Saturday, March 18, 2017

Mayor Shirley Douglas Calls an Election

Cedar Point Mayor, Shirley Douglas, smiles warmly at the crowd "Thank you all for coming today Cedar Point. this town is my home and fill my heart. You've all been good to me and re-elected me way too many times now. I'm calling an election again, but this time I won't be running. I'm going to retire. And I'm going to move in with the man that I love." She pauses and blushes, looking out to Fred in the crowd. Some locals may not recognize him out of his serious suits. Shirley continues "Some of the news in the tabloid is correct, the good parts." She laughs. "There will be a civic vote held on June 16th for the mayoral candidacy. I know it's short but I know we can pull it off. I really do hope someone else runs or I'll have to take a page out of my dear Fred's book and appoint our police chief." She winks at Fred and then grins at Nick.

Nick Callahan gulps and holds up a hand "I'm thinking of 5 people to nominate...right now..." He calls out. then he looks beside him and figures out it's Fred next to him "Mr. Sewid, you're in disguise." He smiles at the folk around him all the way over to the tall man in the Tim Horton's hoodie, sharing the joke.

Former Alexandra Mayor, Fred Sewid, walks over to the crowd at the appointed time of the press conference and, on a whim, stands next to Nick Callahan. He's criticized the Cedar Point Chief in the past, but ... politics. Besides .. its possible he won't even be recognized as he's in brown jeans, a blue sweater and a wool cap on his bald head. He DOES glance around, looking for Rita Potter, but doesn't see her. As a result, he assumes everyone he does NOT know works FOR Rita. When Shirley mentions his name, he ALMOST grins, but holds off. Then she mentions taking a page out of his book and looks at Nick. His voice lowers very slightly. "I wanted to support her. I think she has wonderful idea. Brate's wife can supply your girlfriends brothel and we'll throw a joint party for Potter." he growls Rita's last name, sounding damn near Snape-like.

Han Weng walks up to the crowd wondering what is going on clasping tight on to the shopping bags . he looks over to the mayor as she speaks with interest as he hears the news interesting in the community he has joined for the past several years but as he is just a immigrant he just nods  as he listens to what his family have live with . he just smiles at the apparently chief of police and looks back at the mayor

Shirley Douglas laughs heartily. Her press conferences were always interactive like this "Do you hear that folks, our Chief Nick has 5 candidates. Now some of you better step up or it'll be all cops all the time. Just think of the overworked bakery staff!" She jokes. She looks each person in the crowd in the eyes "I started in this position when I was a much younger woman, with far less political experience. If you love this community, participate it it's governance. We all make Cedar Point what it is. Support each other, educate each other. I have no doubt that this town will thrive."

Nick Callahan stifles a chuckle at Fred "I'll tell Tally to have some extra clean sheets on hand. " He pats Fred on the shoulder and says "You're a funny guy when you take the stick of of yer ass eh?" He jokes back quietly. Then he listens to Shirley and calls out "And don't forget the pub! We cops like variety." He heckles back. Then he looks touched by her reaching out to the crowd and what she says and nods along, sincerely.\

Fred Sewid continues to listen and scan the crowd. This town adored Shirley and, if they had their way, they'd have her mayor as a ghost. But she was choosing a life with him and he feels a wave of love wash over him for her. He can't help half a grin at her little pep talk. SO sweet, so true and so like her. He chuckles at Nick. "I can still spank you, young man." he quips. He keeps listening to Shirley. "I don't know, Callahan. They might love her too much. Sure you don't want me to set up a meeting between you and young Brate? At least you two aren't likely to be caught in a sex scandal in your 80's." he smirks.

Han Weng just chuckles softly as looking over to the chief then back to Shirley a bit sadden to see her go. he just quietly nods his face fill of nervousness but most full of hope as he listens to the mayor.. he looks back and quips "Well she is lovely enough that she doesn't look that old.  That tricky vile Potter as a very twisted imagination .." He smiles and chuckles speaking in his heavy Chinese accent.

Shirley Douglas just waves off Nick and his antics with a little giggle and smiles at the man who said she didn't look old "Thank you dear." Then she takes some questions from the press as she's always open to. The reporter directly in front of her asks if she's moving to Alexandra and she faces the question head on "Yes I will be moving. I have to give up the mayor's house anyway." She looks over the crowd again "Another reason to's a great house." she says jovially "Wonderful for family dinners....view of the beach...."

Nick Callahan hangs his head down and shakes it, laughing at Fred "Yeah not likely." He smiles at the man who defended Shirley in the crowd. Then he laughs at her advertising the mayor's house as a perk.

Fred Douglas hears the compliment from an Asian man. Chinese or Japanese or Korean ... or one of those ilk. He puts his hands in his pockets and can't help but beam when Shirley admits publicly that she will be moving to Alexandra. He leans his head towards Nick. "If someone doesn't step up, think she'll toss CoCo into the pot? Free pet. Mature dog. Still mostly house trained?"

Han Weng just chuckles "I'd run in a heartbeat.. but I'm just a immigrant in  this fair wonderful village.. but I will support who ever does." He smiles with earnest  "And voice my opinion in city hall meetings till I can vote." He looks at Shirley, smiling at her apparent happiness.

Shirley Douglas smiles "We are both a town and country of many nations. Don't let that hold you back from anything Sir." She gives the tall man a twinkly eyed smile and then gives Fred one eyebrow wiggle before getting flagged by the press again "Yes? Oh goodness I'd have to favourite memory of being mayor. I have too many competing in my head. I really loved anytime I got to work out of the office...even beach clean up days...that's right...." She laughs "Sometimes you need to put on the rubber boots."

Nick Callahan snickers and calls out "Coco for Mayor....then you'd come visit us more Shirley......she loves the beach...and the garbage pick up"

Fred Sewid grins and, when Nick mentions Coco he pulls one hand out of his pocket and coughs into his fist. Looking up at Shirley he winks quickly.

Han Weng just laughs and takes her word to heart he looks at her nodding  in agree to her inspiring word clapping at them ."here here" he adds.

Shirley Douglas snorts "Coco! She'd sleep through every meeting and...the accidents....oh no she'll be coming with me I'm afraid. Easier on the city hall rugs too." The crowd chuckles collectively.

Nick Callahan just sighs "Won't be the same without you Shirley." He says loud enough for all to hear "But you've earned it and we wish you well."

Fred Sewid snorts to himself and glances at Nick. The love this city has is heartwarming. But he won't suffer from guilt in taking Shirley away from all of this.

Han Weng laughs with the crowd. he nods and claps with that sentiment 'to a peaceful and happy retirement to the happy couple 'he say loudly above the crowd.

Shirley Douglas notices some of the press packing up and nods at them and then smiles at the congratulations "Thank you, again. I've pretty much said it. The rest is up to you, Cedar Point. It's the end of my work day now so I'm popping next door for a glass of red wine. If anyone has further questions, I'm easy to find." She steps away from the podium and waits for Fred "Buy you a drink sailor?"

Nick Callahan laughs and pats Fred on the back as Shirley steps down "Sailor." He flashes a grin at the friendly man and the congrats.

Frederick.Sewid chuckles, his eyes on Nick then moves to Shirley, putting an arm around her shoulder. "Anytime, Madame Mayor." and he leans in to kiss her, not caring, but knowing he is blowing his cover. It's all out in the open and he is a grown man.

Han Weng shifts his bag to fish out his phone out of his pocket.. 'ohh okay ..... i get you and Hani some.. yes .. yes' he say happily talk to the person on the other line  as he head for the pub 'yes i know double the order for him 'he laughs as he talks and walks . he smiles at the older couples kiss chuckling 'oh just getting a glimpse of the future. , love 'he says as he walks away

Shirley Douglas kisses Fred sweetly ignoring a few ooohs from the townsfolk and then chuckling "Come on. You're like the kids in your toque. I think the word they use is hipster right?" She walks with him as the crowd disperses.

Nick Callahan looks highly amused and gets pulled into a few conversations and is one of the ooh s on the kiss before he keeps chatting.

Frederick.Sewid  chuckles at the oohhss and ahhhsss. "Probably. Hipster .. yea. That's me. One step closer to the life of my dreams." he moves his arm and hooks her elbow. "Come on, Madame Mayor, before I have to call you 'baby' in front of all these kids."

Han Weng hangs up the phone and looks up at the menu "I'll have 3 of your pacific salmon fillets. 'he says   'One of the order can you double it up or do I need to order a second one? he says softly.

Shirley Douglas settles into a stool and smiles down at the kind resident who was so supportive "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. Your kind words were very appreciated though." She looks at Deidre "Oh the Merlot please and....I'm buying for this handsome gentleman as well." She gives Fred's knee a little squeeze.

Frederick.Sewid  squeezes her hand back and looks at this resident that was so kind with his words. "I'll have the same." he orders, squeezing back. He settles in. "I think I'm getting used to denim, love." he rumbles, not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Han Weng smiles as he waits for the answer then turns to Shirley 'ohhh I dont think you have.. I'm usually working 'he chuckles 'but I'm on vacation this week 'he smiles . he looks kindly at her 'well your speech was rather inspiring . what a loss we have inflicted today .. but our loss in not in vain.. we are just glad you are happy 'he smiles at the couple .. 'my name is Han.. you may know my not so little anymore of spunky son Hani 'he laughs smiling  . he looks to the Fred 'you are a lucky man 'he say 'but I'm sure you know that 'he laugh softly

Shirley Douglas beams "Oh Hani yes. Such a  nice young man. He sure likes the cemetery across from my house. " She leans towards Fred "Good. Be comfortable, relax. It's what retirement is dear. I'm well on my way now too...."

Frederick.Sewid  chuckles at the man. "I know. Believe me ... I know." he lifts Shirley's hand and kisses it. "I've waited nearly all my life for this."

Han Weng chuckles a bit nervously 'yeah .. he then perks up at the couple glad for the change of topic 'well good.. you both deserve happiness 'he smiles at them 'I heard you've known each other for a long time.. life long sweet hearts .. its quite romantic 'he beams

Shirley Douglas melts a bit at Fred and then blushes at Han "Yes it took us awhile but I think we've got it now." She laughs and takes her wine and passes Fred his.

Frederick.Sewid  almost laughs. "Few people use the word 'romantic' in regard to me, son." he rumbles. he takes his wine. "Over half a century of preparation, we'd better get it by now." he smirks and sips.

Han Weng looks over to the waitress.. 'oh thank you .. for doubling the order . can i trouble you to get me a glass of soda . the orders are to goo. 'he ads and turns back 'well you got it now so that all that counts right . to make the most of it now 'he smiles 'that what life is about 'he smiles  knowingly Han adds "And a lime soda. "

Shirley Douglas sips and then smiles "So you have your there a Mrs or a cohabitation? We're not stuck on tradition here..."

Frederick.Sewid  nods and drinks. "That's my plan. Whatever time I have left .. belongs to this woman."

Han Weng smiles 'there is Mrs and we are semi traditional .. well as normal as one can be 'he laughs 'he changes .. 'ou see my boy has two fathers.. me and the one that gave him his DNA so.. its me, my wife.. Wolf and wolf's partner ..  'he explains he but quickly add 'but not all under the same roof ' he laughs.

 Shirley Douglas leans over and kisses Fred on the cheek and says "And mine is yours..." Then she thinks as Han tries to explain and swirls her wine in the glass "Well that's all very...modern isn't it? Good for you....all of you..." She takes a big sip.

 Frederick.Sewid  arches his brow. "That sounds a bit too much for me. But I'm old." he winks and drains his wine. "Shall I walk you back to the Mayoral Palace m'lady?" his muddy brown eyes twinkling with mirth.

Han Weng nods 'more love for Hani 'he laughs 'more eyes to watch him .. cuz he is very .. ' he ponders the word 'spirited young man but this fair village is the best home he can have and it all just started as a vacation here that we never wanted to leave 'he say as his order it place before him Han smiles at the couple.

Shirley Douglas giggles at Fred "Careful what you say dear...I'm sure the tabloids have room for one more scandal about us before all is said and done." She smiles at Han "It does take a village as they say. I'm glad you settled here Han and I'm glad to meet you. Enjoy your food and your family time." She finishes her wine and leaves cash for Deidre, refusing change and bestowing a healthy tip on the grateful young barkeep "And to all a goodnight."

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