Monday, February 13, 2017

Face Time Call - Garrett and Izumi

Monday, February 13th

Garrett: Hey I heard a rumour that the Easter bunny is bringing us Tanakas. I'd love to hang out when you're in. Sorry I've been a slacker about staying in touch:)

Izumi:  Yup.  I should be back at home next month or April.  You SHOULD be sorry.  I felt unloved ;-(

Garrett: You are very loved. I'm just life is good though. You? Hey you wanna face time?

Izumi:  Like a blonde lol  I'm fine and would love to FT as long as I don't have to look up your nose lol

Garrett: I was trained out of that habit but if you miss my nostrils that can be arranged....calling:)

A face time call comes in from Garrett...

Izumi reads the text and smiles to herself as she answers.  "Ah good.  No nostrils.  How are you, my friend?"  she asks.  In the background  there seems to be what looks like a nice bedroom or hotel room.

Garrett is in the house he shares with the two roommates in the living room, lying on the couch. Sean is thankfully out and Mark the Mime is quietly up in his room "I'm awesome. What country are you in Izzy?"

Izzy smiles.  "Ireland.  Checking out inns in this little place called Gaeta.  Once I am done with that, I can return to Canada.  One Inn a week or 8 inns or something.  Sometimes it makes my head spin."  she laughs.  "Is that a new couch or a new place or ... what?"

Garrett grins back and looks behind him "Ireland? Cool. Oh shit yeah...we really need to catch up! Ryan.....did your Dad tell you he and his girlfriend had a baby? Anyways, he has a girlfriend, and a baby. Jayla....get this Jayla eh? Sweet sweet little girl. So I uh took over his room in a house he was a renter in...but I actually might move again........not to get ahead of things....but I met someone...."

Izumi listens and smiles.  "Kawaii!  Yes, I think Dad mentioned that, inserting it into how he has no grandchildren to spoil."  she rolls her eyes.  "Met someone?"  she looks eager.  "Spill!"  she demands.

Garrett laughs "Yeah no pressure eh? Thank god for my siblings." He bites his lip "This...uh...might surprise you. I know you're open minded, of everyone I know SUPER open minded. I'm in love with a guy...." He waits for her reaction before continuing.

Izumi snorts.  "That was supposed to be Yoshi's doing.  Keep the family name and all that crap."  she rolls her eyes.  "But no ... he can't do that either."  she sighs in exasperation and then looks with raised eyebrows at her screen.  "A guy?  Really?"  she seems to consider it.  "Why not?  You need love in your life.  Now tell me all about him.  And I mean ALL about him."  she waggles her eyebrows, because she misses the blush of he Yamada male.

Garrett does indeed blush "Izzy.....his name is Ziven. He's a vet and a park ranger. We met in a bar, the black hold actually." He clears his throat "He kinda hit on me...ok not kinda and then I told him we'd just hang out as friends but then one day it dawned on me I just couldn't stop thinking about yeah." He sighs "i heard about Yoshi. He's been texting Steph."

Izumi looks amused.  "Well that's good, cause god knows you'd never have made the first step."  she accuses him.  "And ... well ... Dad actually told me about him, so I know he can put up with your drunken episodes."  she shakes her head and groans.  "Why is he texting Stephanie?  That ship sailed and sank."  she frowns.  "And she's engaged, isn't she?  Oh, the trouble my brother gets into.  Fifteen years married.  No kids.  Now no wife.  Why do I have to be the responsible and mature one?"  she grumbles.

Garrett hides from the phone "God I was such an idiot at Christmas. I thought Ziven was going to dump me...but he took care of me and my pathetic hangover..." He laughs "THAT's love...holy shit. And yeah Steph's engaged to this big redheaded cop. Like big guy, possibly part Sasquatch. I think he's just sad and reaching out but it's a bit excessive. Steph's being supportive of course because, that's how they've always been right. Anyways, they're grown ups. They'll work it out. Tell me about maturity and responsibility? Such big words Iz..." He jokes.

Izumi giggles about Garrett's hangover like she always does.  "Yes, that's love."  she pauses.  "Big words because my brother is such a big BABY.  I wonder if the Sasquatch would spank my brother for me...."  he seems seriously to be considering this.  Then she sighs.  "Probably not.  Steph is so nice.  I really hope Yoshi doesn't make TOO big a fool of himself."  she pffts.  "Who am I kidding?"

Garrett rolls his eyes "So he's going to wait to tell your dad at Easter? That'll be a fun dinner. Fuck it'll be at my parent's I bet..." he laughs "Oh man....our holidays have been getting exponentially bigger and crazier. Do you have any plus ones we should know about ahead of time?" He wiggles his brows.

Izumi snorts.  "I know .. his timing is perfect, as always.  Big happy get together, so let me tell my father I fucked up my marriage." she smiles.  "Exponentially?  Now whose using big words, Garrett?"  she shrugs.  "No plus ones.  I've been gone from Canada for over a year now, so all my little playthings have probably moved on to others, leaving me all alone."  she pouts.  "But at least I got to see the world and am on my second tour of it.  I know Dad wants a grandchild and with Yoshi failing and probably all dried up."  she places a hand to her temple.  "Not that getting pregnant would really take all that long.  Maybe even a sperm bank.  I like men well enough, but I like women too ... and either way I don't want to even take the chance of being left."

Garrett blows out a breath "Whoah.... I know your dad says he wants grandkids but I don't think he just wants you to get knocked up. "

Izumi sighs deeply.  "It's bad enough Mom died without being able to have grandkids."  she swallows.  "I just don't want my father to miss out on the happiness your parents have as grandparents, if that makes any sense?"  she leans back in a nice comfy chair.

Garrett sighs "I get it... but still. Your dad doesn't seem unhappy Izzy. He has his shop and good friends."

Izumi sighs again.  "Maybe I've become an old fashioned traditionalist in my old age."  she pouts and looks at him.  "If this ... ZIven is it?  If hes hot, maybe he can donate sperm...."  she barely keeps from grinning.

Garrett blushes and then looks very awkward and stammers "'ve known I had a boyfriend for 10 minutes and you already want to get into his pants?"

Garrett can't help but grin "Aww I'd like that too. I'm glad you're coming home soon. It'll help your dad take Yoshi's news too. What happened between them?"

Izumi sighs deeply.  "He's wrapped himself up in being the stereotypical Japanese man."  she sounds bitter.  "He works constantly and doesn't communicate with his wife.  I swear, he's leaving her for work."  she snorts and then lowers her voice as if they are in public.  "They've been distant.  I wouldn't be surprised if he messed around.  You remember how he was in high school, right?"  she shrugs.  "Sabine stuck it out for fifteen years, though."

Garrett nods "I remember their wedding. Only time I've ever been to Montreal. So many sushi restaurants there!" He laughs "Course Vancouver's even more so. What's the food like in Ireland? Stew and bread?"

Izumi laughs.  "We will take over the world.  But you're still the best sushi chef, in my opinion."  she teases.  Her eyes grow big.  "They put alcohol in EVERYTHING here, it seems.  Guinness and this, Guinness and that, Guinness and the other thing and if it isn't Guinness it's whiskey."  she giggles.  "But it tastes so GOOD!  I know I technically am not here to rate the food, but the towns and cities but FOOD!"

Garrett grins "That's what I like to hear. I've tried a Guinness now and then...St. Patrick's day and stuff as a special. I'm really more of a lager guy...but bless the Irish. Your dad's befriended an Irish woman. She's actually Michael's mom...Steph's fiance. Course he also befriended the cabbie that brought him to dinner at my parents last time and now they go play chess. He's got the gift."

Izumi nods.  "They're great."  she pauses.  "Well ...  Dad befriends everyone."  she smiles.  "I just ... sort of ... wish he'd ... "  she shrugs.  "Dad befriends everyone.  Just very friendly and outgoing.  I think I get that from him."

Garrett nods "You do. What do you wish he'd do?" Silently, behind Garrett's head is the form of a tall thin man in full mime makeup peering eerily over the top of Garrett's head briefly and then pretending to disappears down a set of imaginary stairs. At the stairs part Garrett jumps "Jesus fucking Christ Mark....don't do that to me!" the mime retreats into the kitchen and Garrett looks back "Sorry....roommates."

Izumi pauses and seems about to answer when she sees the face and blinks.   "What .... the .... fuck ... was ... THAT?"  she blinks.

Garrett waves off what just happened "I live with a learn to tune it out. Actually the other guy's worse. Sorry, you were saying?"

Izumi laughs.  "That's really scary.  You should move if you can."  she sighs.  "Oh .. just.  Dad's been widowed for so long.  I just ... think maybe he should get remarried ... someday."

Garrett nods "I'm kinda hoping Ziven and I might just shack up someday but I don't want to just assume I can move in there..." He looks thoughtful about her dad "Could happen. He's a pretty fun little guy. Maybe some lady his age will notice. I mean in town...guh...there's Ushi Chen....nope can't even go there....Tallulah the market now, hooked up with Nick. Your dad probably told you, oh and I guess his Irish friend, Kaitlin...I dunno she's VERY recently widowed. You could try and talk him into internet dating..." He laughs.

Izumi grins.  "So ASK him, silly!  Tell him the mime guy made a funny motion at you."  she suggests.  Listening to the list, she grimaces at the mention of Ushi Chen.  "Never!"  and her eyes go wide at the mention of Tallulah.  "No one tells me anything!"  Then she looks curious.  "Is that who you just mentioned?  Stephanie's fiance's mother?"  then she hears about her being recently widowed and almost deflates.  Then stiffens.  "Internet dating?  MY father?"  she narrows her eyes at him.  "Baka!"

Garrett smiles awkwardly "I'll get there with Ziven." He laughs "Mark? Nah he's just weird..." He nods back at her "Yep Nick and Tallulah.....let's see other gossip....Tamela has a girlfriend. A cop from your island if you're there enough to know them. Frank. I imagine it's short for something more originally feminine like Francine or something. I didn't ask. They were in for sushi the other day. Frank apparently had a thing with Ziven once....too small this world of ours." He laughs "Your Dad might like internet dating. Think of all the funny stories he'd tell about it? Might be worth it for the comedy." He looks behind him warily as the front door opens and Sean comes in noisily, riffling through the mail from the mailbox.

"Bills and crap, bills and crap.....fuckin Ikea, did anyone see fight club?" He's sort of talking to himself and possibly anyone who might be in range and then makes a kaboom noise before calling out "Ticketmaster for Garrett Yamada....." He now just yells, not knowing Garrett is right around the corner "Garrett!!!"

Garrett sighs and mutters "Sorry...." to Izumi and then says "Sean stop screaming. I'm right here....on a call with someone."

Sean kicks off his muddy work boots and lumbers into the room and partially into the phone's view. He's a stocky red faced man in a baseball cap with a dirty blonde bushy beard and a baseball cap on that covers his mostly bald head. He's wearing a thick plaid flannel shirt open over a trashed old Tragically Hip t shirt and a pair of ripped jeans covered in mud and grass stains. He thrusts out at envelope towards Garrett and then looks at Izumi's face on the screen and a charming grin spreads across his face "Well hello there Lovely Lady."

Izumi grins.  "Well are there hints?  Like he lets you leave lots of clothes over.  Or you have a key already or something?"  she listens to the gossip.  "I haven't been in Alexandra for a year.  So I probably missed a lot.  Might have to call Michelle or Gareth and get caught up locally.  They're as bad as you ... or its me who sucks with communication.  I get the news ... so I know what happened to Chief Brate and that ass hole who abandoned Stephanie."  she considers.  "My father would befriend a hundred thousand broken hearts and wind up being an internet gigolo ....  not sure I am ready for that at this point in my life."  then the interruption comes an she looks through the screen at Sean.  "Hello lovely delivery man.  What do you have for the man, tonight?"  she sounds like a game show host.

Garrett pauses on answering too many personal question while Sean is hovering over him. He takes the envelope and sets the phone down "I know what this sec Izumi...."

Sean smirks and just picks up the phone "Izumi. I deliver many things M'Lady, if you're in the market for something..."

Garrett grabs at the phone and misses "Sean!""

"Oh too slow.....he tries so hard though doesn't he?" He teases as Garrett's hand can be seen swiping past his  face again while he dodges it "So, where do you live Izumi?"

Izumi holds, but her brows arch as Sean takes Garrett's phone.  She smiles sweetly.  "Where I live depends on whether you ca afford to be involved with me.  In this day and age women must be careful.  Once you give me your information; Name, address, ID number, bank balances.  I will get back to you within 30 business days, now put down the phone you rude man."
Sean has been shot down enough times that it just rolls off him and he laughs "Alright then Miss CIA Cock Blocker. I'm going to go make a sandwich..." He snorts and sets the phone down with a little kiss in the air in her direction.

Garrett has opened his envelope and now snatches up his phone "For fuck's sakes Sean..." He snaps "Talk to my friend like that again and I'll cock block you much less politely."

"Oh but you're all about the cock now......" Sean retorts back as he opens the fridge.

Garrett grits his teeth, looking sideways towards the kitchen and then picks up his phone and walks out to the front yard in his socks to have his conversation "Fuck I need to move...." He spits out "I'm so sorry about that. And yes I have a key to Ziven's. I might just go sleep there tonight even though he's away on his parks job." He rolls his head from side to side, cracking his neck and then smiles "OK happier topic. My mail was my valentine's gift for Ziven. I'm taking him to one of my favorite rock shows, Sebastian Knight. It's near Easter. You should go online and see if you can still get tickets. He booked the whole Black Hole for a ticketed show..."

Izumi narrows her eyes, but that lightens when Garrett stands up ad then back to frown at Sea being rude again.  Finally, he comes back and she smiles.  "Oh HELL yea.  Hold on."  her face vanishes.  "Thats such a sweet present.  If I'd known you were such a great boyfriend I would have paid more attention to ya in school."  a few beeps are heard and she squees.  "Mine is coming, which means I HAVE to call Alexandra, so someone can throw them on my coffee table for when I come back!  Guaranteed seeing you ad meeting the sexy vet boyfriend!"

Garrett teases her with a wink "Oh now you tell me?" He laughs and seems to be getting into his car "It's cold out here. But I won't drive off without shoes. First we get a very awkward Easter. Maybe we should make it a drinking game. Every time Yoshi says divorce or not my fault, we drink..." He snorts. "We'll ALL sleep in the driving. Ziven already said he'd just tranquilize me like a bad dog if I get out of hand...."

Izumi laughs.  "We SO SHOULD!"  she proclaims.  She can drink like her father.  "I'll sleep outside i the bushes.  Let Dad have the bathtub.  Respecting my elders and all that."  she giggles.  "Oh!  I like that .. so forget it.  You and I will play designated drivers.  Orrrrr."  she seems to be considering.  "It really COULD be interesting to see your boyfriend bend you over a table, pull your pants down and literally give you a shot in the ass...."  so many options.

Garrett laughs really really hard now, shaking his little car a bit "Ah I miss you. You and Ziven are going to get along great. He's cute too. I'll send you a picture after."

Izumi giggles.  "I miss you too.  Hopefully they'll let me hit the towns and villages of Canada next.  I haven't been home for more than just a couple of days in YEARS.  Thank goodness they pay me so well I can always keep my Alexandra apartment."  she smiles.  "Yes, please.  I want to see this man.  My problem has been just letting you go out with whoever you want without proper supervision."

Garrett rolls his eyes and smiles "Anna wasn't an ax murderer. She was actually pretty awesome. It just didn't work." He thinks about his ex-wife though "Keiko might have been an ax murderer if it had gone on....probably good I didn't make the cut...." He chuckles. "But this feels right with Ziven, can't explain it, it's just does."

Izumi leans back.  "I liked Anna.  But Keiko ... I mean ... maybe there's your argument against internet relationships?"  she smiles.  "Feeling right is a good thing!  I really hope it works out for you."

Garrett can't disagree so he just nods "I'll have to get over to your little island. Ryan goes a lot to see Adum. Steph....well Michael has family there. I know you're kind of a tourist in your own home, but do you know any Reinhardt's? Mike's brother lives there with his family, they had 4 kids so there's lots of them. The wife's a nurse so your friend Michelle might know her. It's just the one clinic right? You know Michelle works here now a few days a week. She delivered Ryan and India's baby so midwifery but also as a nurse practitioner. She saw me on a walk in awhile back for a minor eye infection."

Izumi snorts a little.  "You and me both."  she sighs.  "I don't know any Reinhardt's.  But Michelle, I know.  And I know the doctor.  Someday I want to get into Alexandra's history.  It's such a weird and fascinating place.  Maybe that's next year.  A leave of absence to write about my two homes."  she tilts her head.

Garrett looks intrigued "You think you could stay in one place that long without losing your shit?" There's a grin at the end but the question is serious.

Izumi giggles.  "Maybe.  I might have to hire some intern.  I said I would settle down after I saw the world.  Now I've done that twice an am working on number three.  SO ....  I don't know what will make me decide to stop globetrotting."  she rolls her eyes.  "True love."  then she laughs.  "And then I'd honestly want to be in Cedar Point or Alexandra.  How fucked up is THAT?"

Garrett grins "Not fucked up at all.....although...." He seems to be looking out the window warily and then opens it to Mark's hand passing something in to him with his striped mime shirt. His gaze still directed up he stammers out "Thanks man....I'll be in in a no...that's go ahead....." He looks back at the phone after staring after Mark and then holds up a piece of cheese "So....this happened......not unwelcome, just a little odd." He sighs "OK back to our regularly scheduled program....holy fuck. Next time I call you I'll make sure I'm at Ziven's. He and I are very good with respecting each other's space..." He laughs and then forces out "True love...." in the funny voice of Wesley from The Princess Bride, when it's squeezed out of him by Miracle Max. "Like that?"

Izumi looks at the cheese and laughs again.  "Hey, at least the mime is feeding you?" she nods.  :That ... might not be the worst idea.  I am sure those two can find another roommate to drive insane?  Maybe a psychiatrist?"  she rolls her eyes.  "Someone who can give me more than great orgasms.  I can't live on those."  she stretches.  "What the hell time is it there?"

Garrett looks at the time on his phone "I dunno, around noon. More than great should put that in your personal ad." He teases "I want more than great orgasms. i'm positively bored with great orgasms.'

Izumi gives him the finger right through the screen.  "There HAS to be more to life than orgasms that make you see spots."  she snorts.  "God its only 9pm here.  Man I must be getting old."

"Spots?" Garrett looks curious and then blushes furiously "You know what...I'm not gonna ask.....old lady." He jokes "You want to go crash? I promise not to leave it so long until the next time.'

Izumi smirks.  "You probably dont want to know, but I want MORE than that!"  she sighs.  "I better.  I just got here so I need to sleep so I can be all attentive to details an junk."  she nods.  "I better hear from you at least ONCE between now and this concert!  Matter of fact I will also get on touch with YOU so that's TWO before the concert."  and finally she allows the yawn of jet lag do shine through.

Garrett leans back against the headrest of his seat "Alright Bizzy Izzy. Get some zzzzs girl. We'll talk soon." His expression is sweet and a look he's been giving her since they were kids in school and he wrote a little comic about her called Bizzy Izzy where she was a cool kid detective super hero solving mysteries all over town and leaving bad guys tied up in front of the police station. Garrett also wrote himself into the comic as her assistant but he was a sort of alien super hero named Dox who would collect all her evidence and test DNA, as well as feed her 7 magical cats. To be fair, he wrote the comic when they were 8. It was never explained how the cats were magical, just a known fact that they were.

Izzy nearly melts. "Ohhhhh ....  Dox!"  she remembers it well.  "I will DEFINITELY get back to you.  Thanks for the call.  Love you bud!"  and she cuts the connection and gets up to sleep in the nice inn's bed.

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