Tonya Williams walks in an pays the entry fee, moving into the bar proper looking a little anxious and nervous.
Tamela Douglas listens to Anna telling a story and exhales into a whistle. She glances up at the nervous woman walking in and gives her a kind look before answering "So they weren't just posturing? Was either of them hurt in the fight?"
Anna Wright shakes her head but then rolls it side to side on her neck "Not significantly. And Mike was all proud.....he's been teaching Sasha and I guess this makes it seem like she's learning. Different worlds I know." She saw Tams look at someone and glances back casually, giving the stranger a small smile before sipping her beer.
Tonya Williams is still looking around, a little anxious but sees a kind smile and tries to place the face. Then she hears the name Sasha and approaches, looking more, or less worried. "Um ... hi .... I ... um ... I'm" she fumbles a little. "Are you talking about Sasha Williams?"
Tamela Douglas nods to the lady and chuckles a bit "Yes. Yes we are." Having met the kid once she sort of squints at the asker now "Are you acquainted?"
Anna Wright looks at the woman as well, thoughtfully and a little self consciously. She maybe should have been a little quieter.
Tonya Williams sighs deeply an nods. "I'm her mama." she sounds at once proud, worried an resigned for the worse. "What she done now?" she asks.
Tamela Douglas grins "Nothing terrible Ma'am. Come join us and Anna will tell you all about it. I'm Tamela. I actually met Sasha the other week and she'll be doing some first aid training with me. I work at the CPPD."
Anna Wright gives Tams a stressed out look and then tries to smile at Sasha's mom "Come join us.....I'll buy you a drink?" There's a hint of guilt in her tone.
Tonya Williams pulls up a chair and sighs. "Yea. Oh ... right ... the police." the word seems to have two distinct syllables coming from her 'po-leece'. She arches her brows. "Is it that bad?" she actually doesn't laugh, but expects it could be bad.
Tamela Douglas sips her gingerale and then says "Nah. Just kids testing their limits. Did Sasha tell you she got into a little scrap?"
Anna Wright can't hold back any longer "Ms Williams...I'm so sorry.....I thought they were kidding and then I found out later there was a fight. I would have called someone, tried to stop them. Officer Reinhardht handled it and he says they're OK...friends even, but as a responsible adult I shouldn't have shrugged it off and not checked up on them."
Tonya Williams blinks an looks at Anna. "Um .... some kind of cola, please." then she looks at Tamela. "Well .. yea..." and then looks at Anna as she starts confessing. "I .. um . I thought it was something serious..." she looks back at Tamela. "I'm just glad she got someone to watch her back." she sighs. "We din't really come from a nice place like this. I was surprised Officer Reinhardt offered to teach her how to fight right." she sighs. "She ... we come from a different place." she shrugs.
Tamela Douglas nods "I got that sense from your girl. This town takes that whole takes a village to raise a child thing to heart." She smiles at Sasha's mother and then gives Anna a cheeky look "And there's a few helicopter parents and helicopter aunts watching out a little extra. She'll do OK here. I didn't catch your name?"
Anna Wright pretends to be offended by Tams calling her a helicopter aunt and then looks sympathetically at Sasha's mom "Mike...Officer Reinhardt explained a bit of the neighbourhood Sasha is more used to. I hope this town offers you both a community you can call home."
Tonya Williams chuckles. "Yea, well .... we KINDA ha that in Minneapolis. It was Sasha being friens with people in multiple gangs ... so none of them would hurt her. Taught her to watch her own back an fight." she places her hand over her chest. "I'm sorry. I'm Tonya Williams." she looks at Anna an smiles. "Well I don't know bout a helicopter, but it's nice people watching out for her. That's like home, but ... well, it's interesting knowing cops ain't asking after someone. The more eyes on my baby, the better far as I'm concerned. If I keep her too close, I'm afraid something .... well ... Hani is a boy an all." she sighs.
Tamela Douglas gives Tonya her full name to return the proper intro "Tamela Douglas. We really do try to help kids here, not push them down the wrong path. Helps being a small place, relatively low crime rates. I know it's a scary world to have kids in no matter where you live...and shit you just got out of Trumpland."
Anna Wright adds her full name too since Tonya is still getting to know the town "Anna Wright. I'm the cook at the Lavender Dreams B&B. Before they fought, Hani did seem very respectful..." she says, trying to be helpful. "They seem to have this zombie survival thing going on and I think that fueled the fight as some kind of test of the fittest."
Tonya Williams nods and then laughs. "Well police would keep asking Sasha about gang members and she kept telling then she didn't know any .... snitching .... that's get her killed for real. And now ..." she sighs. "I'm hoping my mama comes here before Trump comes for her." she chuckles. "They into zombies. But since Trump, Sasha sort of come down to earth a little she thinking what to do if a revolution happens in America. She imagines every Mexican, Muslim and Black persons pouring over the border here." she blows out a breath.
Tamela Douglas snorts "It's not that far fetched sadly. The immigration website crashed on election night in the States. Can't say I blame anyone who wants to get the hell out. Where does your mother live now?"
Anna Wright sighs and nods into her beer and then sips. The clever waitress, Molly had heard the asking for cola and dropped one off now in front of Tonya.
Tonya Williams snorts also. "He's gonna deport all the Mexicans .. my guess is the ones that was born there too. Then the Muslims. Then the BLACK Muslims ... and of course, he can't tell us apart so back to Africa I guess." she rolls her eyes and takes her pop. "Thank you." she turns her attention back to her table. "Minneapolis, Minnesota. I started applying for jobs a year and a half ago. But my mother used to march in Chicago. I'll get her here, tho." she sighs. "By the way, Anna I had breakfast at your B&B a couple weeks back. VERY good, what I could eat before I had to get back to the clinic."
Tamela Douglas shakes her head at the state of the USA and then smiles at Anna "See, best cook in town. Don't tell the Yamadas I said that though."
Anna Wright blushes and then replies to Tonya "Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. Do you work with Doc Pierson....oh and that new nurse practitioner. I'm seeing her next week for a check up. Nurse Kim."
Tonya Williams smiles, but shakes her head. "No, I work for Dr Ziven Ayala. I'm a vet assistant." she chuckles. "He's a nice man. Has the cutest boyfriend, too." she sighs dramatically. "Ain't that always the way? The best men are either married or gay."
Tamela Douglas starts giggling to herself and suddenly can't look at Anna. She's trying to contain it and failing. Finally she just manages to mutter "Small towns...."
Anna Wright turns beet red and then laughs and gives Tams the finger "Sorry Tonya. We were just talking about them." She gets a very tongue and cheek look and then says dryly "The boyfriend is my ex....and I just found out he switched teams. Don't get me wrong, we're done and I'm happy for him."
Tonya Williams looks at Tamela a bit confused. She picks up and sips her pop ... and almost spits it out when Anna speaks. Covering her mouth, even though she ha managed to swallow she mumbles. "Oh, shit." she lowers the glass and her hand. "Well. I gues a long as everyone's happy?" she sort of asks. "I guess it don't hurt nobody. Me? I'm happy with Bob." she snorts and sips her pop again.
Tamela Douglas laughs some more "I always say no one knows you like yourself. "
[21:58] Anna Wright looks bewildered for a second and then frowns "Is that an innuendo? Bob?" She looks between them with a bit of doom, knowing she'll either be laughed at or mildly shamed.
Tonya Williams snorts. "You ain't nevah lied." she laughs. Then she looks at Anna as if she is wondering if shes serious? "Bob? The one you ain't got to feed or clothe or worry they steppin out on you or gonna bring you home something you can't get rid of but by dying?" she grins. "Battery Operated Boyfriend?" she isn't laughing, just amazed to meet a woman who didn't know Bob.
Tamela Douglas is almost beside herself now "Anna you're adorable, you do know that?" She sighs "I'd rename mine BOG but that just sounds like an infection waiting to happen."
Anna Wright giggles madly, turns even redder if possible and pulls her sweater up to hide her face with a small groan.
Tonya Williams looks at Tams. "Ain't Bob and Bobby short for Roberta too?" she suggests. "Cause a bog ... that's like a puddle of mud? Get dirt in places it does NOT being." she looks at Anna and tries to withhold her laughter. "Now you can't tell me you've never ....." she assumes Anna will know. "Hell I set Sasha up with her own last year." she pffts, as if that was perfectly logical.
Tamela Douglas finally composes herself and then nods with a shrug "Alright then." She zeroes in on Anna too now "There's a club in Vancouver I know of that has a vendor of them in the bathroom...if you're lacking and too shy to go into a big shop." She teasing her of course because she knows the reaction.
Anna Wright peeks out from her sweater, at both of them now, her eyes wide and then says in mock indignation "I am perfectly capable of all of those things." She clears her throat "So Tonya, what's Ziven like to work for? A friend of mine works with him on Falcon Island."
Tonya Williams grins. "Or buy one online. Adum and Eve is a great store." she grins. "Hell ... you're smart, Anna. Fingers work too and don't need batteries. Like an orgy with ten." she grins. "He's very sweet and professional." she agrees to change the subject. "During the week, I never see him cause he's on that Island. A doctor with two jobs. Go figger." she shrugs and sips. "He doesn't mind hard work either. Couple weeks ago he had NINE cats from ONE family all in to be fixed. He just smiled at me and told me to set up the assembly line for the cast of Harry Potter ... whatever THAT means."
Tamela Douglas rolls her eyes "Jesus Christ those are my sister and brother in law's cats...the nine. AND she keeps telling me they're trying to get pregnant too. Adum's forbidding her from naming the human children after Harry Potter people."
Anna Wright has to laugh a little and then looks surprised "Megan wants kids? Don't take that the wrong way...she was always such a party girl. I'm still wrapping my head around her getting married." She smiles at Tonya after "Well that's good about him as a boss. He and my friend had a personality clash for awhile but they seem OK now."
Tonya Williams laughs. "Small towns again?" she asks. "Well I guess they could be all into Lord of the Rings. How many Dwarves was that again .. oh wait that was the Hobbit, right? Or Snow White? No that's not ENOUGH dwarves." she's apparently not geek enough. She looks at Anna. "Doctor Ayala? Who could HE clash with. Seems pretty easy going."
Tamela Douglas shrugs "Well he must be a good vet because Adum and Megan live in Alexandra." she laughs at Tonya "Not enough dwarves, nope."
Anna Wright thinks "Charlotte was going through a tough time...but also they live and work together on that island and when it's not tourist time that could get a little intense. They didn't choose each other as workmates, the job did right? Anyhow, they're cool now."
Tonya Williams chuckles. "Well, he is. Is Alexandra far? I know he does a lot of work in White Rock and Vancouver. A good reputation goes a long way?" she nods at Anna. "He seems to really try and get along with people, so I'm glad they're cool now."
Tamela Douglas swirls her drink before sipping, making the ice clink on the sides "Yeah it's about 2 hours from here. Be closer to find a vet in Vancouver. Not a bad little town though in it's own right. It's considered our sister city, lots of family connections between the two places. Case and point, my sister Megan married their police chief on Thanksgiving."
Anna Wright nods along with Tams and then asks "How's Adum doing by the way? I mean i know he's home....but is he all healed?" She explains why she's asking to Tonya "There was a robbery in Alexandra and Adum was shot, in the head, went right through but he's miraculously OK."
Tonya Williams smiles. "Maybe that's why they choose him. Did they come and visit you when they dropped he cats off or picked them up?" she looks at Anna an her eyes go wis. "Jesus." she sighs. "Who did THAT?"
Tamela Douglas grins "Yeah we had a meal together. He's doing OK....switched to left handed, and a little spacey but considering...he's amazing. And back to work now too. No rest for the wicked." She exhales "The shooting is even more of an example of our version of 6 degrees of separation being around a 2."
Anna Wright: Anna continues the story where Tams left off "The guy who shot Adum Brate was a guy named Colin Rankin. I don't know how he ended up in THAT life, armed robbery that is, but 10 years ago he was connected to a close friend of ours. He's the father of her son. He also held up the pharmacy here and she was in there shopping when it happened.....messed up 2 degrees of separation..."
Tonya Williams considers that. "And that's probably why they choose Dr Ayala ... a built in excuse to visit." she sighs and looks a little uncomfortable. "Now ... I know this is gonna soun like an odd question ... or maybe not to you, Tamela. "But that souns like a white man ... Colin .... " shepauses. "How they takin all that?"
Tamela shrugs a bit "Well it was a white man shooting a white man. They actually shot at the same time. Colin's dead. But if you're asking if there's racial profiling in the Canadian police work, yeah sometimes. Although, and I realize my bias here, it's more prevalently directed at our First Nations people. If you look at the population dynamics in the prison system by race, it's pretty apparent."
Anna winces and nods in agreement "Yep. Although Canada has all other kinds of racism too. This town is pretty happily diverse, but not all places are."
Tonya Williams sags in relief and covers her face a moment as if she just found out her only child was safe. "There's ALWAYS racial profiling, Tamela." she states, flatly. "But now I know THAT, I'll worry bout Dr Ayala. He's half that First Nation and half Inian .. I mean Native American." she nods. "Just a different group to hate up here." she considers that a simple fact of life, like breathing.
Tamela Douglas nods "My mother was Spanish descended and my Dad's descended from the Semiahmoo peoples of Boundary Bay. Now I don't look Aboriginal enough to have gone through some of the shit Dad did and still does. And we're not perfect in terms of Black History here. Canada had slavery too, for less time, but it still did. And there have been chapters of the KKK surfacing from time to time. Basically our shit stinks too. Maybe we use more air freshener to mask it, not so out in the open or a little quieter. I would say as a whole, British Columbia is one of the better provinces for awareness, activism and accountability.
Anna just quietly nods, looking saddened by the need to agree. she slowly sips her beer after.
Tonya Williams listens and nods. "Well, I'd be crazy to think Canaa is perfect. But my mama says its the great white north up here ... so i counter her with things like all the slaves that excaped to Canada. Meeting that Lieutenant helped. Johnson? I think she can help Sasha, too."
Tamela Douglas grins now "Angie Johnson, yep. CPPD would fall apart without her. She's my extra work mom and my pal."
Anna Wright smiles a bit too "Angie's everyone's mom there isn't she? She's worked there forever."
Tonya Williams nods. "Yes. She is very nice and Sasha likes her ..." she snorts. "Even though she told her she couldnt knife fight here." she grins. "I will TRY not to have her babysitting mine too much." she blows out a breath. "Sasha tire a body out. Thinks things WAY out of proportion .. like the millions abandoning America for Canada." she chuckles. "Did shetry and inventory your weapons, Tamela?" she wonders.
Tamela Douglas's eyes go wide and then she chuckles "Not yet but thanks for the heads up. I can tell she has some nervousness. That must be a lot on you too Tonya."
Anna Wright looks sympathetically at Tonya "She did seem to have fun at the craft sale, despite no liking our Santa. I think she was expecting Justin Trudeau. As far as I know he does selfies and Pride Parades but no Santa requests."
Tonya Williams chuckles. "She's smart. That means she thinks too much and that means she worries too much. I guess I should be happy she at least concentrating on the people she knows and likes. I have a friend with a daughter worried about some water crisis that's gonna force us all into being vegetarians." she sighs and then laughs again. "Oh she LOVED that craft sale. And yes she loves her new Prime Minister." she shakes her head. "I told her I'll see what he does with his shirt ON." she rolls her eyes.
Tamela Douglas snickers "Yep. He made some promises, lime them all. We'll see where it goes." She smacks the table "Even Gord Downey reminded him on the Hip's last tour."
Anna Wright looks a bit misty eyed about the Tragically Hip and then tunes into what Tonya was saying "So she's vegetarian because of water waste in food production?"
Tonya Williams snorts. "He's a politician .. he just isn't a ROUND one." she nods to Anna. "Yes ... turns off her water when shes trying to wash dishes ... gets on her abot leaving the water running when shes brushing her teeth. Wants her to shower by turnig the wateron nd off...." she shakes her head. "Maybe I'm just old or something ... I don't get it."
Tamela Douglas thinks about it "Well conservation is good for sure...but you also have to live in the world. Course some folks opt out. Anna used to live in a commune back to the land type thing on Salt Spring Island....I like to tease her that it was a cult." she says with a grin.
Anna Wright scoffs "It was not a cult!" She looks at Tonya "It was an intentional permaculture community. We had some alternative arrangements for things like showering with solar bags and whatnot. I will confess that when I was off island I took horribly long showers and just reveled in them."
Tonya Williams looks at Anna as if she has two heads. "Lawdy ....." and blinks. "A intentional .... perma ... awhosiewhat?" she snorts. "Just ... no ... no ... maybe when the US immigrates en masse or something ... hell worse I ever did was take my dishes in the bathrub with me when things was bad money wise." she pffts again. "You two are a hoot." se glances at her phone. "Lawd it's almost midnight. Watch em get a lecture for staying out half the night from Miss Grizzly Adams."
Tamela Douglas laughs "Just watch out for the forks in there...oi. i should head home to bed too. I'm on in the morning with Nault. I need to be awake enough to tranq him if the moment calls for it."
Anna Wright smiles warmly at Tonya "It's been fun to chat with you too. Sasha will do alright here....Oh mu god're joking right? Although he really is a dick."
Tonya Williams grins. "Oh he sounds like fun?" she stands. "Good night ladies .. and thanks .. it really does feel like home here." and off she goes.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Family Breakfast - Wolfgang Pots and Malik Ayim
Malik Ayim stands on the dock, a top coat over his hands, looking at the boats on the dock. His glasses and their blue lenses hide his eyes from view.
Wolfgang Pots leans on the counter bullshiting with the person working'yeah .. he swears it aint a hickey but i dont know poor fella 'he says as he recieves his fish and chip . 'poor fellar is all tucker out from video games 'he laugh and waves to the attending as he looks around .he nods at the stranger in his friendly way and makes for the tables to eat
Malik Ayim 's head turns, almost sharply at the voice and nods once in return. As the man makes for the tables, he stops at the counter. "Halibut and chips, please. And a hot coffee." his accent is sort of Colonial English like one might find in the various countries of Africa, which would match his skin tone. They aren't all black as a moonless night.
Wolfgang Pots sits down as he dips his chip in mayo.. looking around watching the whales abit exhaling the cold crisp air 'he smile and looks over noticin the man accent watching him abit before looking back out the water
Malik Ayim gets his order and nods to the chef. "Thank you, very much." he pays with cash and them takes his order to the tables. Even with other tables available, he opts to approach the one with the blond. "May I join you, sir?" his deep voice inquires.
Wolfgang Pots turns to face the other man 'sure shooting 'he say in his own southern georiga drawl 'he smiles big and 'ya aint from these woods either ' he laugh noticing his accent 'acroos the pond .. wait .. some where in africa 'he say trying to use his many voyages to pin point his accent "long way from home 'he laughs
Malik Ayim sits and laughs. "No, I am not from here." he admits. He waits and smiles. "I am from Accra. I am going to university in Vancouver and my mother suggested I might like this town to visit." he dips the hot fish in the mayo, tasting it and nodding. He swallows and dabs his lips. "Not like home, but that is not always a bad thing."
Wolfgang Pots laugh softly "home is where your heart is 'he say soflty 'yeah .. this is a nice little town . people are nice and its quiet and peace. 'he laughs 'i like to come here to relax 'he laugh 'plus my son lives here so i gotta visit him and make sure he aint getting into too much trouble 'he laugh softy . he pops another chip in his mouth chewing 'what ya studying son 'he say not afraid to be noisy but doesnt with such a southern charm
Malik Ayim nods. "It seems very quiet, yes." he arches bis brows behind the obscuring sunglasses. ""A son is a blessing to be cherished." he eats a bit more before replying. "I am studying business. My mother owns a clothing company. Some day it will come down to me." he pauses. "So I must learn and preserve my legacy, yes?"
Wolfgang Pots nods 'yes sir . thats darn smart of ya, son 'he say softy using this southern term so loosely "i did abit of that a westpoint and online while in the navy .. good for leadership building .. its a big responsiblity 'he nods 'yes , sir .. its alway good to know what you came out of .. learn you history so you wont repeat the bad stuff and appriecate what you come from 'he smiles as he tears off a piece of fish and dips it in the mayo almost just like Malik did.. subconciously
Malik Ayim mirrors the motion without thinking. Just eating his fish breakfast. "Ah yes. That is very important." he agrees. "My family history is very dark, on both sides." he admits. "On my mother's side, they sold slaves, not only among each other, but later to the British. That is how my mother ultimately came to America. In my grandfather's time we found and reconnected with my relatives in Ghana and in some ways returned. Those are the relatives who raised me while my mother went back and forth from American to Ghana." he drinks some of his coffee. "And yet, even my father's side of the family dealt in slaves in their history. But on the English side." he glances down, but only to be able to get the fish in the mayo. He does not seem ashmed as he speaks his next words. "I may not look it, but I am half white. On my father's side."
Wolfgang Pots nods 'yeah .. what are the odds.. yeah .. my sob father side were like that too. im half english down the line but thankfully my Ma side save me from to much embarrasement 'he say rollin a chip between two finger before toss it up catching it and cheweing 'ma is austrian born 'eh laugh soflty 'but yeah my pa side were slave traders born settling in georgia and settle up a peach and tobacco plantions ..they stop doing bacco during prohibition an did bootleg whiskey and wildblack berry wine'he laugh soflty 'so yeah .. its mainly a orchard that sels the fruits, jams, jellies and wines ' he shakes his head .. but yeah .. 'history is the blueprint that you rewrite with your choices 'he say soflty 'make it what you want 'he smiles
Malik Ayim nods as he eats and drinks. "The babies should never pay for the sins of their relatives." he rumbles. "But there remains such hate." he nibbles at a chip. "My mother ran to Ghana when she found out she was pregnant .. afraid both her family and my father's family would find out. But she did not abandon me. She spent most of her time inn Africa. Only returned to Atlanta, Georgia when she knew my father would be there. All these years, she has loved him." he scrapes he last of the mayonnaise away with the last of the fish. "But she NEVER told him about me. Afraid .... not even her brothers know who my father is." he eats and swallows. "But I do."
Wolfgang Pots sips his water and nods 'yeah .. 'he says pensievely think on his own father ' he looks up "is that right 'he looks curiously at the man like working something out but exhale s'yeah .. i loved altanta in the 90s such a great music vibe.. dont look like it but this white country boy .. loves him some 90s hip hop and r and b.. 'he laughs 'im not so sure about some of this new stuff.. 'they have no art about .. music back then was just as sensual but knew how to sell it in classy way .. 'he laughs 'thats too back.. bet that man woud have wanted to know.. i miss my 13 year olds sons life so far..'he exhales 'would be been nice to cradle him ya know 'he say lookign at a boat in the distance 'now he is at that age where .. welll. 'he chuckles 'its like congratulations wolf. your the proud new father of a bucket of hormones 'he laugh soflty
Malik Ayim smiles. "I love Hip Hop from that era. I was born in 1998. I have rapped some in Accra. But I will do better helping my mother." he pauses. "But what if knowing about that son put both the son and yourself in danger?" he asks, softly. "That is a sword with two edges. My mother was afraid ... with reason .. and when I was ... oh perhaps your sons age ... she told me I could meet him when I was ready. Now ... I am eighteen and in University." he chuckles and looks at the boat. "You missed diapers, but as he grows to a man, the hormones will calm." he chuckles. "Or so I have heard. I . still .. have moments my mother tells me." he pushes his sunglasses up his nose. "They call me Blue . by the way. Well . friends and the casual. it is not a professional name." he offers his hand to shake.
Wolfgang Pots looks nods 'yeah .. i can understand that . a true parent would do their dangest to protect theyre chil 'he laughs 'yeah i heard theyre brutal .. some buddies that i used work with over at the cannery said i didnt miss much but throwup, diapers and many sleepless night 'eh smiles ' he smiles 'im sure he will.. just hopign he will.. that he .. 'he trails off looks at the boat smirking an thinking 'have history repeating himself but he so shy about girl so i think were in the clear for now 'he laughs and extends his hand claspign Maliks hand 'nice nick name .. names Wolf . 'he laugh soflty shaking the mans hand
Malik Ayim pauses. "Yea . Good to meet you, Wolfgang." he licks his lips and considers a moment. Easily long enough for Wolf to realize he used his full name. Then he goes into the inside pocket of his business suit and pulls out a business card holder and slides out a business card, which introduces him as Malik Ayim.
Wolfgang Pots looks at you 'how did y a.. 'he looks confused an takes the card 'wait.. whats going on 'he say surpise .. 'your.. her.. 'he say making the contact .. 'why they call you blue ..say looking oddly at his glassses 'he looks abit take aback like if some women told him she was pregnant
Malik Ayim licks his lips again and answers the question silently by taking off his glasses and revealing his eyes ... which are blue .. a rare color in African men to say the least.
Wolfgang Pots looks back looking into malik eyes his own matching eyes .. 'the horowitz jewel.. thats impossible.. why .. ..huh 'he say confused 'youre Zuri. kid.. 'he say soflty . he looks very surpised and just abit betrayed. he brake eye contact looking at his empty fish and chips container
Malik Ayim sighs, even though he had not expected the man to rise up and embrace him. "Yes, I am Zuri Ayim's son." he shrugs. "Why? She was seventeen? Her father was one of the biggest Black Supremacists in America? Your father was one of the largest WHITE Supremacists in America? You had a future in the US Navy she did not want to ruin with a child? I can give others ... but she had her reasons. Mine are much the same. I do not want anything from you. No money or child support. I only want you to know I exist. Do not blame my mother, please. She offered earlier this year, but I asked her to keep her word to me .. and let ME introduce myself."
Wolfgang Pots ruffles his golden locks exhales softly just taking it all in . he nods and after awhile nods 'yeah .. i understand .. wouldnt except anyway less .he looks at his new grownup son .. 'he blinks abit 'i understand and her reasons.. and im glad she keep you safe 'he beams that charming smiles he is known for .. 'well thank for .. tell . 'he pause and then unexpectly goes to hug his long loss son 'get your ass over her and give me a hug ,son 'he laugh solfyt .
Malik Ayim nods, as the man stops looking so angry and betrayed, but he was not prepared for the hug. He freezes a moment but then hugs him back. His laugh is much richer. "I did not expect ...." he pulls back. "Mama will be happy you are not .... so angry." he grins. "So .. it is TWO sons you are blessed with."
Wolfgang Pots loosk at you 'oh shell sure as shooting be getting a piece of my mind but .. yeah .. i can hate you or fault you .. he smiles 'yeah .. two son with these two year first hani then you .'he smiles and looks out at the boat where a little golden lab is barking toward them 'all introduce you to youre little brother soon.. if i can tear him away from video games, anime or girls.. 'he jokes 'but its good to have met you.. he looks at the card 'malik 'he smiles
Malik Ayim chuckles. "Good luck with that. mama might not get her back up, considering but ... she be fire when she get mad." he grins and then looks towards the boat. "Ah, anime. I was into that, for a while. The girls too. If he anything like what mama tell me about you .... you might have problems. She told me a lot my charm come from my Papa and she don't want to be a grandmother." he nods. "Malik ... or Blue. Either works for me."
Wolfgang Pots laughs 'this family and there nick name your grandma says 'he laugh 'cant be satsified with the name ya ma gave you wolfgang .. yeah hani has a long ass japanese first name 'he laughs 'yeah .. 'he exhale 'im worrie bout that .. had girls on the go at his age.. 'he ruffles his hair .. and im sure you had a pack of girls around you like poor hani over there ..'he motions to the boat 'yeah i dont wanna be no grandpa yet either .. from none of you two boys 'he says warning.. 'just became a pa .. one step at a time .. 'eh laugh s
Malik Ayim chuckles. "Mama said she made it very simple. Malik means King she wanted me to feel like royalty, even of I was not treated like it." he laughs. "I had a few. Charming ladies young and old and getting an earful from the women in my family while getting praise from the men." he holds up both hands in a defensive gesture. "Mama taught me to be very careful I don't drink, so my mind wont be so addled I forget protection." he looks at the boat. "So he has a girlfriend? What is he like. Does he have other brothers or sisters? Besides me, I mean? Does he even want them ..."
Wolfgang Pots smiles 'that fits ya son 'he smiles then laughs hard slappign his kneew and motion 'good you doing beftter .. cuz hani is the product of a drunk love in. 'eh alughs soflty 'he looks at you 'no girlfriend .. i dont think.. think he is all sweet on this one gall but i dont think he know that what is what it is 'he laugh softh smiling looking at Malike 'he is a huge horror film fan .. so yeah .. theres that . 'he looks peniseve thinkign 'he dont have anymore brothers and sister .. that i know off 'he exhales ..'i think you two are it and.. his stepdad and mom cant have anymore so .. 'he say soflty
Malik Ayim laughs along. "Well I guess we can meet. I'll have a car soon and be able to get around better. If he needs someone to supervise his dates." he offers. "And a place. Mama says the best be in White Rock, Vancouver, Alexandra and here, but not in that order." he shrugs. "And a job, I got. Helps to have those connections."
Wolfgang Pots laugh soflty as 'look at you being all big brother and all . but yeah .. i think he like that .. having a sibling .. and an extra pair of eyes on him is alway a good thang 'he laugh soflty . his phone rings bit going to voicemail then the sound of a text message pops up 'well your kid brther is up .. and is wondering how to cook..yeah .. i better go while i sill have a boat .. 'he laugh soflty
Malik Ayim smiles and nods. "My number is on that card. It's Canadian. Call me up sometime, yea?" and he stands, glancing at the boat and then away for a final handshake.
Wolfgang Pots reaches out his hand and shakes int .. 'well do.. ill tell hani all about you .. once i save my boat from being set ablaze 'he laugh and turns to leave
Friday, November 25, 2016
Flight or Fight - Anna, Stephanie and Michael
Stephanie takes another cup of coffee from Anna "Alright, enough about me. Talk Anna Wright. Work, photography, men?"
Anna sits back down with her own cup "Uh well...the same, I did a set in Crescent Park....and nothing to report. I'll live vicariously through you."
Stephanie rolls her eyes "Show me the pictures ans then I'll badger you about actually getting out there."
The two women scroll through Anna's phone and discuss the set while sitting in the Lavender Dreams breakfast area. It's not open to the public but the door is unlocked.
Michael Reinhardt chuckled to himself the whole time he was checking out of work until he got home, almost literally next door. Upstairs he changed his clothes while also playing with April, his Siamese. Finally he feeds her a special treat, and heads on out, leaving her to play with the many toys he's bought for her over the months. Then, still smiling and walking proud, he heads over to the Lavender B&B. Stephanie told him to pick her up from there, because she was visiting with Anna Wright.
Stephanie hovers over a picture on the phone "Oh I like the angle of the light on this one..."
Anna smiles "Yeah me too...tried to get the beach after....too many people to really photograph. I should have gone an hour earlier. Oh well."
Stephanie nods "Alright. Dating? And it's not a your mom question. I just don't want you to be lonely."
Anna laughs "Are you feeling guilty for being HAPPY? Steph, I'm happy for you. And I'm happy single. I still feel bad for breaking your brother's heart, but I just needed to be...with me."
Stephanie has a thoughtful look "He's OK now. Really good actually." She sips at her coffee, debating whether to day more.
Michael approaches the B&B and knocks softly. He is still outwardly amused, smiling and happy.
Anna smiles, almost in relief "Oh that's good to hear....that must be....Yep Michael." She can see him through the door and smiles as she walks to open it "Come on in Michael. Would you like a coffee?"
Micheal comes in when the door is open. He moves to Stephanie and makes to kiss her. "I'm not interrupting, am I?" he grins, still standing and not really wanting to interrupt girl time.
Stephanie tilts her head up and kisses him "No you're all good. Come sit." It was probably a good time to interrupt.
Anna walks to get another cup of coffee for Michael and set it before him "So what's new with you then?" She asks as she starts to sit back down.
Michael smiles and sits near Stephanie. He takes the cup with a "Thanks, Anna." and sips. "I got a little validation that my self defense classes work." he announces, looking like a proud papa. "One of my girls beat up a boy today."
Stephanie looks on edge "Which boy? What did he do?"
Anna looks aghast "Oh no....that's good? What happened?"
Michael looks even prouder. "Not one of the boys. It was Sasha Williams. She got in a fight with Hani and WON it." he continues ot look pleased as punch.
Stephanie looks thoughtful "Did Hani have it coming? What was the fight about?"
Anna's hand flies to her mouth "Oh no!!! Oh no Oh no!!! I thought they were PLAYING! They had a REAL fight! Oh my god........" She clutches her coffee looking stricken.
Stephanie stares at Anna and then darts a look back at Michael.
Michael looks at Stephanie, his proud grin still in place. "Oh it wasn't really anything like that." he says and catches Anna's look. "You know I told you that Sasha is into survival, right? She wanted to see if Hani could fight ... and so have her back when things turn to shit ..." he looks at Anna again. "It was real, but it wasn't REAL." he looks confused. "She said he put up such a good fight she had to end it with a knee to his jewels. I mean ... they're probably closer now than they were before .. now that they know the other can fight." he looks at Anna again and then at Steph with a sort of ... how is this wrong look on his face.
Stephanie doesn't seem as phased by it as Anna and chuckles "Well good for her. A proper young lady should know how to kick some ass."
Anna looks between Stephanie and Michael like they're both from another planet "I agree that self defense is good....but talking your way out can hopefully still sometimes be a valid option. Are either of them hurt?"
Michael looks happy with Steph's reply and then again a little lost at Anna's. "No." then he pauses. "I ... don't ... I don't think so." he replies. "Sasha took a knee or a foot to the chin while she was pinning him and bit her tongue..." he looks at Stephanie. "Is .... is that hurt?" in his world it was like calling himself injured because he nicked himself shaving.
Stephanie knows Michael a little better than Anna by now and just cracks up.
Anna opens her mouth to reply and then closes it again. She looks away, gathering her thoughts and then back at Michael, perplexed "OK so enough injured that technically one could have decided to charge the other with assault? I mean if that's how it had played out. I'm sorry...I'm confused..."
Michael sort of smiles when Stephanie laughs. She SO gets him. "Charged .... assault...." he readjusts himself in his chair. "They're KIDS, Anna. And friends and wannabe survivalists ... urban survivalists. I know for a FACT that they are both from rough neighborhoods. Hani is from Hells Kitchen and Sasha has told me about living on the DMZ of two gangs. Calling the POLICE never crossed EITHER of their minds. And it was like .... a test." he shrugs. "Friends and siblings fight ... like ... blood and bruises ... and .. sometimes broken bones...." he shakes his head hard, trying to get unpleasant childhood memories out of it. "These arent kids who talk ANYTHING out .... hell ... I'm happy they opted to fist fight ... I think Johnson and Douglass's talk on NO knife fights worked very well."
Stephanie looks between them "We're a little sheltered here in Cedar Point. I'm glad those two were able to explore that path safely, not in a gang scene in Hell's Kitchen."
Anna sighs "I know we have it good here...but wow.....I'm still getting my head around it. I honestly thought they were a cute little couple at the craft sale so to hear they duked it out is just weird. I get that they're coming from something totally scary though in terms of a background. I got a hint of that as a kid in East Van before we moved back but even where we were was not like that. And I'm so glad there were no knives."
Michael reaches for Stephanie's hand. "Yea. I grew up in a middling neighborhood, but abusive family. Then I worked in the Devil's Kitchen .... same concept as Hell's." he looks at Anna and chuckles. "Oh they ARE a cute little couple. I just don't think they know it yet." he cant's his head. "Did no boy ever pull your pig tail as a girl? My brother used to chase girls down on his bike if he liked him. Testosterone." he says that as if he is discussing a controlled substance.
Stephanie looks sympathetically at Michael about his childhood. She kid of knew bits and pieces but he hadn't said the words exactly before. "It sounds like the tension went both ways." She said with a small snicker.
Anna sighs "I'm so sorry to hear that Michael. Some boys yeah. I won't tell you what my mother had to say about all of that but yeah it does sound like it was both of them. I hope those kids don't end up hurting each other....physically OR emotionally."
Michael shrugs. "I doubt either of them has it like I did. I really hope not." he bites his lip. "Anna .... he made her bleed and she stomped him in the nuts. And they're still friends. Better now they know that if they need someone to watch the others back." he shrugs. "I mean ... I feel that way about Steph, even if she's never tried to geld me."
Steph just smirks and says "Noted." cheekily.
Anna shakes her head "I'm just a big fan of diplomacy. I know it doesn't always work, believe me. Before you came here there was a guy who attacked me in the lighthouse. No amount of talking my way out of it would have worked on him....but even still I feel like that's the exception, at least here."
Michael chuckles. "Yea ... we will NEVER go there .. I will be good." he looks at Anna. "I guess diplomacy has its place, but war does also." he arches his brows, having not known about any guy she couldn't be diplomatic with. "Could be ...." he looks between the women, wondering what this is about.
Stephanie nods at Anna "That was a shitty situation but he's locked up now. David Martin." She explains to Michael "You can look it up for the police report details. He was a ....drifter....robber....violent robber. Anna happened upon him while he was trying to evade the cops and get out of town." Steph looks kindly at Anna "I'm really glad the cops came and found you when they did."
Anna nods, looking down "Me too. Me too." She lets out a big breath "It was at the beginning of dating Garrett, well properly...we'd been kind of on and off again over the years. But then I just couldn't, so I ended it." She shrugs and looks at Michael and then Steph "But I'm glad he's doing better now. Is he seeing anyone?"
Michael nods, making a mental note to do exactly that, look it up. At the mention of Garrett, he glances at Stephanie and sips his coffee, the picture of red haired innocence.
Stephanie tenses up a bit and then looks into her cup awkwardly. She hesitates and then says carefully "I should probably let Garrett tell you..."
Anna giggles a bit "Did he get get pregnant with someone or elope or something? You're all doom and gloom Steph...what the hell?"
Michael looks at Stephanie. "It really ISN'T the end of the world...." he coaxes her. It isn't his place, he believes. "Garrett is OK with it, seems to me."
Stephanie just says it now "Garrett is in a relationship with a man. He seems very happy."
Anna considers this for a moment, tilting her head to one side and then slowly nods "OK.....and you're right, not the end of the world at all. Do I know the guy?" He looks between them both now with a bit of a growing smile.
Michael grins. "Yea ... he takes your money on a regular basis, I expect." he licks his lips. "Dr Ayala."
Anna had been casually sipping her coffee and now sputtered and sprayed it with wide eyes. She started laughing at herself and grabbing for napkins "I'm sorry......Garrett and Ziven? OK Steph don't take this the wrong way but your brother can be a bit.....well some of MY jokes were too dirty for him. And I've heard Ziven, and well what Char tells me....he's like wild naked man of the forest! That's incredible."
Stephanie looks amused "Maybe this will be good for my brother. Wild naked man of the forest......"
Michael just manages to swallow before Anna speaks. "God .. what a vision." he clears his throat. Then, he turns to Stephanie. "Ziven is ... VERY free ... and you Yamadas . all ... tense about nudity." he teases her. The night they first made love he cooked naked for her ... and when she stays at his place ... he still does.
Stephanie slaps the table in front of Michael "Our parents were very MODEST. Get over it nude boy. I'm fine now aren't I?"
Anna turns beet red and pretends to block out the view of them with her hands over her eyes "Gah!" She laughs "And naked redheads are blinding...."
Michael laughs. "Yes, my love, you are MORE than fine." then he looks at Anna, mock offended. "I am more than a boyfriend." he declares. "I am emergency lighting!"
Steph giggles at Michael "My big hot beacon."
Anna rolls her eyes and snorts "OK you're emergency dorks too, both of you. I'm kicking you guys out. This has been a very off conversation." She has to laugh "No bad, just odd. I have half a season of Supergirl to catch up on for the upcoming everything CW DC Universe crossover." She stands to offer to gather the cups.
Steph nods "Yep, Tristan has been counting down on that. Maybe we'll come over for some crossover episodes."
Michael chuckles and looks at Anna. "I am going to watch and try and understand. And keep Stephanie and Tristan from going TOO crazy." he stands and reaches for Stephanie's hand. "May I see you home?" he grins.
Stephanie hugs Anna before she gets past and laughs at her and then takes the hand "Yes my beacon you may. But for the sake of the neighbors you'll have to keep your pants on until we get there."
Anna had been partway through the kitchen door to drop off cups and bumped it back open, joke threatening them with a cup "Out you go pervy people. Before I get undiplomatic!"
Michael heads out with a put upon sigh. "She never lets me have ANY fun." he protests, then reconsiders. "In public." he waves. "See you around, Anna."
Anna sits back down with her own cup "Uh well...the same, I did a set in Crescent Park....and nothing to report. I'll live vicariously through you."
Stephanie rolls her eyes "Show me the pictures ans then I'll badger you about actually getting out there."
The two women scroll through Anna's phone and discuss the set while sitting in the Lavender Dreams breakfast area. It's not open to the public but the door is unlocked.
Michael Reinhardt chuckled to himself the whole time he was checking out of work until he got home, almost literally next door. Upstairs he changed his clothes while also playing with April, his Siamese. Finally he feeds her a special treat, and heads on out, leaving her to play with the many toys he's bought for her over the months. Then, still smiling and walking proud, he heads over to the Lavender B&B. Stephanie told him to pick her up from there, because she was visiting with Anna Wright.
Stephanie hovers over a picture on the phone "Oh I like the angle of the light on this one..."
Anna smiles "Yeah me too...tried to get the beach after....too many people to really photograph. I should have gone an hour earlier. Oh well."
Stephanie nods "Alright. Dating? And it's not a your mom question. I just don't want you to be lonely."
Anna laughs "Are you feeling guilty for being HAPPY? Steph, I'm happy for you. And I'm happy single. I still feel bad for breaking your brother's heart, but I just needed to be...with me."
Stephanie has a thoughtful look "He's OK now. Really good actually." She sips at her coffee, debating whether to day more.
Michael approaches the B&B and knocks softly. He is still outwardly amused, smiling and happy.
Anna smiles, almost in relief "Oh that's good to hear....that must be....Yep Michael." She can see him through the door and smiles as she walks to open it "Come on in Michael. Would you like a coffee?"
Micheal comes in when the door is open. He moves to Stephanie and makes to kiss her. "I'm not interrupting, am I?" he grins, still standing and not really wanting to interrupt girl time.
Stephanie tilts her head up and kisses him "No you're all good. Come sit." It was probably a good time to interrupt.
Anna walks to get another cup of coffee for Michael and set it before him "So what's new with you then?" She asks as she starts to sit back down.
Michael smiles and sits near Stephanie. He takes the cup with a "Thanks, Anna." and sips. "I got a little validation that my self defense classes work." he announces, looking like a proud papa. "One of my girls beat up a boy today."
Stephanie looks on edge "Which boy? What did he do?"
Anna looks aghast "Oh no....that's good? What happened?"
Michael looks even prouder. "Not one of the boys. It was Sasha Williams. She got in a fight with Hani and WON it." he continues ot look pleased as punch.
Stephanie looks thoughtful "Did Hani have it coming? What was the fight about?"
Anna's hand flies to her mouth "Oh no!!! Oh no Oh no!!! I thought they were PLAYING! They had a REAL fight! Oh my god........" She clutches her coffee looking stricken.
Stephanie stares at Anna and then darts a look back at Michael.
Michael looks at Stephanie, his proud grin still in place. "Oh it wasn't really anything like that." he says and catches Anna's look. "You know I told you that Sasha is into survival, right? She wanted to see if Hani could fight ... and so have her back when things turn to shit ..." he looks at Anna again. "It was real, but it wasn't REAL." he looks confused. "She said he put up such a good fight she had to end it with a knee to his jewels. I mean ... they're probably closer now than they were before .. now that they know the other can fight." he looks at Anna again and then at Steph with a sort of ... how is this wrong look on his face.
Stephanie doesn't seem as phased by it as Anna and chuckles "Well good for her. A proper young lady should know how to kick some ass."
Anna looks between Stephanie and Michael like they're both from another planet "I agree that self defense is good....but talking your way out can hopefully still sometimes be a valid option. Are either of them hurt?"
Michael looks happy with Steph's reply and then again a little lost at Anna's. "No." then he pauses. "I ... don't ... I don't think so." he replies. "Sasha took a knee or a foot to the chin while she was pinning him and bit her tongue..." he looks at Stephanie. "Is .... is that hurt?" in his world it was like calling himself injured because he nicked himself shaving.
Stephanie knows Michael a little better than Anna by now and just cracks up.
Anna opens her mouth to reply and then closes it again. She looks away, gathering her thoughts and then back at Michael, perplexed "OK so enough injured that technically one could have decided to charge the other with assault? I mean if that's how it had played out. I'm sorry...I'm confused..."
Michael sort of smiles when Stephanie laughs. She SO gets him. "Charged .... assault...." he readjusts himself in his chair. "They're KIDS, Anna. And friends and wannabe survivalists ... urban survivalists. I know for a FACT that they are both from rough neighborhoods. Hani is from Hells Kitchen and Sasha has told me about living on the DMZ of two gangs. Calling the POLICE never crossed EITHER of their minds. And it was like .... a test." he shrugs. "Friends and siblings fight ... like ... blood and bruises ... and .. sometimes broken bones...." he shakes his head hard, trying to get unpleasant childhood memories out of it. "These arent kids who talk ANYTHING out .... hell ... I'm happy they opted to fist fight ... I think Johnson and Douglass's talk on NO knife fights worked very well."
Stephanie looks between them "We're a little sheltered here in Cedar Point. I'm glad those two were able to explore that path safely, not in a gang scene in Hell's Kitchen."
Anna sighs "I know we have it good here...but wow.....I'm still getting my head around it. I honestly thought they were a cute little couple at the craft sale so to hear they duked it out is just weird. I get that they're coming from something totally scary though in terms of a background. I got a hint of that as a kid in East Van before we moved back but even where we were was not like that. And I'm so glad there were no knives."
Michael reaches for Stephanie's hand. "Yea. I grew up in a middling neighborhood, but abusive family. Then I worked in the Devil's Kitchen .... same concept as Hell's." he looks at Anna and chuckles. "Oh they ARE a cute little couple. I just don't think they know it yet." he cant's his head. "Did no boy ever pull your pig tail as a girl? My brother used to chase girls down on his bike if he liked him. Testosterone." he says that as if he is discussing a controlled substance.
Stephanie looks sympathetically at Michael about his childhood. She kid of knew bits and pieces but he hadn't said the words exactly before. "It sounds like the tension went both ways." She said with a small snicker.
Anna sighs "I'm so sorry to hear that Michael. Some boys yeah. I won't tell you what my mother had to say about all of that but yeah it does sound like it was both of them. I hope those kids don't end up hurting each other....physically OR emotionally."
Michael shrugs. "I doubt either of them has it like I did. I really hope not." he bites his lip. "Anna .... he made her bleed and she stomped him in the nuts. And they're still friends. Better now they know that if they need someone to watch the others back." he shrugs. "I mean ... I feel that way about Steph, even if she's never tried to geld me."
Steph just smirks and says "Noted." cheekily.
Anna shakes her head "I'm just a big fan of diplomacy. I know it doesn't always work, believe me. Before you came here there was a guy who attacked me in the lighthouse. No amount of talking my way out of it would have worked on him....but even still I feel like that's the exception, at least here."
Michael chuckles. "Yea ... we will NEVER go there .. I will be good." he looks at Anna. "I guess diplomacy has its place, but war does also." he arches his brows, having not known about any guy she couldn't be diplomatic with. "Could be ...." he looks between the women, wondering what this is about.
Stephanie nods at Anna "That was a shitty situation but he's locked up now. David Martin." She explains to Michael "You can look it up for the police report details. He was a ....drifter....robber....violent robber. Anna happened upon him while he was trying to evade the cops and get out of town." Steph looks kindly at Anna "I'm really glad the cops came and found you when they did."
Anna nods, looking down "Me too. Me too." She lets out a big breath "It was at the beginning of dating Garrett, well properly...we'd been kind of on and off again over the years. But then I just couldn't, so I ended it." She shrugs and looks at Michael and then Steph "But I'm glad he's doing better now. Is he seeing anyone?"
Michael nods, making a mental note to do exactly that, look it up. At the mention of Garrett, he glances at Stephanie and sips his coffee, the picture of red haired innocence.
Stephanie tenses up a bit and then looks into her cup awkwardly. She hesitates and then says carefully "I should probably let Garrett tell you..."
Anna giggles a bit "Did he get get pregnant with someone or elope or something? You're all doom and gloom Steph...what the hell?"
Michael looks at Stephanie. "It really ISN'T the end of the world...." he coaxes her. It isn't his place, he believes. "Garrett is OK with it, seems to me."
Stephanie just says it now "Garrett is in a relationship with a man. He seems very happy."
Anna considers this for a moment, tilting her head to one side and then slowly nods "OK.....and you're right, not the end of the world at all. Do I know the guy?" He looks between them both now with a bit of a growing smile.
Michael grins. "Yea ... he takes your money on a regular basis, I expect." he licks his lips. "Dr Ayala."
Anna had been casually sipping her coffee and now sputtered and sprayed it with wide eyes. She started laughing at herself and grabbing for napkins "I'm sorry......Garrett and Ziven? OK Steph don't take this the wrong way but your brother can be a bit.....well some of MY jokes were too dirty for him. And I've heard Ziven, and well what Char tells me....he's like wild naked man of the forest! That's incredible."
Stephanie looks amused "Maybe this will be good for my brother. Wild naked man of the forest......"
Michael just manages to swallow before Anna speaks. "God .. what a vision." he clears his throat. Then, he turns to Stephanie. "Ziven is ... VERY free ... and you Yamadas . all ... tense about nudity." he teases her. The night they first made love he cooked naked for her ... and when she stays at his place ... he still does.
Stephanie slaps the table in front of Michael "Our parents were very MODEST. Get over it nude boy. I'm fine now aren't I?"
Anna turns beet red and pretends to block out the view of them with her hands over her eyes "Gah!" She laughs "And naked redheads are blinding...."
Michael laughs. "Yes, my love, you are MORE than fine." then he looks at Anna, mock offended. "I am more than a boyfriend." he declares. "I am emergency lighting!"
Steph giggles at Michael "My big hot beacon."
Anna rolls her eyes and snorts "OK you're emergency dorks too, both of you. I'm kicking you guys out. This has been a very off conversation." She has to laugh "No bad, just odd. I have half a season of Supergirl to catch up on for the upcoming everything CW DC Universe crossover." She stands to offer to gather the cups.
Steph nods "Yep, Tristan has been counting down on that. Maybe we'll come over for some crossover episodes."
Michael chuckles and looks at Anna. "I am going to watch and try and understand. And keep Stephanie and Tristan from going TOO crazy." he stands and reaches for Stephanie's hand. "May I see you home?" he grins.
Stephanie hugs Anna before she gets past and laughs at her and then takes the hand "Yes my beacon you may. But for the sake of the neighbors you'll have to keep your pants on until we get there."
Anna had been partway through the kitchen door to drop off cups and bumped it back open, joke threatening them with a cup "Out you go pervy people. Before I get undiplomatic!"
Michael heads out with a put upon sigh. "She never lets me have ANY fun." he protests, then reconsiders. "In public." he waves. "See you around, Anna."
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Preparing for Holidays - Anna, Sasha and Hani
Sasha Williams runs to catch up with Hani. "Come on lets look!" she calls, passing him and heading inside
Haninozuka Wang looks around jumps a bit.. 'wicked .. yea i was just passing by but i guess we could go in he say softly
Anna Wright is digging through a basket of mitts when she feels the breeze of the door opening and closing behind her. She hears some teens talking and turns, seeing them with a smile. She's met the boy and forgotten his name but the girl is new to her "Hi."
Sasha Williams huffs and heads in, looking around eagerly. She peeks in at their Santa and comes back, looking a little disappointed and then begins looking at the tables. She looks at the woman "Hi!" she speaks boldly with a sort of Midwestern accent. She looks back at the curtain obscuring Santa and sighs, scanning the room again
Haninozuka Wang watches Sasha 'whats back their zombie Santa kiss.. he laugh softly cuz you saw mamma biting Santa Claus .. he scans around observing the craft fair
Anna Wright chuckles at the kids and picks up a stocking and turns it over looking at it. She remembers the age where Santa was more of a humour than a magic of Christmas. These two look about there if not a little older.
Sasha Williams looks at him and cuts her eyes at the lady a second. "I looked up Canadian Santa Claus." she says boldly, not known for her shyness That one must be runnin from Trump too." she huffs and puffs out her cheeks. She looks on the table at the goods, carefully.
Haninozuka Wang looks around 'yeah cause next your Santa trump is going have us sending him gifts .. 'he laughs as he looks at the crafts on the table.. well at least Trump is safe in case of a zombie outbreak cuz he don have brains .. he looks at the toys 'cool , he pull some toys out of his cargo shorts and kiss them . he looks down at his old wolfman doll 'you serve me well but home says i have to make room for toys "
Anna Wright laughs at the assessment of Santa and then puts down the stocking and curiously peeks, giving Santa a little wave. She watches the boy part with old toys and sighs to the girl "Good for him."
Sasha Williams looks at the baked goods, considering, then moves on to the table with the stockings and quilts. She snorts at Hani's comment. "I was kinda hoping to see Prime Minister Trudeau, myself." she nods. "My mama said it was so close I should donate back in Minnesota. I don't have so many toys now." she sighs and folds her arms. "But this all says 'winter' ..... What about Canadian Christmas traditions? SO I can tell my Mom and Gran?" she looks at the earmuffs like .. maybe ...
Haninozuka Wang smiles as he leaves the table with weird toys that he cherish as little tike and looks back around..looking at the different sweaters
Anna Wright picks up a Christmas tin and thinks about it's size "Canadian traditions?'re from the States? We're pretty similar in terms of Christmas. I mean unless you're in Quebec...they do a few things differently like Tourtiere...which is a meat pie on Christmas eve."
Sasha Williams looks at the green and red sweater. "Ohhhhh a Fred Kruger sweater." she beams and folds it over her arm. getting the matching gloves she turns back. "For real? Well .... I'll suggest it. ANYTHING better than chit'lin's" she looks at the ins. "But is it REALLY the same up here as down there? Fruitcake, fat Santa, green and red and stuff?" she picks up a pair of ear muffs, too. "It's all nice but .... I guess I thought it's be different from the trim Santa on down." she was hoping for the PM, which would mean cute, trim and sexy Santa, but .... no luck.
Haninozuka Wang was about to reach for that sweater but laughs .. 'wonder if i could get some granny to knit me one with a Jason mask on it 'he say .'that be wicked 'he .say withdrawing his hand and holds out the bird sweater'look Sasha I'm giving you the bird'he laughs hard
Anna Wright laughs "I think you might be hoping for an extended Halloween. And you said the Prime Minister?" She looks at a loss, not able to address them by name "I'm Anna. " She says to the girl, and then turns to the boy "And I've forgotten your name, I'm sorry.”
Sasha Williams peruses the food again and turns back to look at Hani. "Oh that would be SWEET!" she proclaims. She looks at the sweater. "I look forward to unwrapping it, unless this is just a for now present. I can get you one, too. I only have your Christmas present so far." no pressure, boy. She then turns to he woman while Hani considers what he's literally just bought into. "Yes! He is SO CUTE! We got fat, old, orange out of shape politicians in America. Well ... Arnold wasn't bad." she offers her hand to Anna. "I'm Sasha Williams. Just moved here from Minneapolis. A pleasure to meet you, Anna."
Haninozuka Wang turns it around 'if i had my way .. it be Halloween town year round "he laughs abit menacingly and creepy but smiles 'Haninozuka.. Wang.. " he say softly .he blinks at her did you want a bird for now 'he says softly scratching his head . he bites his lip 'umm ill have to look for yours maybe some MRE or something off of the survived recommend list 'he say out loud 'he puts the sweater in her hand 'take it .. " he say softly
Anna Wright shakes Sasha's hand "Nice to meet you Sasha...and Hani, again. I think Trump's looks are the least of his problems...but what can you do..." She laughs, lets go of the hand and takes a cookie sample.
Sasha Williams turns back to Hani after her handshake with Anna and takes the sweater. "You're so sweet. A nice sweater. AND MRE." she leans over and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm not telling you what I got you." she tells him, hugging her choices to her ... the bird sweater included. She looks again at Anna. "Immigrate." she puts it bluntly. "My mama been planin this move a year and a half now." she leans over the cookies. "Gingersnaps? Ohhh yes."
Haninozuka Wang nods at Anna smiling .. then is surprise when she kisses his cheek. blushing a bit . but shrugs after digging thru the basket of gloves looking at them like its a life or death situation on his choice .. '
Anna Wright looks between the teens as if they're simply adorable after the kiss on the cheek and Hani's blush. She resists the urge to just utter Aww and put them on the spot and just yes "Yes good gingersnaps...nice and fresh." She nods at the sweater "That's a nice pattern."
Sasha Williams looks at the cookies. "May I have one?" she wonders aloud and then smiles and smooths the sweater. "Yes. That was very sweet of him. Considering he's a boy ... and still has his halloween contacts in." she laughs lightly but shows no signs of giving up the sweater.
Haninozuka Wang looks up at her 'well its a dull color good for blending in and its warm .. 'he lift up a pair of glove i was looking for a pucid green pair of gloves . he winks 'well i like my bloody eyes.. 'he groans softly making monster noises but looks at the food table .. though fruitcake is well preserved that be your best bet
Anna Wright nods "Yep the packed ones are for sale but what's out is always samples."
Sasha Williams giggles. "Uh huh. Well, if I'm eating fruitcake then you KNOW it's the Apocalypse." she takes a cookie and samples it. "Well ... baked goods never keep till Christmas but ...." she smiles and takes a box.
Haninozuka Wang looks at you 'well you haven't had Miss Leowen bake you a fruitcake made by an old Jewish grandma 'he laughs hard ..
Anna Wright moves to look at the quilt but comments about fruitcake "Oh wait there's a Canadian tradition....bad fruitcake, not made by beloved Grandmas, gets used for hockey pucks."
Sasha Williams laughs. "Some foods are best saved for disasters. Fruitcake and Spam are the first two I can think of." she looks at the quilt. "I want to make me one of them." she says a little dreamily. "Maybe by next winter. Like a quilt of y first year in Canada." she ponders. "I wonder if I can get Officer Reinhardt to cut up his shirt..."
Haninozuka Wang brushes past Sasha .. looks around to sample it a slice of fruitcake and talks open mouth . 'not Mrs. Leown's but its not too bad..'he chew 'why you want his shirt 'he says clueless
Anna Wright looks curious for the answer too, wondering if Michael has a young admirer "Friend of yours Sasha, Officer Reinhardt that is."
Sasha Williams looks at Hani. "Because he is the first cop I ever talked to that didn't treat me like a complete idiot. And offered me self defense classes, so I'm learning more fighting techniques." she beams. "UNARMED combat .. can you BELIEVE it? I knew some knife techniques but they told me at the CPPD I couldn't do that here." she looks at Anna and shrugs. "Sort of. But he's got a girlfriend." she rolls her eyes, then lowers them a bit.
Haninozuka Wang is too busy stuff his fact but sorta is red from brushing past Sasha .. he goes on to sample everything on the table he looks for something to do to not have to turns to face them .. he exhales softly and picks up two loafs of fruitcake holding both as he looks around at the over stuff using them as weights absentmindedly
Anna Wright has a look on her face like she finds Sasha's reaction as adorable as the moment between her and Hani but only the quilt sees it. Clearing her throat she looks up and around "Yes, they're very helpful here, our police in this town anyway." She watches Hani lift fruitcake like weights and has to chuckle a bit.
Sasha Williams nods. "They actually seem to CARE of kids use weapons." she snorted. "The lady ... Lieutenant? The black lady? I think she wound up meeting my mom ..." she winces a little bit. "But I am glad to know other ways to fight. And what do do if an emergency crops up. I sort of left the whole zombie thing aside watching the protests after that election. That ... is worse .. and more likely to happen ... obviously."
Haninozuka Wang looks over at them after he feels the flush left his cheek 'nah he dating Stephanie.. right .. i think i babysit her kid .. 'he shrugs and continues to sample a bit more and peeks at the Santa 'sup fat man 'he waves and goes over to the fire warming his hands 'yeah .. zombies .. they are only happening in the movie and TV show 'he say softly ah fuck its fake " he swears ..
Anna Wright grins "This town is very connected. Lieutenant Johnson had been there forever. Awesome lady. One of my best friends works there with her, Officer Douglas, my other best Stephanie. And yes, we prefer children unarmed, and bears!" She jokes. She nods at Hani now "You babysat Tristan? Cool." and then she chuckles about the fire.
Sasha Williams pffts. "He prolly think I'm too young anyway. But she has a cute baby. I live in the building next to them." she giggles. "Fake or not, he still fat." she huffs. "Bring back healthy skinny Santa!" she lifts up her fist. "YEA! Lieutenant Johnson. And I met the Douglas lady too." she sighs. "I didn't know that. Where I am from you have to know how to fight. I stayed out of the gangs and away from the drugs but it was still dangerous. I guess its not like that here."
Haninozuka Wang shrugs as the Santa looks at him and he shakes his head at him "i think still do .. 'he say softly and shrugs and turns around to go 'nah its quiet here.. not like hell's kitchen .. 'he say softly ..
Anna Wright sighs and looks worriedly at Sasha "Hopefully this place is more peaceful for you, both of you." She smiles at Hani and Sasha both.
Sasha Williams looks at Hani. "YOU been in a knife fight? ANY fight?" she moves to the person taking the payments and gives her cash. "This I gotta see.' she proclaims waiting on her big bag and in her amazement paid for the bird sweater.
Haninozuka Wang chuckles in a sinister way and hums kidnap the sandy claw and looks at Santa 'he chuckles . he looks at you . 'nah.. though i had to grab a trash can lid and fend off some dbag mugger .. creepy dude 'eh shrugs like its a walk in the park
Anna Wright gets in line to pay too and winces a bit at the conversation.
Sasha Williams arches her brows. "THIS I gotta see." she takes her bag and looks at him. "Pay the lady and lets go." she says casually as if hes just volunteered for an audition.
Haninozuka Wang looks at you weird but shrugs and walks to the cashier and pays for his fruitcake loaf and her sweater.. but the land hands back his money .. 'the fuck Sash.. i said i got this 'he say chuckling but follows her ..
Anna Wright just watches the pair from behind them both with amused curiosity. She adds the stocking she was admiring earlier to her pile as she stands in line.
Sasha Williams blinks. "Ohhhh that. Well, if you beat my ass in this fight, I'll give it to you and THEN you can give it to me." she heads for the door. "Emphasis on IF."
Haninozuka Wang waves at Anna at and chuckles laugh 'oh its so fucking on Williams" and runs after Sasha
Anna Wright laughs as she pays "Careful you two! And have fun!" Anna is thinking from the banter between them that it's a joke or a play fight. In fact from the flirty little moments she saw, she has half a mind to think the two teens might just run off to a remote part of one of the beaches and neck.
Sasha Williams snorts and marches straight to the small beach without a word. Dropping her bag by one of the logs she turns and immediately assumes a fighting stance, both fists balled weight balanced and ready. "Bring it!'
Haninozuka Wang drops his bag next to hers and also gets in his hands in to fist not even protest that she is girl .. beyond his dads would say .. he knew girl could kick ass and beat the shit of guys having been on the receiving in of that many time in the streets of hell ' he looks at her squared in the eye and 'don't hold back 'he say raising his eyes brushing the blue bangs out of his eyes ..' . he lunges forward in and upper cut punch
Sasha Williams bends at her knees and lunges forward, aiming a punch at his bell and not holding back. Not even a little bit.
Haninozuka Wang dodges bit but her punch sinks in he stagger back but he still come back 'good none of the weak girls shit with the hair pulling 'he say breathed a bit 'he grabs goes to gram for her arm.. '
Sasha Williams pulls back but he's got her arm. For a second she wonders and then turns her back to him and attempts to throw him like Officer Reinhardt taught her to.
Haninozuka Wang starts to be throw back cups her arm its a struggle but she eventually throws him off he lands in the dirt . he punches the ground and starts back pull back his hand and aim for her stomach.
Sasha Williams goes down with him, unintentionally landing on the punch to her stomach. "Off!" she straddles him, grabbing the offending arm and pulling it across his body and trying to grab the other hand.
Haninozuka Wang growls softly rolls her around in the dirt but the force of her grab stacks his other arm across his own throat . he coughs a bit as he struggles to get her off his legs kicking her chin. a bruise forms across his neck..
Sasha Williams struggles in the sand with him but is able to get him back on his back, even with the knee to her chin. She grabs both of his wrists and forces her knee between his legs. "Say uncle or I'll make you a damn girl!" she pants.
Haninozuka Wang writhes 'never.. 'he says through .. gritted teeth . he struggles to get loose clamping her knees with his legs . he looks like mad man with his red face and determined eyes
Sasha Williams growls and struggles. trying to get him in the nuts ... she humphs and may come close.
Haninozuka Wang has a crazy 'do .. i dare you ' look to him as he as almost breaks free but doesn't but her sheer skill
Sasha Williams tries again to free her knee, lifting it and then bringing it down hard as she can between his legs.
Haninozuka Wang grimaces as she makes contact 'good.. choice .. don't ever fucking back down 'he chokes out in slightly higher octave. 'fuck .. you win .. " he say softly 'did officer whats his face.. redhead dude teach you that .. 'he laughs his eyes pooling a bit. but he blinks a bit .. 'good good ' he manages
Sasha Williams backs off of him and stands. "Well, he taught me to do it better. But I already knew where to hit a guy." she smiles down at him and nods. "Good fight, Hani Solo." she praises him. "I gave you my all and you gave me your all, I can tell." she offers him her hand to help him up. "You'll be a good one to have with me if everything turns to shit."
Haninozuka Wang takes her hand 'he winces .. I don't mind being a girl .. as long as I am some punk ass weak bitch that is waiting for some dick to save her 'he say chuckling a bit out of breath as he pulls her arm down in mock like he going to pull her down but instead smiles as she helps him up . he dusts the sand off 'i guess you get to keep me not pay for your sweater 'eh laughs softly 'same here . i don't have to play the white knight or whatever. to some weak girl .,just promise me one thing'he laugh softly
Sasha Williams lifts a hand to her mouth and it comes back bloody. "You got me." she doesn't sound at all angry about it. Instead she smiles. "Yup. You gonna have to come up with another present. And no ... be nice if I'm up against more than one or outmatched but ... I can take care of myself." she pauses. "What thing? depends on what it is?"
Haninozuka Wang laughs softly and hands her a skull and cross bone hankie'yeah i can see that .. I'm glad you can. 'he chuckles 'a persons gotta be able to defend yourself " he smirks and shakes his ' promise i wont have to fight you to give you your present . 'he jokes and slaps her on the back hard patting hard like he would a dude "
Sasha Williams takes the hankie and puts the black part on her tongue. Then she laughs. "No ... I really just wanted to make sure you COULD fight. A lit of these boys around here talk a good game, but I bet when it comes down to it ... they'd go crying to their mommies and I'd get grounded." she looks past him and waves. "Officer Reinhardt!" she looks at Hani. "I gotta go. Text me later and thanks for the workout!" and she jogs to catch up to him, talking excitedly.
Haninozuka Wang just waves at her 'sup officer 'he say nonchalantly .. and walks a bit funny but smiling.
Haninozuka Wang looks around jumps a bit.. 'wicked .. yea i was just passing by but i guess we could go in he say softly
Anna Wright is digging through a basket of mitts when she feels the breeze of the door opening and closing behind her. She hears some teens talking and turns, seeing them with a smile. She's met the boy and forgotten his name but the girl is new to her "Hi."
Sasha Williams huffs and heads in, looking around eagerly. She peeks in at their Santa and comes back, looking a little disappointed and then begins looking at the tables. She looks at the woman "Hi!" she speaks boldly with a sort of Midwestern accent. She looks back at the curtain obscuring Santa and sighs, scanning the room again
Haninozuka Wang watches Sasha 'whats back their zombie Santa kiss.. he laugh softly cuz you saw mamma biting Santa Claus .. he scans around observing the craft fair
Anna Wright chuckles at the kids and picks up a stocking and turns it over looking at it. She remembers the age where Santa was more of a humour than a magic of Christmas. These two look about there if not a little older.
Sasha Williams looks at him and cuts her eyes at the lady a second. "I looked up Canadian Santa Claus." she says boldly, not known for her shyness That one must be runnin from Trump too." she huffs and puffs out her cheeks. She looks on the table at the goods, carefully.
Haninozuka Wang looks around 'yeah cause next your Santa trump is going have us sending him gifts .. 'he laughs as he looks at the crafts on the table.. well at least Trump is safe in case of a zombie outbreak cuz he don have brains .. he looks at the toys 'cool , he pull some toys out of his cargo shorts and kiss them . he looks down at his old wolfman doll 'you serve me well but home says i have to make room for toys "
Anna Wright laughs at the assessment of Santa and then puts down the stocking and curiously peeks, giving Santa a little wave. She watches the boy part with old toys and sighs to the girl "Good for him."
Sasha Williams looks at the baked goods, considering, then moves on to the table with the stockings and quilts. She snorts at Hani's comment. "I was kinda hoping to see Prime Minister Trudeau, myself." she nods. "My mama said it was so close I should donate back in Minnesota. I don't have so many toys now." she sighs and folds her arms. "But this all says 'winter' ..... What about Canadian Christmas traditions? SO I can tell my Mom and Gran?" she looks at the earmuffs like .. maybe ...
Haninozuka Wang smiles as he leaves the table with weird toys that he cherish as little tike and looks back around..looking at the different sweaters
Anna Wright picks up a Christmas tin and thinks about it's size "Canadian traditions?'re from the States? We're pretty similar in terms of Christmas. I mean unless you're in Quebec...they do a few things differently like Tourtiere...which is a meat pie on Christmas eve."
Sasha Williams looks at the green and red sweater. "Ohhhhh a Fred Kruger sweater." she beams and folds it over her arm. getting the matching gloves she turns back. "For real? Well .... I'll suggest it. ANYTHING better than chit'lin's" she looks at the ins. "But is it REALLY the same up here as down there? Fruitcake, fat Santa, green and red and stuff?" she picks up a pair of ear muffs, too. "It's all nice but .... I guess I thought it's be different from the trim Santa on down." she was hoping for the PM, which would mean cute, trim and sexy Santa, but .... no luck.
Haninozuka Wang was about to reach for that sweater but laughs .. 'wonder if i could get some granny to knit me one with a Jason mask on it 'he say .'that be wicked 'he .say withdrawing his hand and holds out the bird sweater'look Sasha I'm giving you the bird'he laughs hard
Anna Wright laughs "I think you might be hoping for an extended Halloween. And you said the Prime Minister?" She looks at a loss, not able to address them by name "I'm Anna. " She says to the girl, and then turns to the boy "And I've forgotten your name, I'm sorry.”
Sasha Williams peruses the food again and turns back to look at Hani. "Oh that would be SWEET!" she proclaims. She looks at the sweater. "I look forward to unwrapping it, unless this is just a for now present. I can get you one, too. I only have your Christmas present so far." no pressure, boy. She then turns to he woman while Hani considers what he's literally just bought into. "Yes! He is SO CUTE! We got fat, old, orange out of shape politicians in America. Well ... Arnold wasn't bad." she offers her hand to Anna. "I'm Sasha Williams. Just moved here from Minneapolis. A pleasure to meet you, Anna."
Haninozuka Wang turns it around 'if i had my way .. it be Halloween town year round "he laughs abit menacingly and creepy but smiles 'Haninozuka.. Wang.. " he say softly .he blinks at her did you want a bird for now 'he says softly scratching his head . he bites his lip 'umm ill have to look for yours maybe some MRE or something off of the survived recommend list 'he say out loud 'he puts the sweater in her hand 'take it .. " he say softly
Anna Wright shakes Sasha's hand "Nice to meet you Sasha...and Hani, again. I think Trump's looks are the least of his problems...but what can you do..." She laughs, lets go of the hand and takes a cookie sample.
Sasha Williams turns back to Hani after her handshake with Anna and takes the sweater. "You're so sweet. A nice sweater. AND MRE." she leans over and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I'm not telling you what I got you." she tells him, hugging her choices to her ... the bird sweater included. She looks again at Anna. "Immigrate." she puts it bluntly. "My mama been planin this move a year and a half now." she leans over the cookies. "Gingersnaps? Ohhh yes."
Haninozuka Wang nods at Anna smiling .. then is surprise when she kisses his cheek. blushing a bit . but shrugs after digging thru the basket of gloves looking at them like its a life or death situation on his choice .. '
Anna Wright looks between the teens as if they're simply adorable after the kiss on the cheek and Hani's blush. She resists the urge to just utter Aww and put them on the spot and just yes "Yes good gingersnaps...nice and fresh." She nods at the sweater "That's a nice pattern."
Sasha Williams looks at the cookies. "May I have one?" she wonders aloud and then smiles and smooths the sweater. "Yes. That was very sweet of him. Considering he's a boy ... and still has his halloween contacts in." she laughs lightly but shows no signs of giving up the sweater.
Haninozuka Wang looks up at her 'well its a dull color good for blending in and its warm .. 'he lift up a pair of glove i was looking for a pucid green pair of gloves . he winks 'well i like my bloody eyes.. 'he groans softly making monster noises but looks at the food table .. though fruitcake is well preserved that be your best bet
Anna Wright nods "Yep the packed ones are for sale but what's out is always samples."
Sasha Williams giggles. "Uh huh. Well, if I'm eating fruitcake then you KNOW it's the Apocalypse." she takes a cookie and samples it. "Well ... baked goods never keep till Christmas but ...." she smiles and takes a box.
Haninozuka Wang looks at you 'well you haven't had Miss Leowen bake you a fruitcake made by an old Jewish grandma 'he laughs hard ..
Anna Wright moves to look at the quilt but comments about fruitcake "Oh wait there's a Canadian tradition....bad fruitcake, not made by beloved Grandmas, gets used for hockey pucks."
Sasha Williams laughs. "Some foods are best saved for disasters. Fruitcake and Spam are the first two I can think of." she looks at the quilt. "I want to make me one of them." she says a little dreamily. "Maybe by next winter. Like a quilt of y first year in Canada." she ponders. "I wonder if I can get Officer Reinhardt to cut up his shirt..."
Haninozuka Wang brushes past Sasha .. looks around to sample it a slice of fruitcake and talks open mouth . 'not Mrs. Leown's but its not too bad..'he chew 'why you want his shirt 'he says clueless
Anna Wright looks curious for the answer too, wondering if Michael has a young admirer "Friend of yours Sasha, Officer Reinhardt that is."
Sasha Williams looks at Hani. "Because he is the first cop I ever talked to that didn't treat me like a complete idiot. And offered me self defense classes, so I'm learning more fighting techniques." she beams. "UNARMED combat .. can you BELIEVE it? I knew some knife techniques but they told me at the CPPD I couldn't do that here." she looks at Anna and shrugs. "Sort of. But he's got a girlfriend." she rolls her eyes, then lowers them a bit.
Haninozuka Wang is too busy stuff his fact but sorta is red from brushing past Sasha .. he goes on to sample everything on the table he looks for something to do to not have to turns to face them .. he exhales softly and picks up two loafs of fruitcake holding both as he looks around at the over stuff using them as weights absentmindedly
Anna Wright has a look on her face like she finds Sasha's reaction as adorable as the moment between her and Hani but only the quilt sees it. Clearing her throat she looks up and around "Yes, they're very helpful here, our police in this town anyway." She watches Hani lift fruitcake like weights and has to chuckle a bit.
Sasha Williams nods. "They actually seem to CARE of kids use weapons." she snorted. "The lady ... Lieutenant? The black lady? I think she wound up meeting my mom ..." she winces a little bit. "But I am glad to know other ways to fight. And what do do if an emergency crops up. I sort of left the whole zombie thing aside watching the protests after that election. That ... is worse .. and more likely to happen ... obviously."
Haninozuka Wang looks over at them after he feels the flush left his cheek 'nah he dating Stephanie.. right .. i think i babysit her kid .. 'he shrugs and continues to sample a bit more and peeks at the Santa 'sup fat man 'he waves and goes over to the fire warming his hands 'yeah .. zombies .. they are only happening in the movie and TV show 'he say softly ah fuck its fake " he swears ..
Anna Wright grins "This town is very connected. Lieutenant Johnson had been there forever. Awesome lady. One of my best friends works there with her, Officer Douglas, my other best Stephanie. And yes, we prefer children unarmed, and bears!" She jokes. She nods at Hani now "You babysat Tristan? Cool." and then she chuckles about the fire.
Sasha Williams pffts. "He prolly think I'm too young anyway. But she has a cute baby. I live in the building next to them." she giggles. "Fake or not, he still fat." she huffs. "Bring back healthy skinny Santa!" she lifts up her fist. "YEA! Lieutenant Johnson. And I met the Douglas lady too." she sighs. "I didn't know that. Where I am from you have to know how to fight. I stayed out of the gangs and away from the drugs but it was still dangerous. I guess its not like that here."
Haninozuka Wang shrugs as the Santa looks at him and he shakes his head at him "i think still do .. 'he say softly and shrugs and turns around to go 'nah its quiet here.. not like hell's kitchen .. 'he say softly ..
Anna Wright sighs and looks worriedly at Sasha "Hopefully this place is more peaceful for you, both of you." She smiles at Hani and Sasha both.
Sasha Williams looks at Hani. "YOU been in a knife fight? ANY fight?" she moves to the person taking the payments and gives her cash. "This I gotta see.' she proclaims waiting on her big bag and in her amazement paid for the bird sweater.
Haninozuka Wang chuckles in a sinister way and hums kidnap the sandy claw and looks at Santa 'he chuckles . he looks at you . 'nah.. though i had to grab a trash can lid and fend off some dbag mugger .. creepy dude 'eh shrugs like its a walk in the park
Anna Wright gets in line to pay too and winces a bit at the conversation.
Sasha Williams arches her brows. "THIS I gotta see." she takes her bag and looks at him. "Pay the lady and lets go." she says casually as if hes just volunteered for an audition.
Haninozuka Wang looks at you weird but shrugs and walks to the cashier and pays for his fruitcake loaf and her sweater.. but the land hands back his money .. 'the fuck Sash.. i said i got this 'he say chuckling but follows her ..
Anna Wright just watches the pair from behind them both with amused curiosity. She adds the stocking she was admiring earlier to her pile as she stands in line.
Sasha Williams blinks. "Ohhhh that. Well, if you beat my ass in this fight, I'll give it to you and THEN you can give it to me." she heads for the door. "Emphasis on IF."
Haninozuka Wang waves at Anna at and chuckles laugh 'oh its so fucking on Williams" and runs after Sasha
Anna Wright laughs as she pays "Careful you two! And have fun!" Anna is thinking from the banter between them that it's a joke or a play fight. In fact from the flirty little moments she saw, she has half a mind to think the two teens might just run off to a remote part of one of the beaches and neck.
Sasha Williams snorts and marches straight to the small beach without a word. Dropping her bag by one of the logs she turns and immediately assumes a fighting stance, both fists balled weight balanced and ready. "Bring it!'
Haninozuka Wang drops his bag next to hers and also gets in his hands in to fist not even protest that she is girl .. beyond his dads would say .. he knew girl could kick ass and beat the shit of guys having been on the receiving in of that many time in the streets of hell ' he looks at her squared in the eye and 'don't hold back 'he say raising his eyes brushing the blue bangs out of his eyes ..' . he lunges forward in and upper cut punch
Sasha Williams bends at her knees and lunges forward, aiming a punch at his bell and not holding back. Not even a little bit.
Haninozuka Wang dodges bit but her punch sinks in he stagger back but he still come back 'good none of the weak girls shit with the hair pulling 'he say breathed a bit 'he grabs goes to gram for her arm.. '
Sasha Williams pulls back but he's got her arm. For a second she wonders and then turns her back to him and attempts to throw him like Officer Reinhardt taught her to.
Haninozuka Wang starts to be throw back cups her arm its a struggle but she eventually throws him off he lands in the dirt . he punches the ground and starts back pull back his hand and aim for her stomach.
Sasha Williams goes down with him, unintentionally landing on the punch to her stomach. "Off!" she straddles him, grabbing the offending arm and pulling it across his body and trying to grab the other hand.
Haninozuka Wang growls softly rolls her around in the dirt but the force of her grab stacks his other arm across his own throat . he coughs a bit as he struggles to get her off his legs kicking her chin. a bruise forms across his neck..
Sasha Williams struggles in the sand with him but is able to get him back on his back, even with the knee to her chin. She grabs both of his wrists and forces her knee between his legs. "Say uncle or I'll make you a damn girl!" she pants.
Haninozuka Wang writhes 'never.. 'he says through .. gritted teeth . he struggles to get loose clamping her knees with his legs . he looks like mad man with his red face and determined eyes
Sasha Williams growls and struggles. trying to get him in the nuts ... she humphs and may come close.
Haninozuka Wang has a crazy 'do .. i dare you ' look to him as he as almost breaks free but doesn't but her sheer skill
Sasha Williams tries again to free her knee, lifting it and then bringing it down hard as she can between his legs.
Haninozuka Wang grimaces as she makes contact 'good.. choice .. don't ever fucking back down 'he chokes out in slightly higher octave. 'fuck .. you win .. " he say softly 'did officer whats his face.. redhead dude teach you that .. 'he laughs his eyes pooling a bit. but he blinks a bit .. 'good good ' he manages
Sasha Williams backs off of him and stands. "Well, he taught me to do it better. But I already knew where to hit a guy." she smiles down at him and nods. "Good fight, Hani Solo." she praises him. "I gave you my all and you gave me your all, I can tell." she offers him her hand to help him up. "You'll be a good one to have with me if everything turns to shit."
Haninozuka Wang takes her hand 'he winces .. I don't mind being a girl .. as long as I am some punk ass weak bitch that is waiting for some dick to save her 'he say chuckling a bit out of breath as he pulls her arm down in mock like he going to pull her down but instead smiles as she helps him up . he dusts the sand off 'i guess you get to keep me not pay for your sweater 'eh laughs softly 'same here . i don't have to play the white knight or whatever. to some weak girl .,just promise me one thing'he laugh softly
Sasha Williams lifts a hand to her mouth and it comes back bloody. "You got me." she doesn't sound at all angry about it. Instead she smiles. "Yup. You gonna have to come up with another present. And no ... be nice if I'm up against more than one or outmatched but ... I can take care of myself." she pauses. "What thing? depends on what it is?"
Haninozuka Wang laughs softly and hands her a skull and cross bone hankie'yeah i can see that .. I'm glad you can. 'he chuckles 'a persons gotta be able to defend yourself " he smirks and shakes his ' promise i wont have to fight you to give you your present . 'he jokes and slaps her on the back hard patting hard like he would a dude "
Sasha Williams takes the hankie and puts the black part on her tongue. Then she laughs. "No ... I really just wanted to make sure you COULD fight. A lit of these boys around here talk a good game, but I bet when it comes down to it ... they'd go crying to their mommies and I'd get grounded." she looks past him and waves. "Officer Reinhardt!" she looks at Hani. "I gotta go. Text me later and thanks for the workout!" and she jogs to catch up to him, talking excitedly.
Haninozuka Wang just waves at her 'sup officer 'he say nonchalantly .. and walks a bit funny but smiling.
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Lavender Brunch Nov 20 - Dr. Rose Song, Tonya and Han
Doctor Song hears a noise.
Tonya Williams walks in the B&B and looks around for a free spot. She can see a couple, and approches a dark haired woman. "Is this seat taken?" she wonders, her voice relative soft and deep.
Doctor Song looks at the young woman "feel free ."
Tonya Williams sits down and looks around a bit, asking the server for a coffee to start.
Doctor Song: me looks up from her paperwork " make it two Coffees please ". turns back to the Young woman " Good morning, My names Rose , Rose Song.
Tonya Williams smiles as she gets her coffee and begins to prepare it to her liking. "OH .. I'm Tonya Williams." her accent is distinctly unCanadian. "Just moved here a couple weeks ago with my daighter. Then ...." she sighs and stirs her coffee.
Doctor Song smiles Welcome to Canada then.
Doctor Song: ( puts away paperwork)
Tonya Williams smiles. "Thanks. At least I don't have to get used to the cold." she chuckles. How can you wear a t-shirt in this weather?"
Doctor Song laughs Oh that i think its because to me this is more like the summers back home in Trondheim
Tonya Williams considers that and lifts her coffee to her lips. "Never heard of it." she sips. "That in canada?"
Doctor Song smiles " oh no its in europe Far northern Europe in norway about 500 km from russia
Tonya Williams arches her brows high. "Norway? Dayumn." she snorts and watches as another man walks in. There;s only one seat left ... at their table. So she waits.
Han Weng looks around and for a other seat but exhales and sits down 'mind if i sit here. its only here.. id get to go but.. this isnt a to go kind of place he say with his strong cantonese accent
Doctor Song notices her Friend Han " Come join us Han This is a free seat.
Doctor Song: Han meet Tonya'
Tonya Williams smiles a little and looks at the man. "Oh you two know wach other." she realizes she hasn't gotten completely introduced so she offers her hand. "Tonya WIlliams. Pleased to meet you."
Han Weng sits down smiling 'thanks friend 'he say to Doctor and look back at Tonya and both bows and extends his hand 'Han Wang.. nice to meet you ..are.. new . here.. wait.. are you related to a Sasha Williams '
Tonya Williams shakes the proffered hand. "Yes. That would be my daughter." she looks curious. "You're not one of the officials she been interrogating, are you?" she loks mildly amused.
Doctor Song: / me looks slightly surprised "Interogating?" Looks at Han "huh wha...."
Han Weng laughs and shakes her hand firmly 'no youre daughter is who my son can stop talking about.. 'eh chuckles 'im Han, Hani's father 'he say soflty
Tonya Williams laughs. "Oh right ... and no ... interrogating might not be the right word." she grins at them both. "See my daughter is a big ... one of them people just waiting for the world to end. At first it was zombies, but since that election ... she got at least more practical. She's been going around asking the Police Deprtment and the Fire Department and EMT's and all about how prepared they are and what she can do o stay alive when Trump blows us all up of something." she chuckles. "And probably delivering all that info right back to Hani." she looks at the man. "SHold I apologize to you for her, or this one of them things neither one of us met the others kid?"
Doctor Song Chuckles She sounds wonderful i been wondering that myself to be completely honest. but then i am glad that I was born under a consitutional monarchy. and If Hani is talking then she must be charming.
Han Weng laugs softly 'no its okay .. my son is big into horror and i was afraid he was creepy her out but i think hes met his match with her.. hes a dreamer of sort but his is all of blood and gore 'he laughs 'big fan of the walking dead so he kinda swept up in that world with her.. was asking me.. if we were zombie proof.. im like we are prepared for an emergency .. so he is okay with that so far but it sorta good since he has been spending alot more time with his dad.. 'he laughs 'his other dad .. a real country type.. 'eh laughs 'and its a distract from his other friend that just up and left him with no goodbye .. 'he laugh soflty
Tonya Williams laughs. "Well, if anyone can bring about the end ... jest sayin. He already bringin in the white supremacists. I'm trying to get my mother here on a visa." she grins. "Well, Sasha is charming ... but she also isn't shy so she'll ask anyone anything ... jsut ask the Cedar Point Police Department." she rla her eyes. "Yea, I think tht's how they met .. watching that show. I swear that girl is ready to chop my head off. I can look forward to cremation at least." she grins. "Well, her focus has shifted since Trump. So I guess the man did SOMETHIN right."
Han Weng looks pensive then speak about 'yeah .. i heard about that .. its sorta sad though.. Hani was scared abit for me but
Doctor Song eyes widen " it's good that kids are given imaginations I think it protects them from some very harsh realaties out there, Like trump doing something right? I doubt it that man never smiles and allways looks constipated" and I am Glad to hear Hani has a good friend now.
Han Weng looks pensieve and then speak up 'yeah i heard about that .. its sorta sad though .. Hani was scared for me since im a recent immigrant from china .. been over here since i can over here to go to school though i told him since i married his mother im okay .. 'eh sighs 'we can over when i got a job in Vancouver .. 'eh exhales ' a year ago.. but yeah .. he not a nice man..'he say seriously ' though he cant talk .. never though the day would happen when we got our first orange president ' he jokes and then looks at doctor 'yes she is alot better .. he talks to her all the time like during the day .. and probably ight 'he looks at Tonya 'im sorry if he is interuptin your daughter sleep ..' he say soflty 'probably
Tonya Williams grins. "Well, I'll give him credit for getting my daughter to focus on more realistic disasters.. But before that man is done, I expect we might be in for some hard times. Not what the kids are thinking is tough, but more tough in other ways. Thats swhy I want my mama out of there, cause I swear once he gets rid of the Muslims .... well .... the black muslims be next and thats his excuse to ship us all back to Africa or whatever." she looks at Han. "I tell here Canada is different. I ain't got no good ties to the US. My ancestors didnt want to come here, so I got no qualms leaving." she laughs. "President Cheeto. Poor Cheeto's." she grins. "Well, she gets her lessons done, so i do't care if she does it at three in the afternoon or three in the morning. And she knows how to cook and getin touch with me. She too old for a babysitter."
Doctor Song nods in agreement " I never could grasp all the bigotry , yet i faced some growing up being a samii in all ,you all call us laps. i dunno where i live now is very intergrated . I guess that's what i love about here so much like Norway.
Han Weng nods 'yeah .. i give him that but i dont think Hani was worried before .. he understand the difference between a story and reality .. even though he has funny way of showing it 'he laugh soflty 'but yeah , another recession .. i expect and it bleed all over the world since Amercian leads the free world.. I like being in a land of the free... well .. its better then my home.. 'he exhales 'i wish my mom and dad would move to Canad with us .. but they are so stubborn ..'he exhales. 'atleast he has some company with his crazy hours he keeps .. ' he laugh sofltly 'its fear, fear of the unknown , fear of losing power ' he exhales 'i love it here .. my cousin lives in Vancouver and he and a friend own the building company i work at ..' he say soflty
Tonya Williams grins and sips at more coffee. "Well, my mama is stubborn too, but I told her I'll come get her if I have to. If nothing else, I want her to move to ashington stte so all she has to do is hop over the border .. but better if she just comes here. She's young for a grandmother, so she can work." she considers, staring into her coffee. "I'm jsut glad I got me a good job."
Han Weng nods 'well hani.. is afraid if he goes to wish my parents in china .. they wont let him back.. 'im like you were born to two amercian parents.. though hani other grandpa from his real dad..Wolf probably hopes that that cheeto bigot gets his way .. he is a Klan member.. from what Wolf said . Wolf cant stand him' he huffs and changes the subject "what do you .. im an Architect .. 'he ay soflty .. '
Doctor Song conciders " I think if shit hits the fan down there and I hope it won't canada is gonna welcome with open arms . every country has its time I believe it's the U.S. 's turn. At any rate were here were' safe and so we're good.
Tonya Williams nods and sighs. "Well he wanted America great again .... and I guess that means all the way back to giving smallpox blankets to the Natives." she grins and looks at Han. "I'm a vetrenary assistant." she tells him. "I work for the White Rock Animal Shelter plus I do the light work that doesnt need the vet at the Cedar Point Hospital for Animals. For Dr Ayala. if you know him. He also works for the government."
Han Weng nods 'but theyll pull through .. from what i understand from the american goverment classes i took in college .. the Amercian goverment system has a chekc and balance. ' he smiles hearign her job tittle 'well you maybe meeting Wolf soon .. he takes his two dog Admiral and Skipper to cedar points hospital . he laDejaVu Serifugh soflty 'that way you can know who wil be giving your daughter lesson in camping and other survival stuff .. 'eh laugh softly
Doctor Song smiles "I suppose you can call my work Investigative. " she ponders how to really answer this, " It's kinda best kept secretive but rest assured i'm not with immigration.
Tonya Williams laughs. "I look forward it. Sasha wants a dog for protection. The police told her she cab't have a gun." she sets her elbows on the table nd sighs deeply. "I almost didnt realize how bad it was until we were gone." she grins. "I don know bout no campin ... but ... if Sasha wants to ... I wish her luck." she looks at Doc and her eyes narrow. "Not with immigration dont mean too much." she straightens and tenses, slightly.
Han Weng laughs 'good cuz im totally legal..a fob .. frest off the boat.. but came here legally and married an amercian beauty .. though yeah i could be doubt as why i would marry a lady already pregnant with some other mans kid.. i just call it love.. 'he laugh sflty 'i consider Hani my own as if he was flesh and blood..sorta wanted other children but.. nature said no.. so im so lucky that have hani and Miku .. he smiles .. looking down and sips his coffee . . he looks up at Tonya look abit pensieve . 'yeah .. hani told me that Admiral trusts her .. so thats a good sign 'he laughs soflty .. he still looks pensieve
Doctor Song: /Notices the tension and replies reassuringly "I'm a peer couselor over at Theta sigma Island", but sometimes i get special cases . but allways comes out good for all . breathes a sigh of relief fearing she blew it again.
Tonya Williams smiles. "She's good with animals, but when we wee in Minneapolis .... no pets." she opens her mouth to say more when her phone chirps and she looks at it. "Annnnnd I need to go wash a poodle." she chuckles and leaves cash for her bill. "It's been a pleasure meeting you folks. Take care." and shes off.
Doctor Song says nice meeting you bye
Doctor Song looks at Han "i hope i didnt scare her away.
Han Weng waves to here as she goes off and exhales slowly 'yeah . it alway turns out .. in the end 'he say soflty 'our adversities makes us what we are .. it makes us strong and appriecate of what we do have. 'eh smile weakly bitign his lip .. 'i dont think so .. duty call people away sometimes .. i guess we just must be thankfull for what we have 'he smiles
Doctor Song agrees " it's just so hard sometimes to make friends when people have walls
Doctor Song: and i have big ones
Han Weng nods 'that is true .. but people are like situation .. theyll come around too .. life works itself out.. he smiles nodding as he sips his cofee
Doctor Song smiles Yup I am just glad to hear her Kid has made friends allready thats a big step in the right direction
Doctor Song: and Hani must be really happy
Han Weng laugh soflty 'yeah .. he is charming young man .. but just odd for what he likes to watch and do in his spare time.. he want to become film maker of horror movies ' he laughs soflty 'yes he is the happiest ive seen even before we left New York 'he smiles 'he had friends there but i think not as close as he seem to be getting along with Sasha 'Im grateful that she and Tonya have come up here'.. and Im glad to have come up here to.. its been so good meet all the wonderful people here.. he pauses and looks at Doctor 'you too.. he chuckles .. how are your neice and nephew.. 'he asks smiling 'right?"
Doctor Song: They have been busy In theta sigma getting Settled in and looking for apprenticships .
Han Weng smiles 'oh .. what are they lookign for 'he smiles looking at her interested and eagerly
Doctor Song Ponders I think Ã…se is going for some Metalergic work with the steell mills, and Lokki is looking at Computer repair work.
Han Weng smiles 'i like their names 'he laugh soflty ' that sounds very interesting . do they have any leads so far'he says encouragingly
Doctor Song thinks Ã…se has a few with Scana , But Lokii is well Lokii a bit of what is called a b person he's ok and awake at bedtime.
Han Weng nods 'well hell find something im sure 'he say soflty .. laughing
Doctor Song whispers yeah i suppose i could hire him at the coffee shop i own but that would be unfair to my employees to hire family
Han Weng nods 'but thats probably how i got my job 'he tease 'if he fits the bill then its ok if you hire them 'he laughs 'i work at my cousins company 'he laughs softly
Doctor Song: / me ponders the thought of it " nah i think it's best if he does what he loves you can't get him away from puters. and he's very good at it. i might just rent him a shop.
Han Weng laughs 'well thats good to.. thats why we have family .. its the first support system you have.. the one youre born into .. family .. is a treasure if it good 'he smiles
Doctor Song smiles Or if there more than just a random deposit in an offshore bankaccount.
Han Weng: he laughs softly 'that true .. but that investment is still valuable to that bank account .. some wiill benefit from it 'he smiles and nods
Doctor Song feels he phone go off " Sorry but i am on call today " as she gets up and goes to pay the bills while saying on my tab today han
Han Weng laughs an waves 'thanks and good by
Coming Out of the Freezer - Garrett and Ziven
*****WARNING*****This blog post contains graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
Garrett Yamada pulls his car into the parking lot of the animal clinic and home of Ziven Ayala. He had stopped home to grab a small bag of clothes and toiletries. He walks to the door and gives a little signature knock. The clinic is long closed of course.
Ziven is in his office with the doors open from the clinic all the way inside. His tie is pulled down and his sleeves rolled up .. off duty uniform. When he hears the special knock, he gets up and opens the door. Grinning, he opens the door wider for him. "Do you have an appointment?" he asks, even as he closes and locks the outer door and moves to take Garrett into his arms.
Garrett chuckles and then kisses Ziven like they've just been reunited after a year apart, pushing him up against a nearby wall. He pulls back finally and says "Why yes, I believe I do have one..."
Ziven enjoys the kiss and when its finally broken he leads him into the inner door and the three door short hallway. "Yes, yes. I remember now." he straightens. "Short tour. Waiting room you just came through. He motions through an open door. "My office slash exam room." he motions to the closed door across from the exam room. "Surgery and kennels. I have ten cats in there. One that is in for a tooth cleaning, but needs to be tranquilized just to pass me in the street. And nine from the same family in to be fixed. I did the adults today and will get the kittens tomorrow." then he turns and opens the door at the end. "My inner sanctum....."
Garrett walks around, looking at it all, setting his bag down on the end of the bed. He smiles at the fireplace and then turns to see the bathroom is sectioned off by screens and jokes "Probably shouldn't had that burrito for lunch...."
Ziven laughs. "The screens were waiting for me when I came back from Falcoln Island." he proudly states. "I sectioned it off just or you!" he motions to it, proudly. Then he looks slightly crestfallen. "Not enough for you?"
Garrett laughs "No I don't mean it like that..." He walks over and puts an arm around Ziven "If you can reach into an animal's butt, you can probably take whatever you might hear or smell from me."
Ziven grins. "What did you mean then?" he asks. "Relationships are about compromise. SO what do you need? One of those fancy Japanese toilets with music that weighs you while taking your blood sugar? A boom box where you can pick your own music to shit to?" he places a hand on Garrets shoulder. "Or even a wall."
Garrett grins "I need to google those Japanese toilets for fun but I'll be fine. I was kidding. I told my sister, and Michael, about you....well us....she was cool after being a bit abusive to get me talking....he was very cool." He snorts.
Ziven smiles. "If it helps, I have found dead animals in the woods that make the worst toilet stank smell like a vase of roses." he beams at the news. "So ... what? She beat you with a frozen salmon for telling her you're with a man in a freezer?" he grins. "Yea. Michael thought for years he was ONLY attracted to men. Your sister took his heterosexual virginity. I hope she is the one for him."
Garrett takes off his jacket and shows Ziven the back of his arm above the elbow "The equivalent of her Vulcan neck pinch. Is it bruising? She's been using it since we were kids. Steph was fine that I'm with a man, but annoyed that I was being secretive...and talking on the phone in the freezer." He laughs "And yeah Mike....shit you hinted at that and I had no idea. He seems pretty in love with her....woman or man right? I mean I don't think I've switched's broader than that.... so much as ...fallen for you as you."
Ziven looks at it, almost professionally. "Ouch." he chuckles. "Michael fell into a trap a lot of people fall into. Especially these days." he smiles softly. "Heterosexual, pansexual, homosexual, asexual, bi-gender, homoflexible ... there a million terms. Michael fell in love with someone he didnt expect. It happens, as you well know." he holds both of Garretts hands. "You fell for me. And you might get grief for it somewhere because I'm a man. But I figger you fell for a human being. And its none of their fucking business anyway."
Garrett wraps his fingers around Ziven's and pulls him closer "Damn straight....well no...but...." He smiles at his faux pas and then pulls Ziven's hands to his waist and shoulder, wrapping his arms around him but still looking him in the eyes and saying with absolute sincerity "I love you. I hope that's not overwhelming...but I"
Ziven laughs richly at the faux pas and then gets serious. "No. It' snot overwhelming. You warned me. I could have said then that sex was great but I didn't want more." he pulls Garrett close. "But you're not the only one who fell in love." he leans in for a long and lingering kiss. Once its broken, he smiles. "Which reminds me." he takes Gareth's hand and leads him into the living room area. He sets his phone on the ottoman and sits, motioning Garrett to join him. "My turn."
Garrett kisses him back with a lot of emotion behind it and then is happily led to sit "Oh?" He looks curious.
Ziven tapped on his phone, moving to his contacts. He selected one called ICE Miki Ayala and tapped it The speaker phone began to ring. Once. Twice. Then a woman's voice answered, clearly having looked at some kind of caller ID. "My baby bird! SO good to hear from you. Is the house clean?"
Ziven smiles. "Hey mama. Yes it is. I want you to meet someone special."
A silence at the other end. "Must be since you never introduce me to anyone you are with. Who are they? What kind of special?"
Glancing at Garrett, Ziven looks at the phone as if actually looking at his mother. "I've fallen in love special, Mama. Enough I wanted him to know my mother." he takes Garrett's hand. "His name is Garrett Yamada."
Garrett looks completely taken aback and kind of fumbles it a bit "I...uh...hi...Ziven's Mom.....nice to meet you...."
The voice on the phone is a tinny laugh. "My name is Miki, Garrett Yamada." she pauses. "So tell me. How old are you? What do you do for a living? Do you love my baby?"
Ziven leans over the phone. "Mama, you can play secret agent mother later I didn't call you so you can interrogate my man. This is why I can't being home any mammal more evolved than an otter."
Miki laughs again. "I am glad you finally found a human to love. You take care of him. Someday I will come and meet you myself, Garrett. I have food to cook. You take care." and she cuts the connection right away.
Ziven chuckles and looks at Garrett. "Now BOTH of our families know." he shakes his head. "I just forgot how my mother can get. Sorry about that."
Garrett looks alarmed by her rapid questions and then laughs as he tries to answer " 41, I'm a sushi chef and yes...very much." After she hangs up and Ziven apologizes he smirks "Don't worry, you still have my folks to meet. Loving, but weird. I may try and time it so my mother doesn't try to drag you into the family pictures against your will. That's the weird part..."
Ziven smiles. "Well, in my case mom IS my family. So it's all over now ... until I take you to the reservation or she comes here." he inhales deeply. "You didn't eat already, did you?"
Garrett nods and then sniffs "No, but I've been wondering what that is. Got busy with deliveries and talking to some hottie in a freezer....I smell that the burgers you were telling me about?"
Ziven stands and grins. "You remembered?" he sounds a little surprised. "Like its not strange enough to be with another human being who recognizes the smell of cooking octopus and yet cannot say they grew up with me." he heads into the kitchen area. "You sit and watch television or something Master Chef. I'll make you dinner, feed you and then .. if my cooking doesn't kill you ... " he pauses a long time. "Let you experiment some more."
Garrett smirks "Ok. Probably a different variation of octopus but yeah... you get a nose for it all." He blushes about the experiment comment and pulls out his phone to read a bit.
Ziven grins. "Technically the recipe calls for 'beach caught', but yea .... this is more 'what I could get my hands on' than anything to do with a beach." he tests its tenderness and begins to feed small chunks into a grinder. He then set it aside and began chopping up vegetables. A quick chopping sound that suggested he might know a little bit about cooking. "Do you guys use octopus a lot?" he wonders, not deviating from the job, just asking.
Garrett looks up from his phone and says the Japanese word "'s not everyone's thing. More Japanese than white people order it or absolute sushi heads who will eat anything. It's a little fussy to prep too. You have to massage it well." He looks at the grinder and the chopping "Your plan is faster."
Ziven nods, making an interesting looking salad. "I don't think white people like octopus. Or is just hasn't hit their radar yet." he shrugs and sets the small table. Then he goes back and mixes the minced veggies into the octopus, then sets up a skillet. "They have a different palate, I think. But we all know what we were raised on, right?" he uses an ice cream scoop to make the patties.
Garrett shrugs "Well I wouldn't generalize completely but yeah, nature nuture right? Although even my brother and sister and I in Japan, there were some things that seemed super gross to eat....couple generations in Canada..." he laughs "Basashi, raw horse meat.....I still can't go there."
Ziven chuckles. "Pretty much. I am in a phase where I cannot eat anything I've taken care of. Now ... mostly that isn't a problem, you'd think." he flips the patties. "But I cover most everything it seems. Cows, horses, turtles bears .... but I have never treated an octopus." he chuckles and quickly puts the salad on the table.
Garrett comes to the table "Can I help at all?" And then adds "I've never heard of anyone having a pet octopus who wasn't in a Disney movie as some kind of singing villain."
Ziven is placing the patties on a plate and nodding to himself as he brings it over. "Nope. Just enjoy. Tonight I cook for you. Part of our celebration." he laughs as he sits down, a bottle of sparkling cider and glasses already waiting. He pours and lifts his glass. "To telling the family." he toasts.
Garrett toasts back "Got a few more on my side but yes. Have you ever met Ryan, my younger brother? You might have seen him in town. He's another cop, Michael's work partner actually. Fitter than me....better looking..." he jokes.
Ziven clinks glasses and drinks. "I think I've seen him around, but I don't know about the better looking part, but I am biased." he admits. He sets the glas down, picks up a fork and gets to work on his sea lettuce salad. "Why?" he asks before the first bite.
Garrett shrugs "Just another Yamada. He's going to be a dad in the new year. His lady is pregnant. I've never seen him so happy." Garrett takes a bit now and then looks amazed. After he chews he says "This is perfection Ziven."
Ziven chuckles. "Are there that many of you?" he wonders. "A new life. Wonderful thing. But none of them are married?" he wonders and grins. "Thank you." he takes a bit of his octopus patty. "My favorite.
Garrett takes another bits and then holds up a finger while chewing and swallowing "Aside from our parents, I was the only one who braved it so far....maybe they took it as a horrible warning." He laughs "Could still happen I suppose, in any case." He bites again and chews slowly.
Ziven nods as he eats, pausing to reply. "It's something I may actually consider, yes."
Garrett has a mini choke on his bite and then smiles and just says " forbidden topic with you eh? Ever." He purses his lips looking at him now.
Ziven grinned as he chewed, then swallows. "Not that I've found yet." he tells him. "Of course not today or even this weekend. We'll see." he sighs. "I admit ... I am always afraid of being left. But not enough to deny myself a chance at happiness." he looks at the pursed lips. "What are you thinking, Garrett?" he wonders.
Garrett leans back, folding his arms "Do you really want me to answer that? I've already given warning that I'm a self declared commitment junkie and you're throwing the M word around like we're deciding on a movie." He teases.
Ziven raises his brows. "I wouldn't ask you anything I didn't want an answer to, so yes. I am forewarned ... so go ahead." he teases back.
Garrett shrugs, blushing a bit "I was just imagining it. That's all. Us, all domesticated and married. Letting it roll through my brain."
Ziven leans back, considering. "I would cook." he speculates. "Cleaning would be me and you together." he ppffts. "We would live in a home with walls all around the bathroom. Probably even a door because that would make my husband happy." he winks.
Garrett snorts "So that's all I have to do to request a reno? Pop the question? And you know they do pay me to cook right?" He takes another bite of the patty and then after swallowing says "But you'd have to make these once a week or I'd go on a sex strike....oh who am I kidding, I couldn't live without it either..." He starts laughing.
Ziven laughs heartily. "Almost." he nods. "Yes, and you do it every day for money. So why would you want to do it at home?" he wonders. "You won't catch me deworming dogs and flea dipping cats when I'm not in an official capacity." he teases. Then he grins. "Good. I don't muh care for going without sex either. Not when I have someone."
Garrett wiggles his brows and grins, finishing his burger and then ponders "I wonder if prostitutes don't want to at home..... or gynecologists...." He imitates how he thinks that might go "Jesus honey if I see another one of those today..." and then chuckles.
Ziven almost chokes on his last bite. "God to be a fly on the wall." he nods at his plate. "More, sexy?" he finishes his drink.
Garrett shakes his head and laughs "I'm good if you're asking about food."
Ziven grins, stands and begins to clear the table. "Go make yourself comfortable." he tells Garrett. "It's time for that gift I told you about." and he turns with the dishes before his expression can be seen.
Garett looks desperately curious but wanders off to the chair he was sitting on with his phone before. He considers the bed, knowing Ziven, but stays in the chair for now.
Ziven simply sets the dishes in the sink to do later, then he pulls something out of his pocket and moves to Garrett on the lounger chair. He lowers himself to one knee. "A little practice." he holds out a small boc. Not a ring box. Flatter and a little wider than a ring box.
Garrett's eyes widen at the down on one knee and then he looks confused at the box and takes it, opening it and then beaming "Thank you..." He leans forward to kiss him.
Ziven kisses him softly and leans back. "Those open that door." he motions over his shoulder to the back door .. the one that opens to the outside. "Come and go as you please. It' s no engagement ring, but it's a start?" he offers.
Garrett hugs him "I'm not pushing for the other, I just thought about it. And this is great...."
Ziven grins and returns the hug. "Like I said ... practice." he finally sits back on his stocking feet. "I don't know if I want to leave my job with the government yet. Which leaves this place empty all week and, with your insane roommates, a potential escape for you, if you need it." he rises a bit and sits on the ottoman. "I sort of envy you." he admits. "A comfortable bed with the memories of our love on cold winter nights."
Garrett smiles "I do love a comfy bed...." He looks back "How's...that one?"
Ziven glances across at the bed. "Well, I don't know ... I haven't laid in it yet." he stands and motions to it. "Care to lay in it and let me know? I've only got trailer beds and cots to judge by."
Garrett walks over to it with a grin and pushes it down with his hands "Mmm springy...there's really only one way to know." He reaches for Ziven and makes to throw him down and pin him playfully. If he succeeds, he'll just casually say "Are you comfy? I mean aside from this chubby Japanese guy on top of you..." It's all in good humour.
Ziven lands on the bed with a melodramatic oofff. "God, I'm going to sink into this thing!" he protest, holding onto Garrett. "And what is this about chubby?" he watches Garrett, curiously.
Garrett shrugs "Just being honest with myself...hey, I like food. It's no crime." He starts kissing Ziven gently on the mouth.
Ziven grins. "I like it. The honesty, food and most of all." he kisses back a few times. "You." he pauses. "I am still not sure how your so terrible at relationships. Something I haven't seen yet?"
Garrett pulls back and looks him in the eyes "Maybe the universe was just holding the spot in my life for you..." He kisses him deeply now and his hand caresses the side of his face, his neck, his chest through his shirt.
Ziven nods and raises his head into the kisses, letting Garrett play with him. He does caress his hair, glad of the progress, the space they now had, the privacy. It was all wonderful.
Garrett pulls at Ziven's shirt, kissing at his bare stomach and chest. He teases with his tongue around each nipple and then kisses back down and starts unbuttoning Ziven's pants. They've played a lot but Garrett has so far lacked the confidence to go down on Ziven. Tonight it looked like he was going to change that.
Ziven gets out of his shirt and tie, tossing them aside, where they drape over the 'bathroom wall' He glances down, but says nothing at the direction Garrett is taking, but he does prop himself up on his elbows. It could just be another hand job, at which Garrett was becoming quite good. But it could also be more intimate.
Garrett gets into the pants and pulls the fabric of them and the underwear out of the way, grasping Ziven's cock in his hand. He starts out with a hint of what he has in mind by sliding the tip into his mouth and just gently sucking. He pulls off and looks up with a smile and then tugs at the pants wanting them off.
Ziven sighs softly at Garrett's touch and smiles when he sees his lover gently sucking at him. Lifting his hips, Ziven pulls his pants and underwear down, bending his knees and shrugging then to the floor at the foot of the bed. He watches Garrett's head and can feel his cock harden even more in anticipation and eagerness in the Japanese mans hand.
Garrett helps the pants to the floor and then starts kissing slowly up Ziven's legs moving to the outside and the inside, caressing them all the way up and then under his ass to the back of his balls. He kisses along the pubic bone now, into the hair, drinking in Ziven, teasing him like crazy.
Ziven reaches up blindly to free his long hair, then he leans his head back inhaling a long slow breath. He reaches to caress Garrett's hair again. "I love you." he says, softly.
Garrett smiles and looks up for a second "I love you too Ziven." Then he takes Ziven's cock in his hand again and deep throats him as far as is comfortable, coming back up to wrap his fingers tightly around and begin rubbing him with the mouth on top, making everything nice and slippery as he finds a rhythm.
Ziven's jaw drops and he moans at the deep throat and the stroking that follows. Resting his hand on Garrett's head, he moans again. "Garrett ...." and he moans again. For a moment his eyes drift closed and then open again, watching through the pleasure.
Garrett hears and feels the reaction and keeps going, letting his other hand play a bit at the back of his thighs still, every now and then slipping under and caressing his balls again but like a little surprise bonus.
Ziven moans again, pleased that Garrett has decided to take this step in their intimate relationship. He was using the same common sense Ziven had suggested he use ... just do to your lover what you like having done to you. His hips arch up, wanting more of his lovers touch.
Garrett offers more with absolute devotion, increasing the intensity a bit by gripping harder with his hand and tighter with his mouth.
Ziven gasps, hard as steel in Garrett's hand and mouth. "Yes ... Garrett..." he moans, one hand dropping to the mattress, the other still caressing his head .. not leading it, not taking it over, just feeling the soft hair under his fingers.
Garrett keeps going, loving the reaction and getting hard himself at the moaning and talking.
Ziven groans. "God ... you've thought this out." he teases. "You feel so good." the hand stroking his hair falls away, Ziven keeping himself propped up ... barely .. the pleasure only intensifying for him.
Garrett keeps on with the plan as it's working so beautifully. He answers Ziven's comment with a low toned "Mmmhmm." hie mouth still around him, the vibration of his voice being felt in the mix.
Ziven's jaw drops, the vibration felt to the tips of his toes, he feels like it's been not just minutes, but hours and hours that he has been laying here at Garrett's mercy. His elbows give out and he drops to to mattress, beginning to tremble slightly. The tone was like a shove towards the edge and he loves it.
Garrett notes the heightened reaction with the unintentional use of his voice and then smiles a little as he works and decides to intentionally ad a few more long tones as he goes just inhaling and letting out a long slow low note, keeping the motions the same.
Ziven both smiles and grimaces at the same time. "You're driving me crazy. I'll cum if you keep it up. You got me so close, handsome." it is a warning he doesn't usually give, but being Garrett's first blow job, he wants him to be prepared and not surprised.
As if to answer him Garrett makes eyes contact and repeats with another long tone and then closes his eyes clearly enjoying what he's offering almost as much as Ziven.
Being an eye contact and tactile man, Ziven connects with Garrett on what feels like a completely different plane than the usual one, which is the case thus far every time Garrett has made him cum. Once the long tome is finished, Ziven pumps his hips, cries out and begins to cum. Not violently hard; more like a gentle pouring. "Oh my Garrett." he manages, watching how Garrett deals with the situation.
Garrett keeps his mouth tightly around Ziven's cock, and looks right at him again as he swallows. When it's all down he eases off and climbs up to hold him, still completely dressed himself.
Ziven welcomes him with a languid wrapping of his arms around Garrett. Turning his head, he offers a smile and, finally a long kiss of thanks. "Was it like you thought it would be?" he asks, casually.
Garrett kisses him back eagerly and runs his fingers through Ziven's hair "Better. I love getting you off. I had no idea using my voice would be a thing." He chuckles.
Ziven smiles and gives a wonderful relaxed smile. "I love it when you get me off." he admits. "And yes ... the sensation is just .. wonderful." he kisses him on the forehead and shudders. "Yea ... it's November. I need to build a fire. You froze enough for one day, I think." he pulls away, obviously reluctantly. Standing he tests his legs, then heads across to the fireplace with his usual lack of shame at his nudity. "You are incredible, Garrett." he continues. The first time someone came in my mouth .. ugh." he already has the logs placed, so he reaches for a box of kitchen matches and a page from the newspaper and kneels down.
Garrett laughs "If I had tried that the first time we went to bed it might have been overwhelming...but not now." He looks happy about the fire building "Yeah...I'm still a little cold."
Ziven builds the fire as if he's built many in his life and when he is sure it's taken, be moves the grate in front of it and comes back to bed motioning for Garrett to join him under what turns out to be layers of blankets and fat comforters. There he pulls him close. "Well ... I didnt get a warning, so I always give one the first time, at least. But I think you are learning to judge when I am close to having an orgasm." he caresses Garrett's face. So handsome. I love you're not whipcord thin. We Inuits like a little blubber around us to keep us warm." he moves his free hand under the covers and under his own body to warm it.
Garrett smirks "I'll be your whale baby." He pulls off his shirt and then cuddles Ziven back and crawls into the covers.
Ziven laughs. "You're crazy. What are you? Ten pounds quote unquote overweight?" he scoffs and pulls him close, kissing his collarbone.
Garrett lifts his head at the kissing "I'm mostly kidding. Sometimes I get self conscious though, especially at the beach with my brother and sister."
Ziven chuckles. "You ALL have excellent bodies, but I like yours the most.' he winks. "I'd be afraid I'd split your sister in half and that's not even saying I have some monstrous cock .. she's just so tiny." he snorts. "And your brother has a great body, but its hard." he moves his hand under himself and squeezes Garrett's ass. "Some things are meant to be soft." then he moves it around to his cock. "And other things, not so much." he casually squeezes, now that his hand is warm.
Garrett grins and squirms a bit and lets out an "Mmmm" at the squeezing. He was still semi hard from their earlier activity and feels himself getting just a little harder at Ziven's touch.
Ziven feels him under the blankets, but maintains the eye contact. "You are SO not that I expected." he murmurs, beginning to nuzzle Garrett's neck. "The attraction was there ... but then you seemed so hesitant." he strokes softly and slowly. "You became my friend and now." he moves closer to kiss him. "I'm yours."
Garrett grins "Likewise..." he murmurs and then kisses him back fiercely.
Ziven grins and the kisses continue as he strokes his lover, thinking about the night, the confessions, the emotions. But slowly he begins to kiss his way down Garrett's chest and belly, pausing at his belly button, running his tongue around the small shallow indentation as he works to free him of his jeans and underwear.
Garrett happily squirms, his breath coming faster as he whispers "You know I didn't give one to get one but I won't deny you." He laughs softly "Ever."
Ziven chuckles as he begins to take the jeans and has a minor battle to get them out from under the covers. "Oh, I thought tonight we would play he gave me something new, so I will give him something new." he explains. "But you ARE getting one, because I love it when you cum."
Garrett groans at the words and submits, kicking his pants off and letting Ziven do whatever he wants "I'm yours too..."
Ziven looks up at him, turning him onto his back in the bed. "Music to my ears." he moves to the pubic area, inhaling deeply of him. Then he settles under the covers and directly between Garrett's legs and licks his cock from balls to tip before engulfing it and sucking gently.
Garrett shudders and closes his eyes, gripping the covers a bit.
Ziven looks up, then realizes that he is under the covers with the vast majority of Garrett's body. He takes Garrett's hips and shoulders his legs open as he lifts his ass well off the mattress.
Garrett allows the lifting, not sure where it's going but trusting and even helping with the strength of his arms.
Ziven puts himself in a more laying position so that Garrett can remain comfortable. He spreads the lags wider, kissing Garrett's balls tenderly. Then he begins to part his cheeks. "Trust me, Garrett." its not a question ... not an order.
Garrett shiver and nods "OK.." He smiles a bit and waits to see what will happen.
Ziven licks the length of Garrett's cock and goes lower. But he doesn't go back up at the balls, he continues, kissing both left and right cheek before applying for barely a second, his tongue to Garrett's anal opening.
Garrett's body tenses and he freezes up. The idea is interesting but it's clearly making him a little nervous too. He doesn't stop Ziven yet, but it's clear he's thinking about it.
Ziven hooks Garrett's legs over his shoulders to free his hands. The left he uses to caress Garrett's butt and the other he moves around to his cock, moist with Ziven't saliva and begins to stroke him, even as his tongue moves around the opening again.
The stroking relaxes him, especially with the wetness but he's still not as vocal as he was. He tries to keep an open mind and put thoughts out of his mind like what if I fart?
Ziven circles one more time and then tilts his head, sucking in both of Garrett's balls at once. He then moves up his cock again, deep throating once, then backing away to a gentle sucking.
Ziven begins to pull at the covers, exposing them both and moves himself up to Garrett's mouth, offering a kiss. Garrett may feel Ziven's own very healthy erection brushing up against his own.
Garrett kisses him back and presses into Ziven at the brushing, showing a much more enthusiastic reaction to this. He caresses Ziven and then grabs his hip tightly and grunts.
Ziven rolls them onto their sides and uses both of his hands to press their cocks together. Slowly he begins to rock his hips, breaking the kiss just long enough to look into Garrett's face, his own mouth half open with pleasure. "Well..." he breathes, his voice deeper with his excitement. "Maybe I get two and you get one." and he winks, comically, teasing.
Garrett shivers, thrusting back "Fine by me...oh god this....yes.....oh...." His face contorts as he gets closer.
Ziven moans deeply, interlocking his fingers around both of them and increasing his pumping. "Damn, you're hot." he moans and then again tightening his grip on them. He lifts one leg over Garrett and pull them closer together.
The tightening get to Garrett as well as the leg. He starts to answer Ziven but then just cries out and suddenly cums. He stays in position though, hoping Ziven will again too.
Ziven feels Garret cum .. on his hand, on his belly, on the sheets .. lubricating him. In four more thrusts, Ziven joins him, cumming harder than he did before and combining their essessences together.
Garrett smiles and leans in to kiss Ziven, feeling totally connected and completely in love.
Ziven returns the kiss. Long, deep and loving. "Great Earth Mother." he breathes.
Garrett snuggles in "What you said..." He chuckles a bit.
Ziven laughs and looks between them at the sticky mess they created. "It is a good thing I planned on messes like this. The washing machine and dryer are in the attic." he moves his hand up to caress Garrett's face then realizes it is covered in their combines semen. So he licks his fingers instead, waggling his eyebrows. "Dessert."
Ziven laughs and looks between them at the sticky mess they created. "It is a good thing I planned on messes like this. The washing machine and dryer are in the attic." he moves his hand up to caress Garrett's face then realizes it is covered in their combines semen. So he licks his fingers instead, waggling his eyebrows. "Dessert."
Garrett smirks "As hot as that is in the moment, will you be offended if I wash off a bit?"
Ziven laughs richly. "I need to. also." he admits. "Communal bath? That's big in Japan isn't it? Granted this community is just me and you, but still ..."
Garrett laughs "Yeah I didn't try one of those when I was there....but I'm game. Do you have bubbles?" He teases.
Ziven chuckles. "Somehow, that doesn't surprise me." he winks. "And yes, I do. Look in the cabinet under the sink." he gets up and checks the blankets, which are clean ... its the fitted and top sheet that aren't, so he pulls the blankets off onto the floor and looks at Garrett with a sigh. "Just .... delicious...."
Garrett grins and start a bath running, complete with bubbles. He gives himself a little wipe off and rinse at the sink though first.
Ziven strips the fitted and top sheet, crumples them up and takes them upstairs to the attic to wash, after wiping himself off a bit. Then he comes back downstairs and leans against the sink, just looking at Garrett.
Garrett smiles self consciously "What?" He runs his hand under the water, leaning sideways to check the temperature. The bath is full now so he turns off the water.
Ziven grins and comes over. "I'm just confirming this love thing to myself is all. We haven't been tested. That'll come sooner or later." he brushes a few loose hairs out of Garrett's face. Then he folds his arms and looks at the mound of bubbles. "So are you the one who lounges in my arms, of do you want me in yours? Lounger, or loungee?"
Garrett smiles a little shyly and steps into the tub tanking the loungee position and beckoning Ziven "Come'ere. And by tested do you mean like a fight? I can't even imagine that. What are you like in an argument?"
Ziven smiles, looking as if he is being given a treat and steps in, settling himself into Garrett's arms. "Fights. Life tests." he grabs a huge natural sponge wets it and wrings the water out. "One of my first long term lovers ... my first love ... came down with Chrone's disease .... I was supportive ... sat with him every moment I could ... he wound up losing a shit ton of intestine and a stoma. He was angry and resentful, but I tried to understand his anger. Even when he started opening the bag and throwing the shit inside at me ... " he sighs, staring at the water hes squeezing out of the sponge. "He left me. I came home and he was just gone." he scoffs. "But yea .... fights too."
Garrett holds Ziven tightly "I'm so sorry. How long ago was that?"
Ziven gets a bottle of nice smelling soap fee of animal testing and soaps up the sponge. Beginning to bathe Garrett's arms, he replies. "Oh hell ... fifteen years ago. My other two failures weren't as bad, but always boiled down to the same thing. He or she ... one was a woman ... had a problem or problems and shut me out. Wouldn't communicate. Wouldn't even try. I don't want that for us, Gar." he leans back and turns his head to look at him. "I'm not a man who does a lot of begging, but I would if you shut me out."
Garrett kisses Ziven's shoulder "Ok a disclaimer then, because I've been accused of that before. I get really quiet when I'm upset. I'm not actually shutting people out, just a long thinker. I don't want you to be hurt by that. I'm not a yeller... at all.. " He laughs "That's my sister. I think because of that I went the opposite way. Ryan's a horrible combination of both. He stews until he finally explodes."
Ziven considers, as he washes both of them. "Could you tell me then?" he asks, softly. "Let me know your thinking about it and .. you'll get back to me?" he swallows, then clears his throat. "Dad was a screamer. Mom talked it all out. But even a saints patience has its limits." he kisses Garrett's soapy arm. "I have a good feeling about us. Which ... only adds to the irrational terror." he laughs.
Garrett smiles at the washing and the conversation "I will truly try and tell you...OK? I have a good feeling too."
Ziven relaxes in the hot water. "OK ... it's a deal." he closes his eyes and settles into the arms of his lover. "I didn't make the bed back up." he realizes. "Think we can do it together?" he is almost sure the answer is yes. This one is special. Willing to try, and he loves it. Loves him.
Garrett laughs "If that's our first test then yes. Don't nag me about hospital corners though." He kisses at the side of Ziven's head "I love you."
Ziven laughs. "I'll take you into the patients rooms tomorrow. You can take a look at the Brate kids and see how many hospital corners there are." he teases. "I love you, too, Garrett."
Garrett Yamada pulls his car into the parking lot of the animal clinic and home of Ziven Ayala. He had stopped home to grab a small bag of clothes and toiletries. He walks to the door and gives a little signature knock. The clinic is long closed of course.
Ziven is in his office with the doors open from the clinic all the way inside. His tie is pulled down and his sleeves rolled up .. off duty uniform. When he hears the special knock, he gets up and opens the door. Grinning, he opens the door wider for him. "Do you have an appointment?" he asks, even as he closes and locks the outer door and moves to take Garrett into his arms.
Garrett chuckles and then kisses Ziven like they've just been reunited after a year apart, pushing him up against a nearby wall. He pulls back finally and says "Why yes, I believe I do have one..."
Ziven enjoys the kiss and when its finally broken he leads him into the inner door and the three door short hallway. "Yes, yes. I remember now." he straightens. "Short tour. Waiting room you just came through. He motions through an open door. "My office slash exam room." he motions to the closed door across from the exam room. "Surgery and kennels. I have ten cats in there. One that is in for a tooth cleaning, but needs to be tranquilized just to pass me in the street. And nine from the same family in to be fixed. I did the adults today and will get the kittens tomorrow." then he turns and opens the door at the end. "My inner sanctum....."
Garrett walks around, looking at it all, setting his bag down on the end of the bed. He smiles at the fireplace and then turns to see the bathroom is sectioned off by screens and jokes "Probably shouldn't had that burrito for lunch...."
Ziven laughs. "The screens were waiting for me when I came back from Falcoln Island." he proudly states. "I sectioned it off just or you!" he motions to it, proudly. Then he looks slightly crestfallen. "Not enough for you?"
Garrett laughs "No I don't mean it like that..." He walks over and puts an arm around Ziven "If you can reach into an animal's butt, you can probably take whatever you might hear or smell from me."
Ziven grins. "What did you mean then?" he asks. "Relationships are about compromise. SO what do you need? One of those fancy Japanese toilets with music that weighs you while taking your blood sugar? A boom box where you can pick your own music to shit to?" he places a hand on Garrets shoulder. "Or even a wall."
Garrett grins "I need to google those Japanese toilets for fun but I'll be fine. I was kidding. I told my sister, and Michael, about you....well us....she was cool after being a bit abusive to get me talking....he was very cool." He snorts.
Ziven smiles. "If it helps, I have found dead animals in the woods that make the worst toilet stank smell like a vase of roses." he beams at the news. "So ... what? She beat you with a frozen salmon for telling her you're with a man in a freezer?" he grins. "Yea. Michael thought for years he was ONLY attracted to men. Your sister took his heterosexual virginity. I hope she is the one for him."
Garrett takes off his jacket and shows Ziven the back of his arm above the elbow "The equivalent of her Vulcan neck pinch. Is it bruising? She's been using it since we were kids. Steph was fine that I'm with a man, but annoyed that I was being secretive...and talking on the phone in the freezer." He laughs "And yeah Mike....shit you hinted at that and I had no idea. He seems pretty in love with her....woman or man right? I mean I don't think I've switched's broader than that.... so much as ...fallen for you as you."
Ziven looks at it, almost professionally. "Ouch." he chuckles. "Michael fell into a trap a lot of people fall into. Especially these days." he smiles softly. "Heterosexual, pansexual, homosexual, asexual, bi-gender, homoflexible ... there a million terms. Michael fell in love with someone he didnt expect. It happens, as you well know." he holds both of Garretts hands. "You fell for me. And you might get grief for it somewhere because I'm a man. But I figger you fell for a human being. And its none of their fucking business anyway."
Garrett wraps his fingers around Ziven's and pulls him closer "Damn straight....well no...but...." He smiles at his faux pas and then pulls Ziven's hands to his waist and shoulder, wrapping his arms around him but still looking him in the eyes and saying with absolute sincerity "I love you. I hope that's not overwhelming...but I"
Ziven laughs richly at the faux pas and then gets serious. "No. It' snot overwhelming. You warned me. I could have said then that sex was great but I didn't want more." he pulls Garrett close. "But you're not the only one who fell in love." he leans in for a long and lingering kiss. Once its broken, he smiles. "Which reminds me." he takes Gareth's hand and leads him into the living room area. He sets his phone on the ottoman and sits, motioning Garrett to join him. "My turn."
Garrett kisses him back with a lot of emotion behind it and then is happily led to sit "Oh?" He looks curious.
Ziven tapped on his phone, moving to his contacts. He selected one called ICE Miki Ayala and tapped it The speaker phone began to ring. Once. Twice. Then a woman's voice answered, clearly having looked at some kind of caller ID. "My baby bird! SO good to hear from you. Is the house clean?"
Ziven smiles. "Hey mama. Yes it is. I want you to meet someone special."
A silence at the other end. "Must be since you never introduce me to anyone you are with. Who are they? What kind of special?"
Glancing at Garrett, Ziven looks at the phone as if actually looking at his mother. "I've fallen in love special, Mama. Enough I wanted him to know my mother." he takes Garrett's hand. "His name is Garrett Yamada."
Garrett looks completely taken aback and kind of fumbles it a bit "I...uh...hi...Ziven's Mom.....nice to meet you...."
The voice on the phone is a tinny laugh. "My name is Miki, Garrett Yamada." she pauses. "So tell me. How old are you? What do you do for a living? Do you love my baby?"
Ziven leans over the phone. "Mama, you can play secret agent mother later I didn't call you so you can interrogate my man. This is why I can't being home any mammal more evolved than an otter."
Miki laughs again. "I am glad you finally found a human to love. You take care of him. Someday I will come and meet you myself, Garrett. I have food to cook. You take care." and she cuts the connection right away.
Ziven chuckles and looks at Garrett. "Now BOTH of our families know." he shakes his head. "I just forgot how my mother can get. Sorry about that."
Garrett looks alarmed by her rapid questions and then laughs as he tries to answer " 41, I'm a sushi chef and yes...very much." After she hangs up and Ziven apologizes he smirks "Don't worry, you still have my folks to meet. Loving, but weird. I may try and time it so my mother doesn't try to drag you into the family pictures against your will. That's the weird part..."
Ziven smiles. "Well, in my case mom IS my family. So it's all over now ... until I take you to the reservation or she comes here." he inhales deeply. "You didn't eat already, did you?"
Garrett nods and then sniffs "No, but I've been wondering what that is. Got busy with deliveries and talking to some hottie in a freezer....I smell that the burgers you were telling me about?"
Ziven stands and grins. "You remembered?" he sounds a little surprised. "Like its not strange enough to be with another human being who recognizes the smell of cooking octopus and yet cannot say they grew up with me." he heads into the kitchen area. "You sit and watch television or something Master Chef. I'll make you dinner, feed you and then .. if my cooking doesn't kill you ... " he pauses a long time. "Let you experiment some more."
Garrett smirks "Ok. Probably a different variation of octopus but yeah... you get a nose for it all." He blushes about the experiment comment and pulls out his phone to read a bit.
Ziven grins. "Technically the recipe calls for 'beach caught', but yea .... this is more 'what I could get my hands on' than anything to do with a beach." he tests its tenderness and begins to feed small chunks into a grinder. He then set it aside and began chopping up vegetables. A quick chopping sound that suggested he might know a little bit about cooking. "Do you guys use octopus a lot?" he wonders, not deviating from the job, just asking.
Garrett looks up from his phone and says the Japanese word "'s not everyone's thing. More Japanese than white people order it or absolute sushi heads who will eat anything. It's a little fussy to prep too. You have to massage it well." He looks at the grinder and the chopping "Your plan is faster."
Ziven nods, making an interesting looking salad. "I don't think white people like octopus. Or is just hasn't hit their radar yet." he shrugs and sets the small table. Then he goes back and mixes the minced veggies into the octopus, then sets up a skillet. "They have a different palate, I think. But we all know what we were raised on, right?" he uses an ice cream scoop to make the patties.
Garrett shrugs "Well I wouldn't generalize completely but yeah, nature nuture right? Although even my brother and sister and I in Japan, there were some things that seemed super gross to eat....couple generations in Canada..." he laughs "Basashi, raw horse meat.....I still can't go there."
Ziven chuckles. "Pretty much. I am in a phase where I cannot eat anything I've taken care of. Now ... mostly that isn't a problem, you'd think." he flips the patties. "But I cover most everything it seems. Cows, horses, turtles bears .... but I have never treated an octopus." he chuckles and quickly puts the salad on the table.
Garrett comes to the table "Can I help at all?" And then adds "I've never heard of anyone having a pet octopus who wasn't in a Disney movie as some kind of singing villain."
Ziven is placing the patties on a plate and nodding to himself as he brings it over. "Nope. Just enjoy. Tonight I cook for you. Part of our celebration." he laughs as he sits down, a bottle of sparkling cider and glasses already waiting. He pours and lifts his glass. "To telling the family." he toasts.
Garrett toasts back "Got a few more on my side but yes. Have you ever met Ryan, my younger brother? You might have seen him in town. He's another cop, Michael's work partner actually. Fitter than me....better looking..." he jokes.
Ziven clinks glasses and drinks. "I think I've seen him around, but I don't know about the better looking part, but I am biased." he admits. He sets the glas down, picks up a fork and gets to work on his sea lettuce salad. "Why?" he asks before the first bite.
Garrett shrugs "Just another Yamada. He's going to be a dad in the new year. His lady is pregnant. I've never seen him so happy." Garrett takes a bit now and then looks amazed. After he chews he says "This is perfection Ziven."
Ziven chuckles. "Are there that many of you?" he wonders. "A new life. Wonderful thing. But none of them are married?" he wonders and grins. "Thank you." he takes a bit of his octopus patty. "My favorite.
Garrett takes another bits and then holds up a finger while chewing and swallowing "Aside from our parents, I was the only one who braved it so far....maybe they took it as a horrible warning." He laughs "Could still happen I suppose, in any case." He bites again and chews slowly.
Ziven nods as he eats, pausing to reply. "It's something I may actually consider, yes."
Garrett has a mini choke on his bite and then smiles and just says " forbidden topic with you eh? Ever." He purses his lips looking at him now.
Ziven grinned as he chewed, then swallows. "Not that I've found yet." he tells him. "Of course not today or even this weekend. We'll see." he sighs. "I admit ... I am always afraid of being left. But not enough to deny myself a chance at happiness." he looks at the pursed lips. "What are you thinking, Garrett?" he wonders.
Garrett leans back, folding his arms "Do you really want me to answer that? I've already given warning that I'm a self declared commitment junkie and you're throwing the M word around like we're deciding on a movie." He teases.
Ziven raises his brows. "I wouldn't ask you anything I didn't want an answer to, so yes. I am forewarned ... so go ahead." he teases back.
Garrett shrugs, blushing a bit "I was just imagining it. That's all. Us, all domesticated and married. Letting it roll through my brain."
Ziven leans back, considering. "I would cook." he speculates. "Cleaning would be me and you together." he ppffts. "We would live in a home with walls all around the bathroom. Probably even a door because that would make my husband happy." he winks.
Garrett snorts "So that's all I have to do to request a reno? Pop the question? And you know they do pay me to cook right?" He takes another bite of the patty and then after swallowing says "But you'd have to make these once a week or I'd go on a sex strike....oh who am I kidding, I couldn't live without it either..." He starts laughing.
Ziven laughs heartily. "Almost." he nods. "Yes, and you do it every day for money. So why would you want to do it at home?" he wonders. "You won't catch me deworming dogs and flea dipping cats when I'm not in an official capacity." he teases. Then he grins. "Good. I don't muh care for going without sex either. Not when I have someone."
Garrett wiggles his brows and grins, finishing his burger and then ponders "I wonder if prostitutes don't want to at home..... or gynecologists...." He imitates how he thinks that might go "Jesus honey if I see another one of those today..." and then chuckles.
Ziven almost chokes on his last bite. "God to be a fly on the wall." he nods at his plate. "More, sexy?" he finishes his drink.
Garrett shakes his head and laughs "I'm good if you're asking about food."
Ziven grins, stands and begins to clear the table. "Go make yourself comfortable." he tells Garrett. "It's time for that gift I told you about." and he turns with the dishes before his expression can be seen.
Garett looks desperately curious but wanders off to the chair he was sitting on with his phone before. He considers the bed, knowing Ziven, but stays in the chair for now.
Ziven simply sets the dishes in the sink to do later, then he pulls something out of his pocket and moves to Garrett on the lounger chair. He lowers himself to one knee. "A little practice." he holds out a small boc. Not a ring box. Flatter and a little wider than a ring box.
Garrett's eyes widen at the down on one knee and then he looks confused at the box and takes it, opening it and then beaming "Thank you..." He leans forward to kiss him.
Ziven kisses him softly and leans back. "Those open that door." he motions over his shoulder to the back door .. the one that opens to the outside. "Come and go as you please. It' s no engagement ring, but it's a start?" he offers.
Garrett hugs him "I'm not pushing for the other, I just thought about it. And this is great...."
Ziven grins and returns the hug. "Like I said ... practice." he finally sits back on his stocking feet. "I don't know if I want to leave my job with the government yet. Which leaves this place empty all week and, with your insane roommates, a potential escape for you, if you need it." he rises a bit and sits on the ottoman. "I sort of envy you." he admits. "A comfortable bed with the memories of our love on cold winter nights."
Garrett smiles "I do love a comfy bed...." He looks back "How's...that one?"
Ziven glances across at the bed. "Well, I don't know ... I haven't laid in it yet." he stands and motions to it. "Care to lay in it and let me know? I've only got trailer beds and cots to judge by."
Garrett walks over to it with a grin and pushes it down with his hands "Mmm springy...there's really only one way to know." He reaches for Ziven and makes to throw him down and pin him playfully. If he succeeds, he'll just casually say "Are you comfy? I mean aside from this chubby Japanese guy on top of you..." It's all in good humour.
Ziven lands on the bed with a melodramatic oofff. "God, I'm going to sink into this thing!" he protest, holding onto Garrett. "And what is this about chubby?" he watches Garrett, curiously.
Garrett shrugs "Just being honest with myself...hey, I like food. It's no crime." He starts kissing Ziven gently on the mouth.
Ziven grins. "I like it. The honesty, food and most of all." he kisses back a few times. "You." he pauses. "I am still not sure how your so terrible at relationships. Something I haven't seen yet?"
Garrett pulls back and looks him in the eyes "Maybe the universe was just holding the spot in my life for you..." He kisses him deeply now and his hand caresses the side of his face, his neck, his chest through his shirt.
Ziven nods and raises his head into the kisses, letting Garrett play with him. He does caress his hair, glad of the progress, the space they now had, the privacy. It was all wonderful.
Garrett pulls at Ziven's shirt, kissing at his bare stomach and chest. He teases with his tongue around each nipple and then kisses back down and starts unbuttoning Ziven's pants. They've played a lot but Garrett has so far lacked the confidence to go down on Ziven. Tonight it looked like he was going to change that.
Ziven gets out of his shirt and tie, tossing them aside, where they drape over the 'bathroom wall' He glances down, but says nothing at the direction Garrett is taking, but he does prop himself up on his elbows. It could just be another hand job, at which Garrett was becoming quite good. But it could also be more intimate.
Garrett gets into the pants and pulls the fabric of them and the underwear out of the way, grasping Ziven's cock in his hand. He starts out with a hint of what he has in mind by sliding the tip into his mouth and just gently sucking. He pulls off and looks up with a smile and then tugs at the pants wanting them off.
Ziven sighs softly at Garrett's touch and smiles when he sees his lover gently sucking at him. Lifting his hips, Ziven pulls his pants and underwear down, bending his knees and shrugging then to the floor at the foot of the bed. He watches Garrett's head and can feel his cock harden even more in anticipation and eagerness in the Japanese mans hand.
Garrett helps the pants to the floor and then starts kissing slowly up Ziven's legs moving to the outside and the inside, caressing them all the way up and then under his ass to the back of his balls. He kisses along the pubic bone now, into the hair, drinking in Ziven, teasing him like crazy.
Ziven reaches up blindly to free his long hair, then he leans his head back inhaling a long slow breath. He reaches to caress Garrett's hair again. "I love you." he says, softly.
Garrett smiles and looks up for a second "I love you too Ziven." Then he takes Ziven's cock in his hand again and deep throats him as far as is comfortable, coming back up to wrap his fingers tightly around and begin rubbing him with the mouth on top, making everything nice and slippery as he finds a rhythm.
Ziven's jaw drops and he moans at the deep throat and the stroking that follows. Resting his hand on Garrett's head, he moans again. "Garrett ...." and he moans again. For a moment his eyes drift closed and then open again, watching through the pleasure.
Garrett hears and feels the reaction and keeps going, letting his other hand play a bit at the back of his thighs still, every now and then slipping under and caressing his balls again but like a little surprise bonus.
Ziven moans again, pleased that Garrett has decided to take this step in their intimate relationship. He was using the same common sense Ziven had suggested he use ... just do to your lover what you like having done to you. His hips arch up, wanting more of his lovers touch.
Garrett offers more with absolute devotion, increasing the intensity a bit by gripping harder with his hand and tighter with his mouth.
Ziven gasps, hard as steel in Garrett's hand and mouth. "Yes ... Garrett..." he moans, one hand dropping to the mattress, the other still caressing his head .. not leading it, not taking it over, just feeling the soft hair under his fingers.
Garrett keeps going, loving the reaction and getting hard himself at the moaning and talking.
Ziven groans. "God ... you've thought this out." he teases. "You feel so good." the hand stroking his hair falls away, Ziven keeping himself propped up ... barely .. the pleasure only intensifying for him.
Garrett keeps on with the plan as it's working so beautifully. He answers Ziven's comment with a low toned "Mmmhmm." hie mouth still around him, the vibration of his voice being felt in the mix.
Ziven's jaw drops, the vibration felt to the tips of his toes, he feels like it's been not just minutes, but hours and hours that he has been laying here at Garrett's mercy. His elbows give out and he drops to to mattress, beginning to tremble slightly. The tone was like a shove towards the edge and he loves it.
Garrett notes the heightened reaction with the unintentional use of his voice and then smiles a little as he works and decides to intentionally ad a few more long tones as he goes just inhaling and letting out a long slow low note, keeping the motions the same.
Ziven both smiles and grimaces at the same time. "You're driving me crazy. I'll cum if you keep it up. You got me so close, handsome." it is a warning he doesn't usually give, but being Garrett's first blow job, he wants him to be prepared and not surprised.
As if to answer him Garrett makes eyes contact and repeats with another long tone and then closes his eyes clearly enjoying what he's offering almost as much as Ziven.
Being an eye contact and tactile man, Ziven connects with Garrett on what feels like a completely different plane than the usual one, which is the case thus far every time Garrett has made him cum. Once the long tome is finished, Ziven pumps his hips, cries out and begins to cum. Not violently hard; more like a gentle pouring. "Oh my Garrett." he manages, watching how Garrett deals with the situation.
Garrett keeps his mouth tightly around Ziven's cock, and looks right at him again as he swallows. When it's all down he eases off and climbs up to hold him, still completely dressed himself.
Ziven welcomes him with a languid wrapping of his arms around Garrett. Turning his head, he offers a smile and, finally a long kiss of thanks. "Was it like you thought it would be?" he asks, casually.
Garrett kisses him back eagerly and runs his fingers through Ziven's hair "Better. I love getting you off. I had no idea using my voice would be a thing." He chuckles.
Ziven smiles and gives a wonderful relaxed smile. "I love it when you get me off." he admits. "And yes ... the sensation is just .. wonderful." he kisses him on the forehead and shudders. "Yea ... it's November. I need to build a fire. You froze enough for one day, I think." he pulls away, obviously reluctantly. Standing he tests his legs, then heads across to the fireplace with his usual lack of shame at his nudity. "You are incredible, Garrett." he continues. The first time someone came in my mouth .. ugh." he already has the logs placed, so he reaches for a box of kitchen matches and a page from the newspaper and kneels down.
Garrett laughs "If I had tried that the first time we went to bed it might have been overwhelming...but not now." He looks happy about the fire building "Yeah...I'm still a little cold."
Ziven builds the fire as if he's built many in his life and when he is sure it's taken, be moves the grate in front of it and comes back to bed motioning for Garrett to join him under what turns out to be layers of blankets and fat comforters. There he pulls him close. "Well ... I didnt get a warning, so I always give one the first time, at least. But I think you are learning to judge when I am close to having an orgasm." he caresses Garrett's face. So handsome. I love you're not whipcord thin. We Inuits like a little blubber around us to keep us warm." he moves his free hand under the covers and under his own body to warm it.
Garrett smirks "I'll be your whale baby." He pulls off his shirt and then cuddles Ziven back and crawls into the covers.
Ziven laughs. "You're crazy. What are you? Ten pounds quote unquote overweight?" he scoffs and pulls him close, kissing his collarbone.
Garrett lifts his head at the kissing "I'm mostly kidding. Sometimes I get self conscious though, especially at the beach with my brother and sister."
Ziven chuckles. "You ALL have excellent bodies, but I like yours the most.' he winks. "I'd be afraid I'd split your sister in half and that's not even saying I have some monstrous cock .. she's just so tiny." he snorts. "And your brother has a great body, but its hard." he moves his hand under himself and squeezes Garrett's ass. "Some things are meant to be soft." then he moves it around to his cock. "And other things, not so much." he casually squeezes, now that his hand is warm.
Garrett grins and squirms a bit and lets out an "Mmmm" at the squeezing. He was still semi hard from their earlier activity and feels himself getting just a little harder at Ziven's touch.
Ziven feels him under the blankets, but maintains the eye contact. "You are SO not that I expected." he murmurs, beginning to nuzzle Garrett's neck. "The attraction was there ... but then you seemed so hesitant." he strokes softly and slowly. "You became my friend and now." he moves closer to kiss him. "I'm yours."
Garrett grins "Likewise..." he murmurs and then kisses him back fiercely.
Ziven grins and the kisses continue as he strokes his lover, thinking about the night, the confessions, the emotions. But slowly he begins to kiss his way down Garrett's chest and belly, pausing at his belly button, running his tongue around the small shallow indentation as he works to free him of his jeans and underwear.
Garrett happily squirms, his breath coming faster as he whispers "You know I didn't give one to get one but I won't deny you." He laughs softly "Ever."
Ziven chuckles as he begins to take the jeans and has a minor battle to get them out from under the covers. "Oh, I thought tonight we would play he gave me something new, so I will give him something new." he explains. "But you ARE getting one, because I love it when you cum."
Garrett groans at the words and submits, kicking his pants off and letting Ziven do whatever he wants "I'm yours too..."
Ziven looks up at him, turning him onto his back in the bed. "Music to my ears." he moves to the pubic area, inhaling deeply of him. Then he settles under the covers and directly between Garrett's legs and licks his cock from balls to tip before engulfing it and sucking gently.
Garrett shudders and closes his eyes, gripping the covers a bit.
Ziven looks up, then realizes that he is under the covers with the vast majority of Garrett's body. He takes Garrett's hips and shoulders his legs open as he lifts his ass well off the mattress.
Garrett allows the lifting, not sure where it's going but trusting and even helping with the strength of his arms.
Ziven puts himself in a more laying position so that Garrett can remain comfortable. He spreads the lags wider, kissing Garrett's balls tenderly. Then he begins to part his cheeks. "Trust me, Garrett." its not a question ... not an order.
Garrett shiver and nods "OK.." He smiles a bit and waits to see what will happen.
Ziven licks the length of Garrett's cock and goes lower. But he doesn't go back up at the balls, he continues, kissing both left and right cheek before applying for barely a second, his tongue to Garrett's anal opening.
Garrett's body tenses and he freezes up. The idea is interesting but it's clearly making him a little nervous too. He doesn't stop Ziven yet, but it's clear he's thinking about it.
Ziven hooks Garrett's legs over his shoulders to free his hands. The left he uses to caress Garrett's butt and the other he moves around to his cock, moist with Ziven't saliva and begins to stroke him, even as his tongue moves around the opening again.
The stroking relaxes him, especially with the wetness but he's still not as vocal as he was. He tries to keep an open mind and put thoughts out of his mind like what if I fart?
Ziven circles one more time and then tilts his head, sucking in both of Garrett's balls at once. He then moves up his cock again, deep throating once, then backing away to a gentle sucking.
Ziven begins to pull at the covers, exposing them both and moves himself up to Garrett's mouth, offering a kiss. Garrett may feel Ziven's own very healthy erection brushing up against his own.
Garrett kisses him back and presses into Ziven at the brushing, showing a much more enthusiastic reaction to this. He caresses Ziven and then grabs his hip tightly and grunts.
Ziven rolls them onto their sides and uses both of his hands to press their cocks together. Slowly he begins to rock his hips, breaking the kiss just long enough to look into Garrett's face, his own mouth half open with pleasure. "Well..." he breathes, his voice deeper with his excitement. "Maybe I get two and you get one." and he winks, comically, teasing.
Garrett shivers, thrusting back "Fine by me...oh god this....yes.....oh...." His face contorts as he gets closer.
Ziven moans deeply, interlocking his fingers around both of them and increasing his pumping. "Damn, you're hot." he moans and then again tightening his grip on them. He lifts one leg over Garrett and pull them closer together.
The tightening get to Garrett as well as the leg. He starts to answer Ziven but then just cries out and suddenly cums. He stays in position though, hoping Ziven will again too.
Ziven feels Garret cum .. on his hand, on his belly, on the sheets .. lubricating him. In four more thrusts, Ziven joins him, cumming harder than he did before and combining their essessences together.
Garrett smiles and leans in to kiss Ziven, feeling totally connected and completely in love.
Ziven returns the kiss. Long, deep and loving. "Great Earth Mother." he breathes.
Garrett snuggles in "What you said..." He chuckles a bit.
Ziven laughs and looks between them at the sticky mess they created. "It is a good thing I planned on messes like this. The washing machine and dryer are in the attic." he moves his hand up to caress Garrett's face then realizes it is covered in their combines semen. So he licks his fingers instead, waggling his eyebrows. "Dessert."
Ziven laughs and looks between them at the sticky mess they created. "It is a good thing I planned on messes like this. The washing machine and dryer are in the attic." he moves his hand up to caress Garrett's face then realizes it is covered in their combines semen. So he licks his fingers instead, waggling his eyebrows. "Dessert."
Garrett smirks "As hot as that is in the moment, will you be offended if I wash off a bit?"
Ziven laughs richly. "I need to. also." he admits. "Communal bath? That's big in Japan isn't it? Granted this community is just me and you, but still ..."
Garrett laughs "Yeah I didn't try one of those when I was there....but I'm game. Do you have bubbles?" He teases.
Ziven chuckles. "Somehow, that doesn't surprise me." he winks. "And yes, I do. Look in the cabinet under the sink." he gets up and checks the blankets, which are clean ... its the fitted and top sheet that aren't, so he pulls the blankets off onto the floor and looks at Garrett with a sigh. "Just .... delicious...."
Garrett grins and start a bath running, complete with bubbles. He gives himself a little wipe off and rinse at the sink though first.
Ziven strips the fitted and top sheet, crumples them up and takes them upstairs to the attic to wash, after wiping himself off a bit. Then he comes back downstairs and leans against the sink, just looking at Garrett.
Garrett smiles self consciously "What?" He runs his hand under the water, leaning sideways to check the temperature. The bath is full now so he turns off the water.
Ziven grins and comes over. "I'm just confirming this love thing to myself is all. We haven't been tested. That'll come sooner or later." he brushes a few loose hairs out of Garrett's face. Then he folds his arms and looks at the mound of bubbles. "So are you the one who lounges in my arms, of do you want me in yours? Lounger, or loungee?"
Garrett smiles a little shyly and steps into the tub tanking the loungee position and beckoning Ziven "Come'ere. And by tested do you mean like a fight? I can't even imagine that. What are you like in an argument?"
Ziven smiles, looking as if he is being given a treat and steps in, settling himself into Garrett's arms. "Fights. Life tests." he grabs a huge natural sponge wets it and wrings the water out. "One of my first long term lovers ... my first love ... came down with Chrone's disease .... I was supportive ... sat with him every moment I could ... he wound up losing a shit ton of intestine and a stoma. He was angry and resentful, but I tried to understand his anger. Even when he started opening the bag and throwing the shit inside at me ... " he sighs, staring at the water hes squeezing out of the sponge. "He left me. I came home and he was just gone." he scoffs. "But yea .... fights too."
Garrett holds Ziven tightly "I'm so sorry. How long ago was that?"
Ziven gets a bottle of nice smelling soap fee of animal testing and soaps up the sponge. Beginning to bathe Garrett's arms, he replies. "Oh hell ... fifteen years ago. My other two failures weren't as bad, but always boiled down to the same thing. He or she ... one was a woman ... had a problem or problems and shut me out. Wouldn't communicate. Wouldn't even try. I don't want that for us, Gar." he leans back and turns his head to look at him. "I'm not a man who does a lot of begging, but I would if you shut me out."
Garrett kisses Ziven's shoulder "Ok a disclaimer then, because I've been accused of that before. I get really quiet when I'm upset. I'm not actually shutting people out, just a long thinker. I don't want you to be hurt by that. I'm not a yeller... at all.. " He laughs "That's my sister. I think because of that I went the opposite way. Ryan's a horrible combination of both. He stews until he finally explodes."
Ziven considers, as he washes both of them. "Could you tell me then?" he asks, softly. "Let me know your thinking about it and .. you'll get back to me?" he swallows, then clears his throat. "Dad was a screamer. Mom talked it all out. But even a saints patience has its limits." he kisses Garrett's soapy arm. "I have a good feeling about us. Which ... only adds to the irrational terror." he laughs.
Garrett smiles at the washing and the conversation "I will truly try and tell you...OK? I have a good feeling too."
Ziven relaxes in the hot water. "OK ... it's a deal." he closes his eyes and settles into the arms of his lover. "I didn't make the bed back up." he realizes. "Think we can do it together?" he is almost sure the answer is yes. This one is special. Willing to try, and he loves it. Loves him.
Garrett laughs "If that's our first test then yes. Don't nag me about hospital corners though." He kisses at the side of Ziven's head "I love you."
Ziven laughs. "I'll take you into the patients rooms tomorrow. You can take a look at the Brate kids and see how many hospital corners there are." he teases. "I love you, too, Garrett."
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