "YOU been in a knife fight?  ANY fight?"  she moves to the person taking the payments and gives her cash.  "This I gotta see.'  she proclaims waiting on her big bag and in her amazement paid for the bird sweater.

Haninozuka Wang chuckles in a sinister way and hums kidnap the sandy claw and looks at Santa 'he chuckles . he looks at you . 'nah.. though i had to grab a trash can lid and fend off some dbag mugger .. creepy dude 'eh shrugs like its a walk in the park

Anna Wright gets in line to pay too and winces a bit at the conversation.

Sasha Williams arches her brows.  "THIS I gotta see."  she takes her bag and looks at him.  "Pay the lady and lets go." she says casually as if hes just volunteered for an audition.

Haninozuka Wang looks at you weird but shrugs and walks to the cashier and pays for his fruitcake loaf and her sweater.. but the land hands back his money .. 'the fuck Sash.. i said i got this 'he say chuckling but follows her ..

Anna Wright just watches the pair from behind them both with amused curiosity. She adds the stocking she was admiring earlier to her pile as she stands in line.

Sasha Williams blinks.  "Ohhhh that.  Well, if you beat my ass in this fight, I'll give it to you and THEN you can give it to me." she heads for the door.  "Emphasis on IF."

Haninozuka Wang waves at Anna at and chuckles laugh 'oh its so fucking on Williams" and runs after Sasha

Anna Wright laughs as she pays "Careful you two! And have fun!" Anna is thinking from the banter between them that it's a joke or a play fight. In fact from the flirty little moments she saw, she has half a mind to think the two teens might just run off to a remote part of one of the beaches and neck.

Sasha Williams snorts and marches straight to the small beach without a word.  Dropping her bag by one of the logs she turns and immediately assumes a fighting stance, both fists balled weight balanced and ready.  "Bring it!'

Haninozuka Wang drops his bag next to hers and also gets in his hands in to fist not even protest that she is girl .. beyond his dads would say .. he knew girl could kick ass and beat the shit of guys having been on the receiving in of that many time in the streets of hell ' he looks at her squared in the eye and 'don't hold back 'he say raising his eyes brushing the blue bangs out of his eyes ..' . he lunges forward in and upper cut punch

Sasha Williams bends at her knees and lunges forward, aiming a punch at his bell and not holding back.  Not even a little bit.

Haninozuka Wang dodges bit but her punch sinks in he stagger back but he still come back 'good none of the weak girls shit with the hair pulling 'he say breathed a bit 'he grabs goes to gram for her arm.. '

Sasha Williams pulls back but he's got her arm.  For a second she wonders and then turns her back to him and attempts to throw him like Officer Reinhardt taught her to.

Haninozuka Wang starts to be throw back cups her arm its a struggle but she eventually throws him off he lands in the dirt . he punches the ground and starts back pull back his hand and aim for her stomach.

Sasha Williams goes down with him, unintentionally landing on the punch to her stomach.  "Off!"  she straddles him, grabbing the offending arm and pulling it across his body and trying to grab the other hand.

Haninozuka Wang growls softly rolls her around in the dirt but the force of her grab stacks his other arm across his own throat . he coughs a bit as he struggles to get her off his legs kicking her chin. a bruise forms across his neck..

Sasha Williams struggles in the sand with him but is able to get him back on his back, even with the knee to her chin.  She grabs both of his wrists and forces her knee between his legs.  "Say uncle or I'll make you a damn girl!" she pants.

Haninozuka Wang writhes 'never.. 'he says through .. gritted teeth . he struggles to get loose clamping her knees with his legs . he looks like mad man with his red face and determined eyes

Sasha Williams growls and struggles. trying to get him in the nuts ... she humphs and may come close.

Haninozuka Wang has a crazy 'do .. i dare you ' look to him as he as almost breaks free but doesn't but her sheer skill

Sasha Williams tries again to free her knee, lifting it and then bringing it down hard as she can between his legs.

Haninozuka Wang grimaces as she makes contact 'good.. choice .. don't ever fucking back down 'he chokes out in slightly higher octave. 'fuck .. you win .. " he say softly 'did officer whats his face.. redhead dude teach you that .. 'he laughs his eyes pooling a bit. but he blinks a bit .. 'good good ' he manages

Sasha Williams backs off of him and stands.  "Well, he taught me to do it better.  But I already knew where to hit a guy." she smiles down at him and nods.  "Good fight, Hani Solo."  she praises him. "I gave you my all and you gave me your all, I can tell."  she offers him her hand to help him up.  "You'll be a good one to have with me if everything turns to shit."

Haninozuka Wang takes her hand 'he winces .. I don't mind being a girl .. as long as I am some punk ass weak bitch that is waiting for some dick to save her 'he say chuckling a bit out of breath as he pulls her arm down in mock like he going to pull her down but instead smiles as she helps him up . he dusts the sand off 'i guess you get to keep me not pay for your sweater 'eh laughs softly 'same here . i don't have to play the white knight or whatever. to some weak girl .,just promise me one thing'he laugh softly

Sasha Williams lifts a hand to her mouth and it comes back bloody. "You got me." she doesn't sound at all angry about it.  Instead she smiles.  "Yup.  You gonna have to come up with another present.  And no ... be nice if I'm up against more than one or outmatched but ... I can take care of myself."  she pauses.  "What thing?  depends on what it is?"

Haninozuka Wang laughs softly and hands her a skull and cross bone hankie'yeah i can see that .. I'm glad you can. 'he chuckles 'a persons gotta be able to defend yourself " he smirks and shakes his ' promise i wont have to fight you to give you your present . 'he jokes and slaps her on the back hard patting hard like he would a dude "

Sasha Williams takes the hankie and puts the black part on her tongue.  Then she laughs.  "No ...  I really just wanted to make sure you COULD fight.  A lit of these boys around here talk a good game, but I bet when it comes down to it ... they'd go crying to their mommies and I'd get grounded."  she looks past him and waves. "Officer Reinhardt!"  she looks at Hani.  "I gotta go.  Text me later and thanks for the workout!"  and she jogs to catch up to him, talking excitedly.

Haninozuka Wang just waves at her 'sup officer 'he say nonchalantly .. and walks a bit funny but smiling.

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