Monday, April 4, 2016

Coon Calls - Part 1

This is a role play log from an impromptu role play scene we had in the police station. It was fun and we may use that role play zone again for a casual role play time. It's also leading to a few follow up blog stories and this week's little campaign plot. Watch for those and join in on more raccoon fun!

Michael Reinhardt finishes the report and stands up to stretch his legs, listening carefully. "Do you hear that, Yamada?" he asks of the younger man beside him.

Ryan Yamada scratches the back of his head and then finishes typing data from an incident report into the front desk computer "Hear what Mike?" He asks smiling a bit.

“Hello officers.” Oshi smiles and looks friendly.

Michael winces inwardly but says nothing about the shortening of his name. Happens all the time. "No gunshots, no gangs, no screaming, no screeching tires. Silence, man!" he watches as the young/old woman from the day before appears. "Ma'am."

Ryan snickers and then looks up at the woman as well "Good day Miss. How can we help you?"

Oshi Shikigami: Oh, I don't have a crime to report, or have an emergency. Is this the right place just to ask a few questions? She looks puzzled after the comment she came into hearing no doubt the end of.

Michael looks curious. "Of course, ma'am. What kind of emergency do you have?" he can handle this ... probably.

Ryan looks between Mike and the woman "We'll do our best with any questions. Just no math tests please." he jokes.

Oshi Shikigami: “Um, I just wanted to know if this town, here, has any special programs for young ones. Children, teenagers, more exactly, that um, are designed that they can "ride along" and see real police work in action? One that is instructive and not too scary for a teenager, say for instance?” She seems a bit nervous in asking, like she is not sure if it is proper, or correctly phrased.

Michael Reinhardt blinks and looks at Ryan, curious himself. In his old area of Vancouver they didn’t want kids on the street, never MIND riding along on the beat.

Ryan thinks about it and then asks "Is the kid saying he or she wants to become a cop, or is this more of a scare them straight request?" He says with a twinkly eyed grin.

Oshi Shikigami: “You see, my cousin, who I am in charge of for now, well, she is quite interested in a lot of things, and one of those is the whole "law and order" thing. I am afraid she has seen too many cop shows on TV... “ She takes a breath and sees if this is being received well. “I had her that in the states at least, they some had programs where citizens could ride along with cops on the beat. See what it is really like, instead of the drama on TV.” She continues “So she learns it is not all donuts and gunfights...”

Michael watches as Ryan answers and then glances at the woman. She seemed very sweet the day before, but this was an interesting situation. He hears her speak and nods. "Well, this isn't New York, or Los Angeles, Miss .. Shitigami." he isn’t sure he got her name right. "I'm not sure, if that what she’s looking for ... she’s in the right place." he pauses. "They've done it there ... considered it in Vancouver where I worked but ... you wouldn't like it .. even if SHE did." but he wonders if the kid might like to walk a beat here .. the place seemed harmless enough.

Oshi Shikigami: “I mean, if like this didn't work out, you did not have anthing like that, then I would understand.” Oshi looks down at the floor. “But, it might just help to a girl that is confused by what she know at home, sees here and sees on TV.”

Ryan shrugs "I get it. I thought this would be WAY more action when I was a kid too, even in the academy. But it's a lot of walking around, talking to people, writing stuff down and then data entry in the computer. You could email Lieutenant Angie Johnson, she's second to the Chief. She might be able to hook your cousin up with some observation. We've had kids write papers and stuff and come in. Officer Douglas might even let her tag along on community service but that would bore a teenager even more. It's a lot of beach cleanup and passing out water bottles."

Oshi Shikigami:” That sounds like just what she need!”  Oshi perks up a bit, and she jots down whom to contact, and smiles. “Perhaps a bit of boredom would be good. Oh! And she may be precocious in some ways, but she really is a good hearted person. And, if you ask her nice, she might even do some sketches of you on duty, while _not_ shooting somebody or 'cuffing them.” Her smile brightens, a bit and she hopes she was clear she was making a joke.

Michael chuckles. "As long as she knows that Cedar Point is a very quiet town ... and that she doesnt want to see real life action .. it is VERY different from Law and Order." he seems to be speaking from experience.

Ryan passes the woman a business card from Angie's pile of stuff "the info at address on there from our website goes to Angie. I'm Officer Ryan Yamada by the way. Sorry I didn't catch your name Miss...."

Oshi Shikigami: Ah yes, I understand that all, myself. But, to her she went from Japan, where there is almost zero crime, at least in the streets, to here, where she sees cops fighting bad guys every day on TV. It is a bit hard for her to reconcile. TO not be scared to go out of the house, or anywhere at night. And fear if she does some small thing wrong she will be locked away in jail forever...And my cousin is Tatsu. Thank you for the introduction. She holds the card reverentially and bows looking at the card and keeping it in her hand reverentially.

Michael makes a mental note of the cards again and looks to the woman. "Sh eis ... Oshi .. Shit -- Shik ... Shitigami. We met yesterday." he struggles with her last name, and then looks at her. "It really isn't all dead bodies, drug dealing and gun fights." he tells her. "Even in the big city, where I transferred from, I spent more than my fair share of time doing paperwork."

Oshi Shikigami: Oh, and you can’t miss her, she is full blooded Japanese, but her hair is 'dyed blond', yes died. Like me, she has no hair coloring natural, but unlike me, she goes blond, so she doesn't look like a "freak" Oshi chuckles a bit.
Oshi Shikigami: Thats S H I K I G A M I. said with a smile.

Ryan coughs to cover a laugh on Mike's name struggle and then rubs at his face as he gives a little bow back, really an extended nod, but acknowledging some shared cultural etiquette. "We're here to help. She doesn't need to be scared here. This is one of the safest places to walk I've been, even at night, though maybe not by the Black Hole sometimes.....can be a bit rough every now and then."

Oshi Shikigami: I will take that all under advisement, officer, Yamada san.

Michael  winces at having botched her name so badly. "I'm sorry ma'am." he apologizes. "Is it possible I could just call you Miss S, or something, or would that be considered rude?" he arches his brows a bit. "Freak?" he glances at Ryan. "I've never seen a quieter place." he agrees.

Oshi Shikigami: Oh please do not worry, I have had it misspelled all the time, even by Japanese people too. And she smiles at Officer Reinhardt san.

Ryan smirks "Been called Yamaha a fair few times. Names are fun. We see all hair colours here, no freaks, just whatever right?"

Michael blinks, never having had an honorific attached to his name. "Miss S it is." he decides, since she didn’t protest. "I have seen a bunch too. I like my carrot, though." he smiles at her. "I've been called a salad for some reason." the olive green eyes and carrot red hair may be a reason.

Oshi Shikigami: Well it’s what happens for me, and I just go with the flow, rather than trying to constantly hassle with root hair colour that opposite.

Ryan gestures at Oshi "You're like a superhero. It's a good thing." he compliments.

Michael nods. "Thats a good way to live. And they Do say that the gentlemen prefer blondes."

Oshi snickers, placing her hand over her mouth while doing so. What a sweet thing to say. That just sounds so much better than, um, "granny"! And she chuckles a bit more.Al least I don't get carded at the bars any more...

Michael laughs. "Now I admit." he confesses. "At first I thought you were older, and then I looked at your face and no way." he looks surprised. "I might think about carding you. Just to make sure." he jokes, the charming flirt.

Ryan raises a brow at Mike and laughs and then nods at Oshi "I do in Vancouver still. Curse of my eternal youth." he says sarcastically.

 “Oh my!” Oshi fakes surprise, and quicly fumbles in her purse, and pulls out her Japanese drivers license, and international drivers licence and after a couple more moments, her Japanese passport with Canadian stamps and visa, all in order and hand them over...
Michael snorts. "If I am lucky I won't be bald by forty." he shrugs. "Honestly I might too if I stopped you for something." he sighs softly with no explanation. He takes the info. "I've never see a Japanese license." he looks it over and hands it back. "But it IS good to know you're legal." yup, seems this one is a flirt.

Oshi Shikigami: I could show you my MI5 ID, but then of course, I would have to kill you. She says with a smirk.“And that would be such a waist.” she mumbles under her breath.

Ryan shakes his head at Mike and laughs openly at them both before answering the phone when it rings "Cedar Point Police?" He pauses with an obvious eye roll "We're not animal control it in the vehicle....."

Oshi Shikigami: Animal control? Well I have had some experience with animal rescue, if you ever end up needing some help?

Michael smiles at Oshi and then glances at Ryan as he answers the phone, curious.

Oshi Shikigami: Seems back in Japan, someone had smuggled in a Komodo dragon! And it got away. We had a team that finally tracked him down, and we got him contained, without anyone getting bitten! Wow, that was intense, OH, but I ramble on about such. Not likely you get that sort of thing here?

Ryan writes down an address "Uh huh.....have you tried making a loud noise to scare it away? I know there are a lot of them...contain your garbage and you'll get less. It's the season. Try banging on the roof of the car with a me back if it doesn't leave." He puts the receiver down "Raccoon." he says tiredly "Fourth call today."

Michael chuckles. "I've had a couple calls about Burmese and reticulated pythons. Both wound up being destroyed for ... what they did." he looks at Ryan in slight disbelief. "Racoons? Seriously?" they don't have that problem in Vancouver. Not where he was from.

Oshi Shikigami: Foxes. Oshi says almost reverently. In Japan, it foxes. They get into the weirdest things, and are very clever...Know what they did there?

Ryan nods at both of them "People just need to lock down their trash. You go and look in on some of these calls and they've got an open bin and a heaping compost in the yard. They're hungry and it's spring. Tell us about the foxes?"

Oshi Shikigami: They made them guards of the temples. They protected the crops! Had them get the rodents, cus they don’t eat crops.

Michael chuckles. "I may get a do someday but ... " he is cut off by another call. He picks up "Cedar Point Police Department, Officer Reinhardt speaking how ...." he pauses and blinks. "He did? I see sir ... " he glances at Ryan and half listens. A deep male voice can be heard tinny through the phone. "No ... I .... yes, sir. I understand perfectly Mister ... yea ... Fum... u .. etsu..." another name for him to botch. Terrific.

Oshi Shikigami: Perhaps we just need some foxes to scare away the raccoons?

Ryan smiles at Oshi and half listens in on Mike's call "Got any stashed away Miss Shikigami?"

Oshi Shikigami: Foxes? Um no, but I have an uncle back in Japan...Yup he would send me some if I asked.

Michael continues with his call. "No sir, usually we don't do anything like that. Um ... yes sir. One moment please." he covers the mouthpiece and leans into Ryan murmuring softly. "Cody gave a man a ticket for jay walking in front of the bakery." he sighs. He's met Cody and is a lot less than impressed.

Oshi Shikigami: Wait, he is Japanese, and he Jaywalked! Osh asks disbelieving. You DONT jaywalk in Japan, that is quite dishonorable! He should be ashamed! Osh looks at both of them, like it is obviously understood. It would be dishonorable to Jaywalk.

Ryan Yamada laughs at Oshi's suggestion and shakes his head "No, they'll chill out once the berries come out. You don't have to ship over any predators. Happens every year." He face palms at Mike's statement and then clears his throat "Callahan's going to love that one..." he mutters "It's not really a huge deal with the limited traffic here though."

Oshi Shikigami: Let me talk to him! I will set him straight!

Michael glances at Oshi as she speaks, then holds up a finger to her to hold on. Into the phone he speaks. "No sir. No. Bring the ticket in at your leisure. We'll straighten it out. "Yes sir I .... I understand. You have a good day, sir. Yea .. Good bye." he hangs up the phone and looks between the two of Japanese descent. "What is a baka? He kept calling Cody that." he looks at Ryan. Michael doesn’t speak a word of Japanese.

Oshi Shikigami: That is insulting, it means "STUPID"!

Ryan Yamada laughs openly now "Oh man. It's OK. We might give a warning on jaywalking but not a ticket. And I'd warn a kid, you know to teach them, but this was an adult. I mean they know to look for cars. It's the chef from my parent’s restaurant...." he keeps laughing "Ah life....."

Michael arches his brows and nods, straightening from his phone call. "Well, the man was upset, Miss S." he smiles at her anger; all fluffed up like a cute little Japanese bird. He doesn’t mention that, in his opinion, the man on the phone was stating a simple fact. "Oh you know the guy?" he knows in a town this small he shouldn’t be surprised. "He said Cody made him late for work ... which ... I've never heard anyone so upset at being fifteen minutes late for work."

Oshi Shikigami: Oh, Oh, wait? Is that the Sakura Sushi? The Jamaican Japanese Chef?

Ryan nods "I recognized the name Mike was trying to say, and yeah that place. My sister says Eien is very proper so being late would be a thing."

Oshi looks befuddled, and bemused. She is defiantly mulling this turn of events over in her mind.

Michael sighs. "SO I got it wrong .... well ... at least I can say Yamada?" he blushes at having botched so many names. "In my area in Vancouver it was most European names, and immigrants from the States."

Ryan smiles and slaps Mike on the back "You'll catch on man. Lotta nationalities in this little place." The phone rings again and he reaches for it "Cedar Point Police?"

Michael chuckles. "Funny thing is I can get Jaskovich and Zakowski and obviously Reinholdt. Of course Washington and Jackson are easy too." he chuckles. "I'll have to keep practising."

Oshi smiles and says rather mater-of-factly, well, if you need some foxes, or you run into an komodo dragons, or, even if, um, you have too many raccoons - jay walking, well do feel free to call me, I am always happy as a cheerful citizen of the community, to assist in whatever I can to make this community a quiet, peaceful and safe community... One that even foreign teenagers, can grow up in , uh, unafraid. Oshi says with a smile.

Ryan sighs "OK Sir, stay in the car. I'll see what I can do to get them off the roof..." he sighs and hangs up the phone with a chuckle "I got this one Miss Shikigami." He turns to Mike after "We had a break in at a mosque last week. Those were some fun names to try and spell. I'll see you folks later." He grabs the address and a set of keys and gets ready to head for the back door.

Oshi Shikigami: PEANUT BUTTER! Oshi shouts as he heads out, If you put out peanut butter he will find it irresistible!

Michael watches Ryan head out, looking bemused. Then he looks at Oshi. "I must be the world’s largest racoon then. I DO like peanut butter."

Ryan Yamada smiles and yells back "Thanks for the tip." as the door closes and he heads for a cruiser.

Oshi smiles, and if she has not offered her phone number address and stuff, she does so now. And says that if any need help with critters, or they want to talk about a ride along program for kids, to call any time.

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